Calling January Noir & Kinikakes - first time henna; thanks!


Well-Known Member
Hi, ladies!

Just wanted to give you a shout out since I hennaed for the first time, and you were instrumental in my experience!

January Noir, thanks for encouraging me to henna and not be scurred, because per a previous post, you know I was! :grin:

Kinikakes, I have checked out your Fotki because of your beautiful 4a/b hair, and used your henna recipe almost exactly; I had to alter a little bit because my hair is not as long as yours. OT - I noticed in another thread that you referred to SO1913 as a soror, so to you and other sorors, hello and oo-oop! :grin:

Here is the recipe I used:

100 mg of powder (75% Jamila brand henna, and 25% Hesh Amla powder); I probably should have used closer to 200 mg and more henna, but I'll try next time.
1 1/2 T Dabur Amla oil
3 T honey
3 T extra virgin organic coconut oil
big squirt of Mane & Tail conditioner
abour 2 oz of water
*I didn't use any terps since I didn't want the dye to release

My hair felt really good after rinsing out the henna; I shampooed a few times, and DC'd afterwards. After I dried my hair, it felt a little dry, but after normal use of my oils and moisturizers, I can feel how much stronger my hair feels; it has also darkened in the last two days.

All in all, it was a great experience, and I will do it again since the results are supposed to be better and better. It was not too messy; I think if you get the paste to a good consistency (not too runny) it is not bad. I had a few globs go down the back of my shirt, and one glob to hit the floor, but overall, not bad at all.

My questions are (for all who henna): How often can/should I henna? How many shampoos should I do after I rinse out the henna?

Thanks again, ladies!
tricie said:
Hi, ladies!

Just wanted to give you a shout out since I hennaed for the first time, and you were instrumental in my experience!

January Noir, thanks for encouraging me to henna and not be scurred, because per a previous post, you know I was! :grin:

Kinikakes, I have checked out your Fotki because of your beautiful 4a/b hair, and used your henna recipe almost exactly; I had to alter a little bit because my hair is not as long as yours. OT - I noticed in another thread that you referred to SO1913 as a soror, so to you and other sorors, hello and oo-oop! :grin:

Here is the recipe I used:

100 mg of powder (75% Jamila brand henna, and 25% Hesh Amla powder); I probably should have used closer to 200 mg and more henna, but I'll try next time.
1 1/2 T Dabur Amla oil
3 T honey
3 T extra virgin organic coconut oil
big squirt of Mane & Tail conditioner
abour 2 oz of water
*I didn't use any terps since I didn't want the dye to release

My hair felt really good after rinsing out the henna; I shampooed a few times, and DC'd afterwards. After I dried my hair, it felt a little dry, but after normal use of my oils and moisturizers, I can feel how much stronger my hair feels; it has also darkened in the last two days.

All in all, it was a great experience, and I will do it again since the results are supposed to be better and better. It was not too messy; I think if you get the paste to a good consistency (not too runny) it is not bad. I had a few globs go down the back of my shirt, and one glob to hit the floor, but overall, not bad at all.

My questions are (for all who henna): How often can/should I henna? How many shampoos should I do after I rinse out the henna?

Thanks again, ladies!

CONGRATULATIONS Tricie and welcome to HENNA HEAD WORLD! :clapping:
To combat dryness, rinse out your henna/amla/cassia treatments with a cheapie conditioner (I use VO5 Champagne Kissess or Dove Moisturizing Conditioner). After that, you will only need to shampoo once - then do your deep conditioner.

Some people do a henna treatment once a month or even 2x a month. Since henna is natural and does not harm the hair, they say you can do it as much as you want to. I have started using Cassia as a conditioner 'cause I don't need the color and plan to henna/indigo once every 5-6 weeks, alternating with Cassia or Amla every other week.

