Can I flat iron after air drying in braids?


Well-Known Member
Please help me, I couldn't find any answers to this question using the search function.
I will be attending a formal function this weekend and wanted to flatiron my hair. I washed and Dc'd with steam on Tuesday, and air dried in braids, with minimal leave in. My question is this, can I flat iron my hair directly, or do you think I need to rewash and blow dry my hair before flat ironing. TIA.

ETA: I thought i'd be able to blow dry when my hair was like 70% dry.
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for ease of manipulation take each braid down... apply your heat protectant then lightly blow dry and flat iron.

If you feel your hair is detangled/ stretched enough you can flat iron directly... I just recommend using the comb chase method.
ajoke, sure you can. That's how I always stretched my hair before I discovered Curlformers. I've never blowdried my hair before flat-ironing. I would wash, airdry in braids, then spritz a narrow section of the airdried hair. Flat iron it to dry working on small sections at a time. Then repeat the flat ironing with serum applied to small sections.
I got my worst heat damage doing this a few years ago. I was trying to reduce heat by leaving out the blow dryer but would have been better off blow drying after my hair had air dried in braids.
Yes. I've done it before.

ETA: Rustic Beauty on Youtube does this. She airdries in twists. That's how I did mine. The maxiglide is also designed for this purpose. That's why it has the pins on the plate.