Calling all self relaxers!!!!!! Pre-neutralizing protein cond. (Vitale) question.


Well-Known Member
I just purchased Vitale Revive Positive Conditioner to use post relaxer and pre neutralizing. Question: DO YOU WASH THIS STUFF OUT? The directions on the bottle would seem to indicate no -- "apply Revive to hair. Wait 5 mins., shampoo 2x etc." But I think that Southerngirl and others who use this product actually rinse it out BEFORE shampooing w/ neutralizer (? right??) I'm concerned because when I did a search, I came across an old thread where someone used it on her daughter's hair after following the bottle's no-rinse directions resulting in major breakage/fall-out. Help! Confused and trying to do this right -- after 6 long years of weaving and low manipulation, I don't want to mess up now. I did Aphogee 2 step last light in prep for touchup/texlax underprocess correction next week. Need advice ASAP. Thanks. (PS -- been lurking for 10 years -- first post so you know I'm a little stressed over this :spinning:
I think @tiffers used Vitale when she was relaxed.

I use Affirm. When I do my my Protein Rx prior to Neutralizing, I allow to sit, rinse the Protein Rx out thoroughly, and then proceed with neutralizing. Affirm also has a x2 Protein Rx (5n1 and Sustenance) which are to be used prior to neutralizing.

My last T/U I used the Sustenance. My 1st wash after Self-Relaxing, for my Protein Rx I used a combo of the 5n1/Sustenance under dryer.

But YES I washed the protein Rx out prior to using the Neutralizing Shampoo.
Many thanks for the immediate reponses ladies -- no idea what I would do (or what my hair would look like) without LHCF!!!
rawsilk I did use Vitale years ago and I remember following the instructions exactly because I was really nervous about using lye for the first time. I didn't experience any breakage, BUT if it's stressing you out, girl, just rinse it out. :lol: I'm sure rinsing first won't hurt the process or make a big difference, and you KNOW 9 times out of 10, us LHCFers don't follow no directions on the bottles anyway. :lachen:

Good luck!!!!!!
when i used vitale line (loved it BTW) i put in the positive conditioner first and then added neutralizing shampoo on top(i believe this is what the instructions said) the positive conditioner neutralizes the hair pretty well so that by the time you shampoo the color barley changes. I have had great results with this line and the positive conditioner works very well on getting tangles out on a non relaxer day.
I use it for my clients and I do not rinse it out. I put the neutralizing shampoo on top of it per the directions. I have been using it for years, never an adverse reaction.
Well ... I followed the rinse-out advise and hair came out beautiful! I based w/ EVOO, used Hawaiian Silky mild (lye, "no-base"), rinsed out relaxer with warm water ('till it didn't feel "greasy"), applied & combed through the Vitale Revive Positive Conditioner, let it sit for @ 4 mins., rinsed out, washed twice w/ Vitale Neutralizing Shampoo (blotted with fresh towels in between), final wash with Protective Color Mouse (to make sure I got everything out) and hey -- hands down, best feeling hair I have EVER had. Silky, shiny, soft. I have had relaxers professionally applied before but hair nevah felt this good. Now, the o n l y thing is ... I didn't correct under processed length enough. Wore hair out yesterday and the recently touched up hair was glimmering in the sunlight :cool2:-- but ends and most of length are still a little too frizzy. (I was scared to apply too, too much relaxer to length because I didn't want to kill my curl pattern -- just wanted shiny, juicy, looking curls.) So ... if anyone knows of a thread re correcting under-processed hair ??? Anyway, thanks a bizillion ladies for your insight and suggestions re applying Vitale Revive Positive Conditioner prior to neutralizing.