The more you do it, the easier and neater the process becomes! I'm proud of you GIRL!
I'm glad you had a good experience. I love henna as well and just finished another treatment. If you ever find that your hair feels not as slippery or moist after you rinse your henna, try applying one of the following for a few minutes - Neutragena Triple Moisture conditioner or, Elasta QP DPR11. Both of these give my hair superior slip and I use them as part of my final rinse when I'm done with henna. I usually shampoo my hair first and then apply my henna concoction to my towel dried hair.

Good luck going forward.
Thanks, ladies! :D

I will certainly include rinsing with conditioner; I will likely just use the same Mane & Tail that I used in the henna-concoction. When I can remember to get my camera, I will take a picture of my hair, it seems glossier! :lol:

Bumping so Kini will see this thread! :)
tricie said:
Thanks, ladies! :D

I will certainly include rinsing with conditioner; I will likely just use the same Mane & Tail that I used in the henna-concoction. When I can remember to get my camera, I will take a picture of my hair, it seems glossier! :lol:

Bumping so Kini will see this thread! :)

Can't wait to see that BLING Lady! :Flahsssss Good job!

Bumping for KINIKAKES! :phone:
Hey there, Ms. J Noir! :wave:

Hope all is well with you, too, I may do that, thanks!

OT - I may have to bust out with the s-curl moisturizer; (you know I bought it); the roots are kickin' up a little bit! The henna shine is just ridiculous! :grin:

Did you get the Boundless Tresses yet? The PJ in me is eyeing that stuff for real! :lol:
Hi ladies!!!! I am just now seeing this thread!!! How the heck did i miss this??!!! :lol:

Firstly, congrats on your first Henna!!!! :grin: Isnt it exciting??!!! I actually have Henna in my hair now as we speak..... only this time i am going for COLOR RELEASE!!!! *Yikes* Lets see how that goes!!!:cool:

Soror, Im so happy to hear that it was not a messy experience for you. I have gotten "better", i will say that..... because the first couple of times I Henna'ed, i had clumps of Henna everywhere... on the floor, behind my little basket of pads on the floor, on my nice rugs, the walls. :( I was so paranoid to have guests at my house..... I was afraid they'd find a dried out piece of that dark brown/greenish henna that had inadvertently fallen somewhere in the bathroom and, umm, well lets just say i didnt think any explanation i offered would have sufficed. :lachen: But you are absolutely RIGHT when you say that if you get the consistency of the Henna right, you will have less messiness.

Well lets see..... in terms of how often, I personally Henna about once per week..... and, quite honestly, i need to shampoo about two good times to get all that Henna out!!! I skip the Henna the week I intend to use the Aphogee, of course.

I agree w/you!!! Although my hair was a bit dry initially, i just made certain to DC for an extra 15 min. or so, and i DEFINITELY noticed a difference in how my hair felt/looked right away. With my hair being naturally fine/thin, i am always seeking ways to thicken/strengthen it, and Henna is IT.

Glad you tried the Henna and, more importantly, glad you LOVED IT!!! And of course, Im sooo happy that my FOkti could be of help to you in anyway!!! Tons of folks helped me and looked out for me when i was ready to try Henna, so im glad to be able to Pay it Forward, lol. I just know that i was so nervous at first..... it all seemed like "too much drama" initially.... but now that ive done it, im in LUBS!!! :D And its a keeper for me. i think........

Im excited to see how the color comes out, now that Ive decided to hop on the Color Bandwagon. :lol: I will post pics for sure!!!!! :grin:
And I see that you used the Amla Powder instead of the oil...... i was thinking about ordering the powder when my oil runs out, because ive heard some really positive things about it! Many folks on the board seem to prefer the powder over the oil....... i'll prolly look at the difference in price and go from there! :p
january noir said:
To combat dryness, rinse out your henna/amla/cassia treatments with a cheapie conditioner (I use VO5 Champagne Kissess or Dove Moisturizing Conditioner). After that, you will only need to shampoo once - then do your deep conditioner.

This is a really great idea!!!

