can anyone recommend a moisturizing watery leave in conditioner?


I’ve come to realize that since air-drying my hair, I cannot use a creamy leave in because it takes longer for my hair to dry. I roller set and air dried last night with 911 leave in for dry hair followed by olive oil. Some of the first sections I rolled were dry by the time I got to the last roller. Needless to say I was thrilled! :woot: Can anyone recommend a watery but moisturizing leave in?
Infusium 23 has a moisturizing version. I like it, but I've never used it alone to really gauge how moisturizing it actually is. You could also make your own watery leave in using your favorite creamy one. Last summer when I had braids and couldn't use a cream I took a dallop of the NTM silk touch leave in and a little Kemi Oyl, put them into a small spray bottle, then filled it with distilled water. It worked well.
ION and Motions both make a spray leave in condtioner, which is nice if you have to rewet the hair as you go.
Pantene light spray conditioner is really good one- it gives a soft- glossy look and feel.
I've found Razac Leave-In to be quite moisturizing. To add an extra dose of moisture, I add a little rosewater and glycerin to it. Always gives me great, soft results.
miracle said:
I've found Razac Leave-In to be quite moisturizing. To add an extra dose of moisture, I add a little rosewater and glycerin to it. Always gives me great, soft results.
What exactly is IN Razac leave in. I've heard good things about it but there are no ingrediens on the bottle, so I've been scared to use it.
Biolage Leave In Hair Tonic is a watery moisturizing leave in and it works great. It detangles exceptionally well too. I have this and sometimes alternate it with my creamy Nexxus Headress.
I use Africa's Best Organics Tea-Tree Shea Butter Moisturizer...whew! A mouth full. It is more watery than creamy. Moisturizes very well.

Also, I too, have created a watery mix using a dollop of VO5, Salerm 21, a little: Hot Six or Organics Carrot Oil and lots of water. This works much better for me when I want to dampen my hair some.


I use Infusium 23 Leave-In, which is available in a moisturizing formula. I have used this for like 9 years or never leaves my hair dry or crispy.
tryn2growmyhair said:
What exactly is IN Razac leave in. I've heard good things about it but there are no ingrediens on the bottle, so I've been scared to use it.

I use Razac diluted in water. I have a bottle with the ingredients listed. I can't remember exactly, but from what I remember there is distilled water, a couple of silicones and some moisturizing agents. But, nothing out of the ordinary. I'll edit with the exact ingredients when I get home.
Jewell said:
I use Infusium 23 Leave-In, which is available in a moisturizing formula. I have used this for like 9 years or never leaves my hair dry or crispy.
I agree this works for me too.
Hi everyone... Im newbie... well, let's say I've been lurking on the board for quite a while without never taking part in the discussion. I really admire the work y'll do on your hair and he way you managed to bring out the best in your hair, in your own way. Hope one day I'll help you as mush as you've helped me since I found this board.
Kitchen Tician's really hair amazed me. IMO it's just Beautiful... Obviously, when she started raving about a leave-in con, I literally rushed to go n get it.. IC Fantasia leave-in moisturizer with Aloe. That's a great product. Got a nice scent to it, leaves hair soft, like refreshed, shiny. Perfect for easy combing, works well with Coconut oil for sleek buns. I also found it to be a color enhancer (natural or not) and prevents from shedding. It also contains sunscreen so great to use with a serum for blowdrying.
Just thought I'd show up to share my experience.
I believe the leave-in I used was called Parneavu. It's really watery. As a matter of fact, the first ingredient is water.

Edited to Add~Infusium 23 mixed w/distilled water, rose water or glycerine
Dark N Lovley corrective Leave-In
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blakalycious said:
Hi everyone... Im newbie... well, let's say I've been lurking on the board for quite a while without never taking part in the discussion. I really admire the work y'll do on your hair and he way you managed to bring out the best in your hair, in your own way. Hope one day I'll help you as mush as you've helped me since I found this board.
Kitchen Tician's really hair amazed me. IMO it's just Beautiful... Obviously, when she started raving about a leave-in con, I literally rushed to go n get it.. IC Fantasia leave-in moisturizer with Aloe. That's a great product. Got a nice scent to it, leaves hair soft, like refreshed, shiny. Perfect for easy combing, works well with Coconut oil for sleek buns. I also found it to be a color enhancer (natural or not) and prevents from shedding. It also contains sunscreen so great to use with a serum for blowdrying.
Just thought I'd show up to share my experience.
Welcome! Now you have me wanting to try this stuff after I run out of the current leave-in I have! :grin: