Question Can all the MJ family threads in ET

I think the general population wants to discuss this too. The MJ forum is a bit much for most. When the situation blows over, ET will move on to the next scandal... There's already 3-4 threads on Kristen Stewart cheating stuff.
I think the general population wants to discuss this too. The MJ forum is a bit much for most. When the situation blows over, ET will move on to the next scandal... There's already 3-4 threads on Kristen Stewart cheating stuff.

If people can stomach a thousand threads about the Kardashians in ET all day every day I think they can survive a few threads about the Jacksons for a few days.
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I don't understand why this is an issue. There are always multiple threads when a scandal erupts. Why single out those related to the Jacksons? There are multiple Beyonce threads, Kardashian threads, Chris Brown and his girlfriend threads, every reality show under the sun threads, why not take issue with those?
I can and I still want them in the MJ forum where they belong. Couldn't you have not clicked this :yep:

ok, so it has to be moved, because you said so? yeah . . .. that makes sense (controlling much?) . . . and I clicked on this one, because i don't mind participating in it. If the MJ threads bother you so much, scroll down and read something else :nono:
whats the point of a MJ forum if no one post MJ stuff in there? Its like posting nail threads in Off Topic. If there is a place for it, then it should go there.

BTW I don't mind either way, but if we have a forum it should be used...
They should stay in the ET forum. These threads are MJ related, but not MJ specific. They are current ET news.
I didn't think Whitney Houston needed a forum or Beyonce when she announced she was pregnant. It fades after a little while. Besides, I never go to the MJ Forum so I would have missed out on this information.
They should stay in the ET forum. These threads are MJ related, but not MJ specific. They are current ET news.

Exactly! They're related to Michael Jackson's family. So if we discuss any Jackson member does it have to be in the MJ forum????
i don't understand why folks can't just NOT click on the threads SMH

I don't click on any of the reality show links because I don't watch them. I don't kick on links of celebs I don't know, unless I get curious. I guess I have a natural built in filter.

Me no likey, me no clicky. :)
Exactly! They're related to Michael Jackson's family. So if we discuss any Jackson member does it have to be in the MJ forum????

Why single out those related to the Jacksons? why not take issue with those?

The simple answer is because those fall under the umbrella of ET and do not have subforums related to their subject matter.

Janet on a yacht with her bf ET forum

Janet snatching Paris' phone MJ subforum

ok, so it has to be moved, because you said so? yeah . . .. that makes sense (controlling much?) . . . and I clicked on this one, because i don't mind participating in it. If the MJ threads bother you so much, scroll down and read something else :nono:

Maybe I was doing to much multitasking whilst posting. Can you point to where I said that they had to be moved? I made a request thus my use of the word CAN. Thou doth protest a bit much. It seems that I have more power than I know to the point of moving people so greatly that they resort to name calling. I am a member with the rights and responsibilities all members share. If I had the power & control to move the threads I would have waved my magic mouse and clicked them to their proper home. :fairy:

It seems that those in opposition of my request are operating under the assumption that I am somehow vexed by the threads. Quite the contrary. I click on just about each and every one of them and I click the links to other sites contained therein. I am not offended in the least by them, in fact I am quite interested in how this saga unfolds, and I don't think it will be a day or two. Too many dollars and people are involved for that.

There is a place for them I feel as if that place is the MJ forum. If you think it is ET that is your right.

:mob: lay down thine torches for there is no fight here
The simple answer is because those fall under the umbrella of ET and do not have subforums related to their subject matter.

Janet on a yacht with her bf ET forum

Janet snatching Paris' phone MJ subforum

Maybe I was doing to much multitasking whilst posting. Can you point to where I said that they had to be moved? I made a request thus my use of the word CAN. Thou doth protest a bit much. It seems that I have more power than I know to the point of moving people so greatly that they resort to name calling. I am a member with the rights and responsibilities all members share. If I had the power & control to move the threads I would have waved my magic mouse and clicked them to their proper home. :fairy:

It seems that those in opposition of my request are operating under the assumption that I am somehow vexed by the threads. Quite the contrary. I click on just about each and every one of them and I click the links to other sites contained therein. I am not offended in the least by them, in fact I am quite interested in how this saga unfolds, and I don't think it will be a day or two. Too many dollars and people are involved for that.

There is a place for them I feel as if that place is the MJ forum. If you think it is ET that is your right.

:mob: lay down thine torches for there is no fight here

nothing to do with power or protesting. . . . it's just highly annoying that every two seconds someone starts crying and asking for a separate forum for whatever topi they find annoying at the moment. I guess it's too much to just scroll over it and ignore it. Oh well . . . :yawn:
How are you in your words "highly annoyed" when the forum already exists. :huh:

Once again reading is fundamental I never cried or said I was annoyed by them I said I was interested in them guess you didn't read that part :look: indeed

:wave: GIRL BYE
How are you in your words "highly annoyed" when the forum already exists. :huh:

Once again reading is fundamental I never cried or said I was annoyed by them I said I was interested in them guess you didn't read that part :look: indeed

:wave: GIRL BYE

ok, you're cool:rolleyes::yawn::look:
As an avid MJ fan, I will agree with a previous poster that the MJ forum can be a bit much for people who aren't that into MJ. Not a whole lot of people go in there, compared to other forums. The MJ forum is specifically for Michael Jackson, and not so much all the Jackson family. The Jacksons will be mentioned in the Entertainment forum from time to time. We won't be able to move all mention of them into the MJ forum. I just went into the Entertainment forum and didn't see an overwhelming amount of threads about them on the first page. They will eventually all move to the back of that forum once the subject has been exhausted.

With that said, however, if there is a thread or threads that you really feel should be moved, post the links for me, and I'll have a look at them. If they're still going, I'll move them. Just keep in mind that there will be those that want to talk about the family drama a little, but would rather not go into the MJ forum to do so. :)