Can I flat iron my six months of new growth?


New Member
I've been wigging and bunning my hair for almost six months. I was natural and then relaxed a couple of years ago and now I'm relaxed and trying to figure out if I want to transition back to natural or relax in one more month. :spinning:

Anyway can I flat iron my new growth without upsetting my line of demarcation or whatever that's called?

I have heat protecting serum and I can flat iron on a relatively low setting but I just want to make sure it's safe first because I've never been relaxed w/ new growth this long before. I'm scared I'm going to look down and all my relaxed hair will be in my flat iron. :lol:

I think you should be ok. I flat ironed my hair 5 months post and ran the flat iron over my new growth maybe 2-3x and then once down the rest of my hair.