Calling all naturals/transitioners


Hey guys I have a few questions regarding your transition from relaxed to natural. I have been playing with the going natural thing for a few years. I have gone natural twice in the last few years (via braids etc...) however my main problem was ignorance. While I have a clue how to take care of relaxed hair. I could do absolutely nothing with my natural hair because it was so hard. I think now that I was using the wrong products (relaxer products) and I was ignorant.

I really want to educate myself before I make the and big changes again (last time I became so frustrated that I relaxed). If anyone can give me link, book references etc that give good advice on hair maintnance etc... I would be ever so greatful.

I have decided to wait until my b-day in 6/04 before making any huge decisions. Right now I want to educate myself and if anyone has any links to pictures of kicking natual hair styles I would be greatful!

Well, lurking around here will definitely help you out because tips are being shared all the time. Also, Let's Talk Hair by Pamela Ferrell is a good book to read. There are also sites out there dedicated to caring for natural hair such as Nappturality and NaturallyCurly.
Just remember to have patience with the process. It will take a few years for your scalp to heal from relaxers. Many people transition with braids.
always make sure you moisture your new natural growth enough. also protective styles are a good option.
One person that has it together is bublnbrownsugar her styles and regime are tight. I would pm her if I were you and go check out her pics. You came to the right place their are many ladies that are willing to help you! so hang in there and do what makes you happy! happy growing!