Calling all V-Shaped Ladies....make yourself known!


New Member
I just realized yesterday that my hair naturally grows in a V-shape. Throughout all of my transitions and issues with my hair I have always coveted hair that was all one length. I have cut my hair several times specifically to have my hair all one length. And what keeps happening?
The hair on my nape, strong, hardy, resilient stuff, just shoots ahead of the rest of my hair to form the point of my V.

Just recently I cut about 1/2 to 1 inch just to keep it in line with the rest of my hair and now its back again.

Now that I know why its doing this, I'm ready to embrace it. Any one else here have hair that grows in a V-Shape? How do you deal with it? Styling suggestions? Or just to let me know you're here :D
We are >>>>>here<<<<<<

I am V shaped and I have not yet learned to embrace it. UGH! I don't like it. It wasn't until recently that I too realized that is how my hair grows. My hair in the crown area grows super duper fast passing up all the rest. I mean it grows faster than I thought was possible. It's like a tail.

Look at my avatar, see the tail growing from the top of my head.
I have a V and it doesn't bother me one bit. :)

Besides, I think it's rare for hair to grow in an exact blunt shape. Just embrace the v, lol!
V-shape baby!:yep: At first I thought it was the way my stylist was cutting my hair. But after she cut me blunt it went right back. My crown just grows a lot faster than everything else. The V isn't as sharp as it looks in my fotki though. It's just that I didn't do a good enough job flat ironing the ends, so I had to to 'em under.;)
my hair isstarting to take a v shape. It seems like the crown in the middle just gre an inch longer while everything else grew thicker not longer... whatever. as long as it's growing :)
You all don't have a problem at all. I have an inverted V :blush:. I am going to wait to cut it. I guess when I reach BSL I will cut it even, really don't know yet. :perplexed
*raises hand* My hair has always grown in a v-shape and in the past I was so quick to cut it and all my progress along with it, but now I'll let it grow and cut it whenever I feel like it.
My hair grows this way because of how I cut it when I did the big chop over two years ago. (I haven't gotten a cut or trim since.) I keep this hemline by choice. I happen to love v or u shaped hemlines on long hair. One of my first inspirations was a woman with hip length hair that had a v shaped hemline. It looked so beautiful, that I said I wanted to grow my hair that way too. :yep:
I think i may have a natural V shape as well. A friend of mine told me that I had one a while back. I was at the salon today and my stylist said "ur hair is uneven, u need to let me trim it up". I was like uhhh NO. The top definately seems to grow faster than the nape. I dunno whats up with that. :ohwell:
I have a V-shape, too. It doesn't bother me too much now, but I think once my hair reaches BSL and beyond, I will trim it into a U-shape. I think this will be more attractive on me with long hair... although I do love a nice blunt cut!:rolleyes:
I am a V..checking in. I to use to cut like a fool to get that blunt more:nono: I just let it grow:yep:.

I told you there were V shaped ladies here;).
The hair at my crown grows a lot faster than the rest of my hair. I had two good trims this past year that evened everything up and I lost a lot of length. What's more, it came back :perplexed! So, for my last touch-up, I had my hair clipped in a v-shape. Why fight it? When my hair reaches my final goal, I might cut it into a softer u-shape, but right now, I'll just let it do its own thing.