I sometimes con-wash to get the Henna out, but only on the days when I know im going to the salon later that evening (for a regular wash). If Im doing my own hair at home, i just shampoo regularly, to make sure i get it all out.
tricie said:
Did you get the Boundless Tresses yet? The PJ in me is eyeing that stuff for real! :lol:

You and me both!!!! :lol: If it werent for the self-imposed No New Products Challenge Im on..... I would be all over that!!!!! I think im gonna cheat a lil and treat myself to it though, in about a month. :grin: I am hearing entirely too many great things about this Boundless Tresses, and i feel like im missing out on something phenomenal!!!
Hi, Kini! :wave:

I knew you would see this eventually! And no problem, there are so many threads started on this forum that the new ones cover up the old one real, real quick! :grin:

Yes, it was exciting; the sheen is incredible, and I can't wait to do it again! I hope I get the mixture the right consistency again! I hear you; I found one clump on my cabinets after I was done, and was like, ohhh, that's what they were talking about! :D

I just bought some of the ApHogee Keratin Reconstructor (the new style bottle), and submitted a thread about it; I will likely use it after a relaxer only; is this when you use it??

That is too funny that you have henna on your hair right now! I'll bet the color is going to be fabulous; I was actually thinking of letting mine sit for a minute next time, but I don't want to be too red! :lol: Yeah, I think I read about a million henna threads, and went to a thousand times before I purchased the Jamila; I may try just the Jamila alone next time to see what happens. I think the Amla powder (Hesh) that I bought is specifically for darkening.

Let us see those pics once you get the "color" henna; I know that your hair is an inspiration to me and many others out there! :kiss:
tricie said:
Hey there, Ms. J Noir! :wave:

Hope all is well with you, too, I may do that, thanks!

OT - I may have to bust out with the s-curl moisturizer; (you know I bought it); the roots are kickin' up a little bit! The henna shine is just ridiculous! :grin:

Did you get the Boundless Tresses yet? The PJ in me is eyeing that stuff for real! :lol:

Hey Babes! - How'd you know? I ordered the Boundless Tresses today!(even though I am in the PJ Challenge - Just use it up!)

Ya know... when the roots are "acting up" it means your hair is growing! AMEN!
KiniKakes said:
Hi ladies!!!! I am just now seeing this thread!!! How the heck did i miss this??!!! :lol:

There you are KiniKakes! We were starting to worry 'bout cha!

You AND your hair are an inspiration to Tricie and me!

Please, y'all pray for this breakage I acquired in the middle of my crown (looking like Alfalfa's cowlick inthe Little Rascals) DANG!:mad:

Here's to henna, hair health and length!:)
:lol: :lol: ROFL, January Noir:rofl:!!!

I guess a PJ just knows another PJ! And yes, Kini, I feel like I am missing out, too! I say, go ahead and cheat! You can be faithful after you get it! :D

I may have to just get over myself and get it, too! I'm not in the PJ challenge, because I know I won't make it! Maybe next year, depending on my progress!

Yes, that is good to see the roots acting up, but I don't want to look too crazy! :lol: I am thinking of getting cornrows next week so I won't have to see the ng! My stuff gets hectic at week 6 (and I am only at 4 come Sunday), and I am gonna try to make it at least 8 weeks!

You ladies are the BOMB!
Just saw your previous post, J Noir; so sorry to hear about the breakage! :ohwell:

I have a little around my left side from wrapping with the comb and brush; I have since stopped and just done it with my fingers, which is another reason I want to get cornrows; I just want to leave it alone!

All that and also here's to the breakage stopping, and to hair growing out of control!

...and to Boundless Tresses working its magic! :D
tricie said:
Just saw your previous post, J Noir; so sorry to hear about the breakage! :ohwell:

I have a little around my left side from wrapping with the comb and brush; I have since stopped and just done it with my fingers, which is another reason I want to get cornrows; I just want to leave it alone!

All that and also here's to the breakage stopping, and to hair growing out of control!

...and to Boundless Tresses working its magic! :D

Mazol Tov! (sound of glasses clinking) I will let you know when I get it, when I start to use it and what the results are!
Very cool! I can't wait to hear! You know I may buy it at some point before you get a chance to even post results; I'll let you know! :lol: