Calling all naturals & Support Thread Buddies


Well-Known Member
I am completely fed up with my hair. I feel like I may have to start my natural journey all over again after being natural for almost a year and still not achieving any of my length or healthy hair goals. I wear wigs as a protective style but I am starting to think it has led to be my hair's downfall because I am discovering patches all over my hair as if someone cut over night. And shaving my head frightens me because I don't want to feel unfeminine or unattractive. I am 21 and I still don't got this hair thing down! I can't go into another new year and not yield any results. I really don't know what else to do anymore? I don't know what products to use--its just depressing.
Okay... Just hang in there. How long is your hair? Has it stayed the same length all this time? Do you really think it's the wig causing your hair to come out in patches? That doesn't sound right. It could be something else. Are you stressed out? Did you recently get on or switch to a new birth control? What kind of products are you using? Also, what is your routine? And how are you styling your hair after washing? What tools are you using? Also, are you fully natural or transitioning? Do you have any relaxed hair left? When was the last time you had a trim?
Originally posted by bmoreflygirl
Okay... Just hang in there. How long is your hair? Has it stayed the same length all this time? Do you really think it's the wig causing your hair to come out in patches? That doesn't sound right. It could be something else. Are you stressed out? Did you recently get on or switch to a new birth control? What kind of products are you using? Also, what is your routine? And how are you styling your hair after washing? What tools are you using? Also, are you fully natural or transitioning? Do you have any relaxed hair left? When was the last time you had a trim?

After you respond to her post, I will try and offer some advice. But hang in there, we've all been there. Stay positive and keep your head held high. We'll help you as much as we can.
Okay... Just hang in there. How long is your hair? Has it stayed the same length all this time? Do you really think it's the wig causing your hair to come out in patches? That doesn't sound right. It could be something else. Are you stressed out? Did you recently get on or switch to a new birth control? What kind of products are you using? Also, what is your routine? And how are you styling your hair after washing? What tools are you using? Also, are you fully natural or transitioning? Do you have any relaxed hair left? When was the last time you had a trim?
What she said^^. Without knowing how long you have been natural, what your routine is, what your length is, and what your goals are, I don't know what advice to offer. Not to worry, OP, you've come to the right place! :)
Okay... Just hang in there. How long is your hair? Has it stayed the same length all this time? Do you really think it's the wig causing your hair to come out in patches? That doesn't sound right. It could be something else. Are you stressed out? Did you recently get on or switch to a new birth control? What kind of products are you using? Also, what is your routine? And how are you styling your hair after washing? What tools are you using? Also, are you fully natural or transitioning? Do you have any relaxed hair left? When was the last time you had a trim?

Sorry ladies it has taken me so long to respond!!! And thank you for your time and responses.

- I really don't know if its the wig or not that is causing my patches. I just recently went to the gyno and discussed my hair issues with her b/c I have also developed the theory that this problem may be hormonal. So I am still awaiting results for my testosterone levels and other thyroid hormone levels.

-As far as stress goes. I have been on xmas vacation for almost 3 weeks now and the patches have become more prevalent since my break.

- I don't take birth control.

- I really dont style my hair since I use my full wigs as my protective style but I am sure to wrap my hair satin doo rags prior to putting on my wigs. But before putting on the doo rag I put on some type of leave in conditioner and mosturizer.

- My only tools really are combs when my hair is generally wet or mosturized. I really don't know what I should be using a brush or a comb? and when wet or dry?

- As far as products---I have never found something that I have seen great results with or just results for that matter. So its been a big trial period since I became natural in feb. In the beginning--I was trying to finish up my old keracare products and I have pretty much completely abandoned those. Currently in my cabinet I go back and forth from cantu shea butter based products and carol's daughter products (which I think is overly priced in my opinon).

- I usually try to wash my hair once a week with a detangling shampoo in collaboration with a deep conditioner. I am also an infrequent cowasher when I notice that my hair is really really dry!

- I am fully natural. No relaxed ends. It hasn't necessarily stayed the same length the entire time--but it has now shed and broken off to the point where my hair status is the same as when i started. But at the back of my hair growth seems like it has been completely stunted. For months I did not see any progress in that area in particular--to the point that my dermatologist started giving me cortisone shots in those problem areas to accelerate growth. And results stopped with the end of my administrations of the shots. (Other problem area includes edges--which im convinced is definitely caused by the wig).

- I haven't really had an official trim besides the the time in feburary where I chopped my relaxed ends.

Literally its come to the point where my hair is so uneven (ranging from 1/4 inch to an inch in select areas) that my only option is to shave my head and if the wigs are causing harm to my progress---I am utterly terrified of being bald in public. Its been a while since i have never worn some type of hair piece ever. I feel like I am losing my feminity. And to top it off---there is some big mouthed Facutly advisor at my university who discusses my hair style preference with my PEERS. Although she is still quite young---where does her professionality begin and end??? But thats another post........

But I plan to see a regrow specialist in houston this coming week to see if she can give some clue. In addition to a health hair care stylist in ducanville named Cryrous Meyers and my dermatologist again for a follow up.

Thanks in advance! sorry for the long post.
Do the wigs have combs in them? How long are you wearing them? How are you wearing your hair underneath the wigs?

Do not I repeat do NOT rake a comb through dry natural hair especially a small one without detangling the hair first.

The wigs I wear usually don't have combs in them. I only have one wig that does and I don't wear that one anymore. Depending on the given day--I can wear my wigs anywhere from 8 to 10 hours on and off.

