Can Anyone Give Me An Idea Of What Might Be Wrong With My Hair? ( Pics)


Well-Known Member
So I once again sat down and compered pictures of my hair 3 years ago to my hair today. The pictures show me at approximately the same length / range that I was 3 years ago today. While this year I have accomplished hair that is defiantly thicker , stronger and I practically no breakage at all. I am still the same as I was 3 years ago. I dont know what I am doing wrong. This year I kept my hair up and plated underneath scarves and caps for six months straight and still no real growth. Aside from some minor splits and the ssk that are common to every natural my hair had no real issues. I shampoo weekly and deep condition weekly braid my hair and hide it underneath a scarfs/ hats. I only use heat 1-2 times a year. I finger detangle the majority of the time but use a BASS brush for the final detangling. I really have no idea what I could be doing wrong. Aside from growing my hair has no real issues with dryness or breakage or shedding which I really dont have.

I dont know if it matters but my hair is two different textures and thickness. In the front is 3c thick strands that tend to be harder to moisturize and in the back is 3b that is very easy to detangle and moisturize. I have always had a natural mullet and the back has always grown much faster than the front. I trim regularly. I was also just diagnosed with hypothyroidism and low Ferritin ( iron deficiency) and too low cholesterol. Am I an example of terminal length or exteremly slow growth rate?


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You have a beautiful head of hair and I am not sure but maybe genetics does play a part and this is the longest that it is going to get. Maybe once your medical issues are addressed your hair will start to grow again. I know that thyroid issues can definitely interfere with hair growth. You seem to be doing everything right and are not having any other significant hair issues. I say, just don't stress about it and enjoy your beautiful hair. If it is meant to be longer, it will be longer. Patience and continued good hair practices will ultimately determine the outcome. Until then, enjoy and happy hair growing.
You have a beautiful head of hair and I am not sure but maybe genetics does play a part and this is the longest that it is going to get. Maybe once your medical issues are addressed your hair will start to grow again. I know that thyroid issues can definitely interfere with hair growth. You seem to be doing everything right and are not having any other significant hair issues. I say, just don't stress about it and enjoy your beautiful hair. If it is meant to be longer, it will be longer. Patience and continued good hair practices will ultimately determine the outcome. Until then, enjoy and happy hair growing.

Yeah, I am thinking that I am just going to have to be okay with my hair where it is at for now. I feel like I do everything right and have little to no difficulty that should be hindering me for so long like this. I go through periods where my hair could be more moisturized or need protein but they are quickly rectified. My goal was hip length but I think I gonna give up on that and just be happy with healthy hair. Maybe once I have no thyroid issues and get my iron at optimal levels I will see some progress. Who knows...
Can you reach out to this trichologist?

She discussed hypothyroidism and low ferritin levels in her last periscope. I'm not sure if she has a feed with old scopes. She discussed treating it from the inside out, so you'll need to address any deficiencies holistically. I'll try to find her e-mail address. She's really nice and helpful!

Found it [email protected].

You have a beautiful head of hair!

IIRC, she mentioned hypothyroidism being an hormone imbalance and that she'd tell you what to say to the endocrinologist to get your hair needs met, so they don't think you're being vain etc.
In addition, to your health needs.

Also, she had supplement recommedations.
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I had a YT friend that hair would not grow past her shoulders. I agree with @deborah11... It's probably genetics. When you cut your hair, does it grow right back to the same length?... If so, then there's nothing wrong....
I have HT and I've always had anemia. Well, borderline anemia.

I complained to my doctors years ago about my hair. Before my hormones were balancedC I had thinning, breaking hair. Within the first year of the HT being addressed, I noticed increased thickness and less thinning. No texture changes that I can think of. With the changes in hormone came the changes in growth rate, but once balanced, that's pretty normal. So I understand that concern.

In terms of iron, I never noticed a difference in hair, but I've never really looked for one either. Because my iron levels fluctuate between not anemic and barely anemic, I've never really paid attention to the difference.

I don't think worrying about your hair is a concern for vanity because there are medical issues associated with hair that indicate there may be a problem in the first place. Just address is. There may be the issue with terminal growth as well, but I would address the medical problems first before concluding terminal growth.
I agree with the advice you've been given above to address the medical issues first. HT and the iron issues could definitely being playing a role. I am anemic and also have a Vitamin D deficit. Have your vitamin D level checked as well if you have not already done so. I noticed a big change in my hair once I started on a vitamin D3 supplement. Hormone imbalances can definitely stall growth, retention and thickness especially if they have been off for awhile. The good news is that all your healthy hair practices seem to be paying off because you haven't loss ground in 3 years (I actually see a difference in the length of your hair in the last 2 pictures as it looks a little longer to me). My hair thinned considerably before I started to take supplements to balance my hormones, I also stopped using heat. Your hair is gorgeous and I pray you find answers to the health issues and either reach your hair goal or find peace and contentment with where you are!
You all are so kind for taking the time to respond. Hearing from other members who were diagnosed with HT gives me hope. I have been anemic my entire life. Before being diagnosed with hypohyroidism I was diagnosed with vitamin d deffency. I kept going back to my doctor for the past 5 years and he kept telling me there was nothing wrong even though I had all the symptoms of hypothyroidism. I finally ponied up the cash and got a 2nd opinion and was diagnosed with a host of mineral deficiency, adrenal fatigue, and hypothyroidism. My old Doctor never diagnosed me because I was in "range" but barely so. And even then those thyroid t3, t4 and tsh levels were not optimal for me. I am seeing a holistic doctor but it is expensive because my insurance does not cover her or the frequent blood testing.I'm making progress in my health so I guess that's most important. Hopefully my hair will follow. Thank you all so much!
To echo other responses, it could likely be health related. I have health challenges - various ones - and I know it hinders my hair growth more than anything.

Regarding your thyroid range, being "in range", especially on the border could be low for YOU. Thankfully holistic and natropathic doctors look at the whole person, not a number chart. Good luck!
Your hair looks like it's grown to me too. It may be easier to track if you use the same shirt and angle for each photo.

Also, the first photo is dated 10.15.14 and that's definitely not three years ago, it's actually about 1.5 years ago. Your hair has grown a lot within that time, especially given that you've trimmed! Don't beat yourself up too much.

I noticed that my hair would thicken and then lengthen in cycles. So at times I'd see thicker hair but not necessarily length and then at other times, I'd see longer hair. Other ladies have reported similar trends. Maybe that's what your hair is doing. Either way, your hair looks thick and healthy to me.

Of course, it wouldn't hurt to stabilize any heath issues you may be suffering with. I hope that all goes well. HHG! :)
First you have beautiful hair. As for the health issues you are currently dealing with, I have similar issues, and have had to change my diet a bit which has helped with energy throughout the day both hair growth has pretty much been the same.

You did mention you trim regularly. How much do you normally trim and how often? I have found that if my hair is healthy and I don't have weak ends or a lot of ssk, there is no need to trim often. I stopped trim and took more of a search and destroy method which has helped my hair continue growing to WL. I did get layers done with an overly zealous hairstylist (this is why I do my own cuts now) who took 3 inches off my longest length in January. But not trimming much after that helped it to get to my next goal of WL. Aside from health issues, I say if you are trimming and it's the same length, it means it is in fact growing. Hope you make your goals and keep listening to your body