Calling Henna Mixoligists


Well-Known Member
I'm going to whip up my very first henna blend! I'm so excited. Thank you JLove!! :love:

I'm going to do half indigo, half henna, (I was going to add alma powder but the powder at Indian store today expired in 2002!) I'll a little apple cider vineger. I have some rose water, and I was thinking of adding a little alma oil in to help add moisture. Or even coconut oil. I don't think any of it will hurt.

I am going to mix it up and let it sit (out or in the fridge??) for 12 hours right then I will do my strand test.

How long do you guys leave your's on? Can I speed up the process by sitting under the dryer, I have so much to do, I don't have 3 hours to walk around with mud on my head! :look: My son already things I'm losing it with the hair thing.

I'm so excited!:yay:
In one of Sareca's posts she said she did one hour w/heat, one hour w/out heat. I followed her lead and the color came out great!
Hey AtlantaJJ

When I did my first henna I used too much acid so I redid my mix and did it again. I mixed a half of cup of alma oil into my henna with 1/2 of cloves as well. I used just 1 teaspoon of tea, and made sure my water was hot. I wrapped up the container in foil and a towel and let it sit out for about 6 hours before I used it. Don't over do the acid (which is easy to do) and add plently of oil. I let mine sit for 1 hour with heat and I have a beautiful chestunt brown color with lots of reddish brown and copper highlights. After you rinse deep condition with your fave mositurizing conditioner and enjoy your hair. Shoot girl, You making want to heena again after class tomorrow:)
I leave my henna mix out on top of the stove after it has been mixed for several hours.

I love adding Coconut Oil, EVOO, etc... to my mix.

Sometimes, I leave the henna on my hair overnight and other times, I leave it on for hours. I plan on hennaing my hair, again this week and I'll sit under the dryer for 1 - 2 hours and let it condition my hair w/o heat for approx. 1 - 2 hours.

Happy Hennaing! :)
gymfreak336 said:
Hey AtlantaJJ

When I did my first henna I used too much acid so I redid my mix and did it again. I mixed a half of cup of alma oil into my henna with 1/2 of cloves as well. I used just 1 teaspoon of tea, and made sure my water was hot. I wrapped up the container in foil and a towel and let it sit out for about 6 hours before I used it. Don't over do the acid (which is easy to do) and add plently of oil. I let mine sit for 1 hour with heat and I have a beautiful chestunt brown color with lots of reddish brown and copper highlights. After you rinse deep condition with your fave mositurizing conditioner and enjoy your hair. Shoot girl, You making want to heena again after class tomorrow:)
One tablespoon of ACV, I figure I could just leave it on longer or use the dryer because I think I understand that the acid is to help it bond with the hair easier... So I won't over do and I will add the oils. Someone said add the oils towards the end when you get ready to use the mix.
AtlantaJJ said:
One tablespoon of ACV, I figure I could just leave it on longer or use the dryer because I think I understand that the acid is to help it bond with the hair easier... So I won't over do and I will add the oils. Someone said add the oils towards the end when you get ready to use the mix.

That should be enough acid. See, my mistake with my first mix was that I used about 1 to 2 cups of STRONG tea which was way to much acid. Sareca recommeded I add oil and reduce the acid and it worked like a charm.