CaLLing aLL NaTurALs!!!!!! Thanks for the idea PeaJai!


New Member
I just visited a blog by the name of: from curlynikki's site.
While browsing through there was a particular post that caught my eye.....

The light bulb went off and I thought wow, it would be so cool and hepful if other naturals could formulate a "natural newbie starter kit" for new transitioners .

Although I am not 8 months into my transition yet I think this would really be a big bear hug to my hair... :lick:.
Do your thang Ladies! I know you can! TIA.
Well that's a good idea. I kinda think that between this site and
with the advice (not so much on products, b/c not everything works for everyone) I mean the site leaders could compile that info,put it in a adobe file and for those that are interested in transitioning they could receive a copy along with their membership. Of course you would only be able to access the info on-line during the time you are a subscribed member. of course one could print out all the info to keep for themselves though :)
Great idea I need something like this I'm only 10 weeks post and need some on the job training (OJT). Maybe moderator can add it as a stickie since we have transitioning thread too.
Great idea- I would love to add some advice that I have-it would probably the same as other naturals. I think it would neat to split up the starter kit to have a washing section, conditioning section, daily moisturizing, how to styling at various lenghths section etc etc, recommended products.

I would have avoided a lot of mistakes if I would have known then what I know now-that's for sure.