can i add (straight) oil olive to my conditioner?


Well-Known Member
i'm out of almond oil,which is what i usually use. i don't have any evoo, but i do have regular olive oil. is it okay to use this? for reference, i am relaxed. i searched and found some threads about using it for skincare, which isn't what i need...

thanks in advance for your help and support.
Olive, Coconut & Avacado are all Penetrateable Oils.

Those three penetrate the Hair's Cuticle/Hair Shaft.

So, yeah, Olive would be an excellent choice.:yep:
thanks, everyone. it seemed like i could, but i just wasn't sure. thanks for your replies - i'm off to wash!
Hopefully you just add it in a separate container, just in case you don't like the mixture. You dont want to ruin the conditioner and olive oil at that.(just my cheap self talking)
I think you're okay until you get your almond oil...

There are actually four types of olive oil you need to know in food and cooking. Extra virgin olive oil is typically produced from the first pressing of olives—making it the most pure and least acidic (less than .8 percent), and the best tasting.

Virgin olive oil is, like EVOO, not blended with other oils, but has a higher acidity—up to 2 percent. It's perfect for garnshing this Crema di Pomodoro (that's fancy Italian for "tomato soup"--and it's awesome hot or cold).

Pure olive oil or olive oil is a blend of refined pomace oil and virgin olive oil. Pomace is produced by processing the leftovers of the virgin olive oil extraction. The blend (which usually contains as little as 5 to 10 percent virgin olive oil) is cheaper to produce.