CALLING ON Transitioners - Do you cut on WET or DRY hair???


New Member
I went to see my natural hair stylist and she said that I need to get rid of an inch of hair and I am so ok with that. However this sistah is becoming her own stylist.


1. Because of shrinkage (due to NG) is it possible to even get an even cut?

2. Should I cut wet or dry and why?

3. Which way was most successful for you as transitioner? Any tips or suggestions?


I cut my hair dry after a flat iron. I am not that good to cut my hair wet with all the new growth that I have.
I have my stylist cut my hair dry. I deep condition, flat iron, then go in for a trim. He trims by taking the tiniest layers of hair imaginable, kind of like a professional search and destroy or dusting. He's all about keeping the length and refuses to take off more than is absolutely needed. Its also easier (in my case) to see any splits or SSKs that need to be removed. I just got a trim the other day (and some bangs cut) and it looks awesome.

I'm scared to have it cut wet (by myself or anyone else.) I used to give myself my own trims when I was relaxed on wet hair and they would come out fine. I did it once about a year into my transition and vowed never again lol. In my experience, I feel like due to shrinkage, etc, the amount of hair being taken off/shape being cut can be deceiving when done on wet hair. But I think these factors also depend on whether you typically wear your hair natural or straightened. For example, if I typically wore braid outs or my natural texture on a consistent basis, I wouldn't be so worried about the shape or evenness of the cut. hth :)
I think you should flatiron and then cut if you are looking for an even trim. If the new growth isn't straightened, then the shape may not be right the next time you straighten. But if you dont wear your hair straight often, then it doesn't matter. In May, I trimmed about 3 inches from an old braidout. When I blowdried my hair, I could see how uneven it was but it didn't matter because I never wear my hair straightened. But when I start straightening this Winter I'm sure my stylist will have to correct the uneveness.
When I transitioned, I was in braids and I'd snip off a little at a time. I'd do it on dry hair. I'd just start redoing the braids, working on one at a time (undoing, snipping, rebraiding) before moving to the next one, till I'd redone and trimmed all. My hair was stretched from being in braids. I'd snip off the same amount from each braid section till all had been trimmed.