Calling all UK based ladies


New Member

I am pretty new to this site and have been minly navigating the site and asking advice in search of knowledge on afro hair care.

One thing thats phased me is where exactly does one get natural unrefined shea butter as well as coconut, castor and avocado oils in the UK.

Would be really great for some advice on this... your help would be much appreciated :spinning:
Hey :)

I get all of my shea butter and other stuff from ebay. Its really cheap and worth it. For coconut oil I either get it straight from africa whenever I have family travelling to and fro or from coconutty. Google the later term. They are very good and pretty much exactly the same as what I get from africa except thiers is from the philipines.

As for Avocado butter I have no idea. But as I said EBAY :)
Hi and welcome.

I once got my shea butter from - I remember buying quite a lot and got free shipping when I asked. It's been a while though.

I get castor oil from Superdrug, at about 98p for 150 ml or something like that. You have to go to the prescriptions counter for it, but it can be hard to find sometimes.

The website above sells coconut oil, but I use Vatika oil, which is a mixture of coconut oil and other wonderful goodies for one's hair. Search for it on the board to read reviews.


You can buy these oils in health food shops or BSS's.
Coconut, castor and avocado oils are easy to get hold off.
Coconut oil, you can even get at your corner shop. Castor oil in all chemists Boots, Superdrug etc..

I'm rambling, its late, try a health food shop first.

Hiya, welcome!

Sells shea butter too. I take it you're not in London?

Coconut oil is in any Indian shop. Any pharmacy has castor oil. Even Tescos etc, but you have to ask at the counter. HTH
I have a stash of unrefined coconut oil if you want some. I use this for soapmaking, etc.

Don't forget to use your LHC discount code LONGHAIRCARE08 for a 5% discount.

hey Akua, you joined?:grin:

I'm the lady who hooked up the discount

I hope business is booming, I will be making an order soon :)