Can henna be used on someone with light brown hair?


Well-Known Member
I'm ordering my henna stuff right now, but I wanted to order some for my cousin. She had brown hair, but it's on the sandy colored side. I'm ordering the henna and indigo for myself to do a half and half mixture. Can I use that on her hair as well or will it make it darker after a while? Should I get the neutral cassia instead? Will the results from cassia be as shiny and thickening?
the mixture will change the color of her hair. if your cousin doesn't want to change the color of her hair, order the cassia.
Do you guys wash and dry your hair prior to doing a henna treatment or do you just apply it to your dry hair? I was just wondering.
destiny616 said:
the mixture will change the color of her hair. if your cousin doesn't want to change the color of her hair, order the cassia.

I agree, Cassia will be the best option for her.
carolb21 said:
Do you guys wash and dry your hair prior to doing a henna treatment or do you just apply it to your dry hair? I was just wondering.

I've done it as a prepoo with dry hair, then the shampoo & Deep conditioner and/or after shampooing, I apply the henna and DC as usual.:)
Blackoutzangel05 said:
Which works better for you La Flaca, on dry hair or after your normal shampoo???

i'm not la flaca but i have done henna both ways and received the same results each time
cool...because I did it as a pre-poo before and had great results but read on that its suppose to be done on freshly washed hair so I wanted to know if there was a great difference.
Blackoutzangel05 said:
cool...because I did it as a pre-poo before and had great results but read on that its suppose to be done on freshly washed hair so I wanted to know if there was a great difference.

I've done it so many ways too, and love the variety and freedom of using henna. At first I thought I had to follow some precise method, or recipe or whatever, but after a year of doing this, I feel total independence and my hair has never looked better! I've used as follows:

1. henna pre-poo on dry hair, poo, DC
2. poo, henna, DC
3. henna on dry hair as CW, DC (no poo & henna serves as poo)
4. henna gloss (henna + condish), DC (no poo & henna gloss serves as poo)
Thanks guys for posting this. I always did it on dirty dry hair and my results were wonderful, but just wondered if i needed to wash first. It's so much easier to put it on, sit under a dryer and then wash it out...:D