
Well-Known Member
Hi everyone,

just wanted to give everyone a hair update and to seek some support. i am a little shy of my 7th month relaxer free (RF) anniversary. everyone knows from my previous posts last year, i had tones of problems with relaxers so i decided to give my hair a rest. i have about 3-4 inches of new , thick growth. my new growth is very wavy and i love the texture and feel. i am gradually cutting off the relaxed ends and the longest parts of my hair are currently 10 to 10.5 inches.

my hair is now becoming more challenging because the new growth is so thick. for the past 7 months, i have basically washed and air dryed my hair and put it up. the last 3 months, i have done the same, only i used a fake ponytail to prevent more wear and tear on my hair.

i have found the last month that my hair is starting to tangle and mat more when i wash it weekly and i really don't like to wash it as much because i hate the detangling process. does anyone have any suggestions that can help me with this dilema. when i wash my hair, i divide it into 3 sections and wash and condition each section separately but still have the tangles. for the first time this week, i begin to think maybe i should relax again. i really DON'T want another relaxer and i don't see braids as an option for me. i am committed to transitioning for at least 1 year be4 making a final decision about whether to remain natural or to return to relaxing. I don't want to cut off all my hair just yet because not enough new growth. What's a girl to do? i was thinking that maybe i should blowdry my hair after washing now to bevent tangles and matting, what do u think. your responses appreciated. thanks . deborah
I've been using Loreal Vive frizz serum as a detangler. I've also used John Frieda's relax serum as well. My roots are awfully thick as I haven't had a touch up on 10 weeks.
Hi Deb

As you know I've been following your progress and I'M SO PROUD OF YOU!!!

Anyway in the book "Let's talk Hair" by Pamela Ferrel - she suggest blowing drying and/or braiding as a means to make the hair more manageable. Not braiding to wear in a style, braiding to make pliable.

I do this sometimes after putting in my leave ins and letting my hair airdry a little so that my braids aren't still wet in the morning - maybe a little damp. Gives you a nice textured look. Then I unbraid and pin-up. It will also help eliminate the heat useage. I have also blowed dried my new growth - my only concern with doing this to much is that it may dry your hair out. But periodically it shouldn't hurt. Also go back and do a search under Brighteyes, I believed she transitioned with a press and curl. Her hair is beautiful and Leejure presses periodically - her regimen is simple and she has a beautiful head of hair too.

I'm sure the natural heads will give you some excellent ideas.

Best to you girl.
Hi, Deborah

I had the same problem. Make sure that you do not tangle the hair yourself by massaging the hair in a circular pattern. I finally noticed that my stylist never rubbed my hair while shampooing. She just sort of squeezed the shampoo in where necessary. Also, make sure you using the widest-tooth comb you can find and comb your hard at the ends first, working your way up to the root.
conditioner washes rock!

you need a good conditioner to help with the slippage.

also, whenever you want to manipulate your hair, get it damp and keep it damp until you are finished with it.

deep treat, deep treat deep treat!

I'm glad that you at least are in love with the texture of your hair so that you can give yourself a chance to be natural.


conditioner washes rock!

[/ QUOTE ]

I agree 100%!
If you don't like conditioner washes, make sure your shampoo isn't too harsh. For years I used shampoos that were drying my hair out and making it tangly and hard to comb. So-called professionals told me I just needed a better conditioner.
Search this board for gentle shampoos, sulfate free shampoos, etc. You may also want to try diluting your regular shampoo with distilled water.
Washing my hair in the shower has been awfully helpful. I got that advice on this site. It makes sense not to wash your hair while bending over a sink. You spend hours trying to comb your hair back afterward.
I'm transitioning, too. Got my last relaxer in early December.

Recently, since my new growth is making my rollersets look WHACK
I've been doing braid-outs. My hair looks so cute and the new growth blends seamlessly with the relaxed hair this way.

I've been washing WITH WATERED DOWN shampoo, conditioning, then applying Wild Growth Oil to my damp ends. Then, section my hair off and apply a generous amount of Hollywood Beauty Olive Oil Cream to my hair from roots to end, comb thru with a fine tooth comb (for smoothness) and braid. I roll the ends with end paper and a perm rod. I make about 8-10 braids total.

I then either airdry (my hair takes like a day and a half to dry fully when braided!) or if I don't have time I partly airdry, then use my bonnet dryer to dry fully.

My hair ends up looking very shiny and healthy. At night for maintenance, I gently comb out my hair WITH A VERY LARGE TOOTH COMB, apply more HB Olive Oil Cream to each section and rebraid. I only apply the cream every OTHER night or sometimes I use a little jojoba oil instead as the HB Cream tends to turn white and build up if you use too much on dry hair.

This style can easily last a week. It's one of the easiest styles I've found for transitioning so far. I've also noticed that my new growth tangles less and that the cream really loosens up your new growth.

thanks everyone for your replies! i am gonna try a hennulucent treatment today , followed by condiitioning wash and a moisturizing treatment. will let u know how it goes. thanks again. deborah
Washing my hair in the shower has been awfully helpful. I got that advice on this site. It makes sense not to wash your hair while bending over a sink. You spend hours trying to comb your hair back afterward.

[/ QUOTE ]

I was worried about this when I started shampooing with bottled water, I part my hair down the middle and comb it to the sides towards my face before I start shampooing. This has helped alot. Of course I'm not as long as some ladies so when I reach bra strap...this may not be an option...