Can Anyone Tell/Show Med Step by Step How To Attach a Perm Rod? LOL

I'm relying on braidouts this summer, as I see it's really a brilliant way of protecting my hair and evening up my curl pattern which is missing in many parts of my hair and easily disturbed in others except for the back which is very curly. I do 2 or 3 braids but I HATE the straight ends I'm dealing with so I bought some tiny perm rods, the blue or red and the yellow very thing because I dont want a big wave on the end. Anyway, I can't seem to figure them out. I had some years ago and it took me like a year to figure out that they opened :look:. Sad, I know. So how do u fasten them to the hair? I can't seem to tighten the cord on them lol. Anyone?
I'll try to describe this. It's very easy. Just roll the ends like a regular roller then take that cord and stretch it to the other end, plug it in the hole like a cork, lol. It should stay with no problem.
Thanks Pokahontas. Your hair is so long, my gosh!!! That sounds just like what I tried to do but it isn't tight for some reason. I don't think my ends are that thin or I hope they're not. I can make other rollers work but not these. Let me go and try again. I'm pathetic :lol:

Okay I MUST be doing something wrong because it's loose and my hair just unfurls :cry3:. I am going to get this sooner or later :look:....
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Hmm...that band should be really tight. I'm not sure what kind you have but they are meant to be used on very small sections of hair so im not sure why it won't hold. Maybe you're not rolling it up far enough?
Once you figure it out Shahla let me know.:nono: I can't put mine in tight either. They just hang loosely.
okay i felt like you a while ago. I rolled it up and put the band on. Then all of a sudden it starts falling back down and most of the hair isnt rolled up. Is that what you are having problems with? If so, i've fiigured it out. OK the easiest way to do it and the way I see professionals do it is to roll the hair under(towards you) then stretch the band closed on top(the opposite side that you are rolling). If you roll upward with the hair rolling away from you and pull the band closed in front of it then it will loosen up. I dont think Im explaining it well so Im going to show you a few youtube links.

These should help you out if you watch them. Pay close attention to which way they roll the hair and what side they pull the band over to close the roller.
okay i felt like you a while ago. I rolled it up and put the band on. Then all of a sudden it starts falling back down and most of the hair isnt rolled up. Is that what you are having problems with? If so, i've fiigured it out. OK the easiest way to do it and the way I see professionals do it is to roll the hair under(towards you) then stretch the band closed on top(the opposite side that you are rolling). If you roll upward with the hair rolling away from you and pull the band closed in front of it then it will loosen up. I dont think Im explaining it well so Im going to show you a few youtube links.

That's what I was going to say: stretch it over the back of the roll you created so it's closer to our scalp on the side opposite to the direction you were rolling. So say you're rolling the front section forward, once you get it to the scalp, pull the elastic behind the roll almost close to your scalp and it should stop it from unraveling or feeling loose.
Thanks for the vids Dani06. That should be helpful....

I can't roll it all the way to my scalp though because I'm using it just for my ends lol. I guess I'm not rolling high enough. I'm trying to secure them to the VERY ends. Is that not what I should be doing? :look: Should I be rolling part of the braid into it?