
New Member
I really want to colour my 4b hair a light cinnamon shade, but I'm nervous that I'll just set myself back with breakage and spit ends. Any naturals with colour treated hair have any suggestions towards hair care?

Does coloured hair require more protein or moisture?
I don't know yet, baby, but I will be stopping at Glenda's for a touch up. I just cut my hair down to a Cesear and they ole gray is Popping. I'll let you know. Stay in touch!


You might want to check out Jenteel's fotki, she is also a member on here. She colours her hair and she uses aveda. HTH
I just colored. I used dark and lovely. My hair seems to be fine, for now. I'm hoping it will stay that way. I know that moisture is really important and I plan to do more protein treatments than I used to. I used to do them once every couple of weeks but now I will do it once a month.
thank you! good luck, I've decide to go to the salon, I may use Goldwell or Aveda, I just hope that my lil bit of hair doesn't break of.
im still thinking about coloring my twa. was thinking of going to aveda but now im thinking of doing it myself so idk.
I color my hair only in the crown area. I dont treat it any differently... however I definitely have more splits and dryness in that area.
Hi! I colored in april using Goldwell, I went to the shop no complaints no shedding hair, no lost of hair!! I have pics in my fotki

LOL I forget my avator is a pic on the first day
I really want to colour my 4b hair a light cinnamon shade, but I'm nervous that I'll just set myself back with breakage and spit ends. Any naturals with colour treated hair have any suggestions towards hair care?

Does coloured hair require more protein or moisture?

I colored my hair a week after the BC and experienced no breakage. I actually think it was b/c I was natural that it went down that way. I know if I had been relaxed that I would've had alot of breakage b/c I have in the past. I think its important not to use permanent color if you don't have to. Try a rinse or semi perm color. Also, only apply it once. If it doesn't come out the way you want it, I wouldn't recommend applying it again b/c that will definitely lead to damage and breakage!:nono:

Applying color does require more protein and moisture. I can't explain it to the t but if you google it, you can read why. The way I accomplished this was DCing more often and incorporating more cowashes in my routine. I bought some Motions CPR and I use it twice a month. I sometimes put an egg in my regular DC to add protein. Its important not to overload on protein though. For moisture, the daily cowashes with a moisturing conditioner really helped. :rolleyes:
I color:drunk:

And my hair is pretty soft and moisturized! I would deff` recommend deep conditioning AT LEAST once a week & moisturizing ATLEAST once a day. The better the dye(the more professional) the less damage will be done to your hair. Also the more professional the less you will have to dye because most likely the color will come out right the first time. I would do a protein treament right after you dye too.