Can Colourshines Change Your Hair Color?


Hey ladies...I was looking at Kitchen's new pics with Sebastian Colourshines (looks awesome!), and I got to thinking. I thought SC was a rinse, or at most, semi-permanent color. But all the ladies that I have seen who have used it appear to have pretty dramatic changes with it. Does it change the color of your hair? I'm curious now, and very tempted to get some. But I don't want to get it if it will give me the same results as Jazzing or Adore. Any answers are appreciated! TIA

It changed mine. Even when it fades, it only gets lighter red, not light brown (my nat. color)
I use Neutral Brown (which is pretty much the color of my natural hair). It gives lots of shine and covers my few grey strands.

I think some of the ladies that use a lighter color have hair that is not dark brown or have used a permanent color or have some type of highlights. I am not going to say that you can't achieve the same effects with Jazing or Adore because you can. I think sebastians just gives more shine than those brands. I used to use adore ad jazzing all the time in the various red families when my hair was highlighted. I got great results and it brightened it, but I think it was because of the light color of my hair. If I went out now and tried to put a lighter color on my now dark hair, I would NOT see the great results like Kitchen_tician.

Just my 2 cents

Here's a pic from a few years ago when I used jazzing. Don't ask me what color because I was always mixing up stuff. Hopefully you can see the color

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It cannot lighten your hair... it will give your hair a "tint"... like if your hair is dark brown it can give you a reddish tint...

If you have gray strands, or if your hair is very light (like for instance, if you have highlights that you want to cover or darken) then yes, it can "change" (darken or enhance) your haircolor... but it's not permanent; it washes out in time. ;)
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It changed my haircolor, my hair is almost black now. If your hair is lighter it can defintely change your haircolor, Crys, with your light brown hair if you get something darker I think it will change it. :)
ms_kenesha said:
It changed my haircolor, my hair is almost black now. If your hair is lighter it can defintely change your haircolor, Crys, with your light brown hair if you get something darker I think it will change it. :)

Ms_K is correct. If you want to go darker it will definitely do that. But trying to go lighter, will not always be successful if your hair is dark.

With the color of your hair though, Mocha, I am sure you could see results from some of the lighter colors.
Thanks ladies...I'm getting the urge to dye my hair again. I usually do highlights, but I want an all over color, but I'm still a little too timid to do permanent color. Maybe I'll try the sebastians to see what kind of results I get. At least they'll wash out. If not, I'll be highlighting again :)


You could always do your regular highlighting first, then apply the colourshines last. This will make the color you choose POP on the highlighted areas.
I wanted my hair darker so I tried the Black Orchid my hair is off black.
I loved the way it turned out but this color was very messy lots of blue stains everywhere.
I noticed my hair still had some blue after rinsing the color off is this normal I was not sure how much color to apply.
I paniced and wash my hair again today there is still some blue even when using my conditioner I am praying for no major breakage.
KAddy said:

I think some of the ladies that use a lighter color have hair that is not dark brown or have used a permanent color or have some type of highlights.

That's a good point. My hair turns very light in the summer, especially my edges. The hairline actually turns blondish, so that is probably why my hair holds the red so well.

Ironically, I used coffee bean one time, thinking that my red would be too shocking for a corporate job. It washed right out, but the reds, yellows don't want to budge...go figya :smirk: