Request Can Catholics Have A Sub-forum To Avoid Anti-catholic Posts And Proselytization?


se ven las caras pero nunca el corazón
We've requested it in the past and were denied. There is communication yet again that we, "whores of Babylon and pagans," should not be included in the "Christian" forum though one can't get more mainstream "Christian" than us in any of our forms, from Roman to Armenian to any of the Orthodox across the globe. Having to run into such posts is irritating and troubling. We do not presently have any space where we can serve our needs on discussion devoid of this in-ur-face anti-catholic communication.

What is even more troubling is that we all came to an understanding that we were not to be subjected to such. It's reared its ugly head again and no admin is addressing it. So, are we or are we not allowed a sub-forum; or, in the event this request is denied, are we allowed to continue to peacefully participate in the Christian Forum devoid of attack? Or, are we not to post anything pro-catholic as it is now not considered "Christian?"