Thank you for the response!
The wigs I wear usually don't have combs in them. I only have one wig that does and I don't wear that one anymore. Depending on the given day--I can wear my wigs anywhere from 8 to 10 hours on and off.

Thank you for the response!

bumping for responses. Thank!
Im glad you spoke to an MD. You need to rule out hormones. What you are describing sounds like alopecia cause by a medical issue. What I'm understanding is that you are not putting ANY form of duress on your hair and its still falling out I have no MD but the equation is not adding up for me. So get your Thyroid levels checked- get a Complete Blood Workup including T3 and T4 and also see if you are anemic or have a vitamin/mineral deficiency. So since its not apparently physical it may be internal... If you don't like doctors see a naturopath. I had symptoms like that 20 years ago and it was my immune system. May be nothing in which case we'll all be on your bandwagon!!!!!
Im glad you spoke to an MD. You need to rule out hormones. What you are describing sounds like alopecia cause by a medical issue. What I'm understanding is that you are not putting ANY form of duress on your hair and its still falling out I have no MD but the equation is not adding up for me. So get your Thyroid levels checked- get a Complete Blood Workup including T3 and T4 and also see if you are anemic or have a vitamin/mineral deficiency. So since its not apparently physical it may be internal... If you don't like doctors see a naturopath. I had symptoms like that 20 years ago and it was my immune system. May be nothing in which case we'll all be on your bandwagon!!!!!

what is naturopath? and what do they do?
lol nevermind. i googled it thanks. Opened to more responses! Thanks!

Just in case a naturopath is a person with a medical degree who treats the body holistically rather than the western methodology of abating symptoms or easing symptoms. They test your whole chemical make up from your rooter to your tooter (if you will) to help determine areas of imbalance within the entire body system - hence Holistic rather than practical. They often advise a diet or lifestyle change .
Sorry ladies it has taken me so long to respond!!! And thank you for your time and responses.

- I really don't know if its the wig or not that is causing my patches. I just recently went to the gyno and discussed my hair issues with her b/c I have also developed the theory that this problem may be hormonal. So I am still awaiting results for my testosterone levels and other thyroid hormone levels.

-As far as stress goes. I have been on xmas vacation for almost 3 weeks now and the patches have become more prevalent since my break.

- I don't take birth control.

- I really dont style my hair since I use my full wigs as my protective style but I am sure to wrap my hair satin doo rags prior to putting on my wigs. But before putting on the doo rag I put on some type of leave in conditioner and mosturizer.

- My only tools really are combs when my hair is generally wet or mosturized. I really don't know what I should be using a brush or a comb? and when wet or dry?

- As far as products---I have never found something that I have seen great results with or just results for that matter. So its been a big trial period since I became natural in feb. In the beginning--I was trying to finish up my old keracare products and I have pretty much completely abandoned those. Currently in my cabinet I go back and forth from cantu shea butter based products and carol's daughter products (which I think is overly priced in my opinon).

- I usually try to wash my hair once a week with a detangling shampoo in collaboration with a deep conditioner. I am also an infrequent cowasher when I notice that my hair is really really dry!

- I am fully natural. No relaxed ends. It hasn't necessarily stayed the same length the entire time--but it has now shed and broken off to the point where my hair status is the same as when i started. But at the back of my hair growth seems like it has been completely stunted. For months I did not see any progress in that area in particular--to the point that my dermatologist started giving me cortisone shots in those problem areas to accelerate growth. And results stopped with the end of my administrations of the shots. (Other problem area includes edges--which im convinced is definitely caused by the wig).

- I haven't really had an official trim besides the the time in feburary where I chopped my relaxed ends.

Literally its come to the point where my hair is so uneven (ranging from 1/4 inch to an inch in select areas) that my only option is to shave my head and if the wigs are causing harm to my progress---I am utterly terrified of being bald in public. Its been a while since i have never worn some type of hair piece ever. I feel like I am losing my feminity. And to top it off---there is some big mouthed Facutly advisor at my university who discusses my hair style preference with my PEERS. Although she is still quite young---where does her professionality begin and end??? But thats another post........

But I plan to see a regrow specialist in houston this coming week to see if she can give some clue. In addition to a health hair care stylist in ducanville named Cryrous Meyers and my dermatologist again for a follow up.

Thanks in advance! sorry for the long post.

Awww I'm sorry you're going through all of this. :hug3: To be honest, I think I don't think it's anything that you're physically doing that is making your hair react that way. I think you should continue to talk to your doctor and try to get to the root of the problem. Also, find some good products (A shampoo, a conditioner [this can double as a dc if you like]) and go from there. Also, I don't think that more expensive products are necessarily better either. You just need to find something that works for your hair type. And stick to those products. As far as styling goes, if wearing the wig is what you feel most comfortable with, I don't see a problem with it. I honestly don't think that the wig is what's causing your hair to come out in patches.
Just in case a naturopath is a person with a medical degree who treats the body holistically rather than the western methodology of abating symptoms or easing symptoms. They test your whole chemical make up from your rooter to your tooter (if you will) to help determine areas of imbalance within the entire body system - hence Holistic rather than practical. They often advise a diet or lifestyle change .

It sounds like a D.O.---a doctor of osteopathic medicine. Are they the same thing? And how did you find this type of doctor? I don't know if its one that will be covered on my insurance plan.
Just in case a naturopath is a person with a medical degree who treats the body holistically rather than the western methodology of abating symptoms or easing symptoms. They test your whole chemical make up from your rooter to your tooter (if you will) to help determine areas of imbalance within the entire body system - hence Holistic rather than practical. They often advise a diet or lifestyle change .
