Calling all restless sleepers...


Well-Known Member
How do you keep your hair under control at night? Particularly if you braid/twist etc. overnight to form a style for the next day??

It seems like no matter what I do, most mornings my hair is a state. Scarves and bonnets were a no go as they either ended up falling off or wrapped around my face, with my hair all scrunched up underneath. Lately I've been using a satin pillow case and leaving my hair in two twists but most of the time I can't get them to last the night either; if I put rollers on the ends, one or more fall out, and if I don't do anything to the ends they just unravel altogether. Argh! Please please share your secrets!!
Girl, I thought this thread was going to be about people who want to talk because they can't sleep. I'm over here trying to figure out why it was posted at 9am on a Friday morning :lol:

Anyway, it sounds like the only thing that you're doing wrong is that you don't secure your style properly. It sounds like you need more secure rollers (or maybe a different technique) to keep them in or get some bands to hold the ends/the entire braid together better. I know there was a thread somewhere about banding hair at night... I can't use the search function but when it's up you should try searching "banded hair" or something of the sort... it sounds like it would work for you.
Satin scarves slip off so I sleep with a bonnet now. I toss and turn a lot, but my hair stays put all night.
I use a silk scarf tied on tight and I sleep on a satin pillow case. I have found that silk works and stays on better than satin. Also, having my ears out makes a big difference too.
I sleep with triple protection,,, satin scarf layered with satin bonnet and a satin pillowcase in case my bonnet falls off
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