Can I Do This Again/Or Is It Time To Quit?


Well-Known Member
Hi Ladies!
As some of you may know I am dealing with many health issues. Thru the help of this forum I have grown my hair back after it fell out less than an inch twice. The first time it came back to shoulder length. Th second time a little longer than shoulder length. Now it's fallen out a third time. In the middle of my head I have a large patch of short tight curls and all around my head my hair is fine and soft.

Not sure if I am up to a journey again. But there is a saying. "The third time is a charm". Sigh.

Wishing you all well.

:bighug: I'm sorry you are at this stage again. All off my hair broke off last March from past SL to a twa :tantrum: Since it was short I went the wash and go method because I didn't have much choice. Now I'm just making sure my head looks done in some type of way. Not sure about the length journey as well.

Either way you choose will be the right way for you. We will support you no matter which way you choose.

Do you know why your hair is falling out? Is there any remedy?
Hi faithVA!

Thank you for your concern. My hair is falling out due to my rare incurable cancer. I have a ttwwa, of sorts. With 3 bald spots. I am trying hard not to just ignore my hair and slap a scarf on. My 2 physicians at MSKCC always say it will grow back. But it has never been this bad. No sure which way I will be going, but thank you for your support.

Be well.

Please do it again, @fletgee! Growing your hair is spiritual, it’s emotional, and an act of self-love— no matter the length. It's a revolutionary act as our hair defies physical limits. It's a statement. It's intimate. All the little tweaks and shifts that you choose to get that 1/2 inch of progress you've been waiting for all month.

I decided to join the board, after a month or so of lurking, because I wanted to start putting myself first. I had let my hair go because I thought maybe my "dream hair" was reserved for others— that it was unattainable. I had given up. I was just going through the motions. And I realized I was doing the same with my life. I had stop setting goals. I had stopped dreaming— even with my hair.

I don't know why you decided to join this board but what I do know is that if you've done it before you can do it again. Maybe this time, you'll never lose your hair again (and I DECLARE that for you). Maybe it's for you to believe it's possible again. In the very least, to take your mind of the stresses of life because NOTHING (well somethings) feels better than a hot oil massage on your head.

We are right here with you, for none of us knows what tomorrow will bring— when it comes to our hair or our lives. But the reward, my love, the reward of achieving the goal far outweighs any reservation.

It’s never about length, even with challenges and length checks—we are not our hair. We are not these bodies that are our vessels— but spiritual beings having a human experience. These journeys that become complied as our experience, whether it be a fitness journey or hair journey or anything else, is God’s way of expanding our capacity to believe we are able.

Be blessed!
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Hi Ladies!
As some of you may know I am dealing with many health issues. Thru the help of this forum I have grown my hair back after it fell out less than an inch twice. The first time it came back to shoulder length. Th second time a little longer than shoulder length. Now it's fallen out a third time. In the middle of my head I have a large patch of short tight curls and all around my head my hair is fine and soft.

Not sure if I am up to a journey again. But there is a saying. "The third time is a charm". Sigh.

Wishing you all well.

I am very sorry you are going through this and am praying for you. If working on growing your hair isn’t adding any stress to your life, I would say definitely do it. However, if it is adding any stress, I don’t think it’s worth it.
Hi Ladies,
Sorry for the late update. Lung problems popping up.

You have all made me ponder my options. And I appreciate your input. I am seriously considering a 6 month trial using natural hair products. Since my skin is super sensitive, I think this is the way to go. Plus it will help me focus on things besides my condition. Which can be overbearing. Me needs to focus on me! I am looking to start my journey on 3/3. Wish me luck.

And thank you all,
Hi Ladies,
Sorry for the late update. Lung problems popping up.

You have all made me ponder my options. And I appreciate your input. I am seriously considering a 6 month trial using natural hair products. Since my skin is super sensitive, I think this is the way to go. Plus it will help me focus on things besides my condition. Which can be overbearing. Me needs to focus on me! I am looking to start my journey on 3/3. Wish me luck.

And thank you all,

Be careful with this. Natural products can be just as irritating, if not more, than traditional products because they use raw/unrefined ingredients. It depends on what your skin is reacting to.

I'd start by patch testing what you have already, to see which products are the issue. Then read the ingredients of the products causing a reaction vs the ones that dont.

My sensitive skin reacts poorly to fragrance and some fruit extracts. But, not everytime. Formulation matters. Usually, I can get away with using shampoos with troublesome ingredients, but I absolutely avoid them in conditioners or any product that will be left in for longer than few minutes.

I hope this helps