Calling all Naturals! Help Please

Right after washing my hair, I finger comb a small amount of Elucence or kenra Conditoner as a leave-in in my damp hair. Then I add some oil. I usually rub some Extra Virgin Olive Oil in my hands and distribute from scalp to ends. I make sure to spitz my hair each night lightly with either leav-in or braid spray and then add a little Oil as above. If you add oil when wet the hair soaks it up and isnt greasy as it would be if you just put oil on dry hair. This is when my hair is in two strand twists or even a bun.

Thank you. This is the type of information that I have been seeking. I have been matural so long but it has ALL been trial and error. I had a product ( i do not know what it was now) that left my hair incredibly soft and moist and my hair was between sholder and armpit, but I went to the shop to get it done and they dried my hair out.

I have been a member on this site since 2005 but my computer was out of commition and I could never remember the name of this site. I found it a few months ago and paid the fee, so now I can ask all of you wonderful ladies the questions that should have been answered, but I do not have anyone to answer them.

I am the only natural in my family...
A really good conditioner without proteins and is inexpensive and moisturizing is Elasta QP DPR-11. If you add 1 ounce of Olive oil and 1 ounce of honey it will give you slip, defined curls and sheen. I use heat like my heating cap or my dryer
If you want to spend some money, Curls Ecstasy Asian Hair Tea is my holy grail- I add nothing to it and sit under the dryer for 30 minutes. It is the reason I can do a low manipulation regimen.
The other ladies are on point- water should be the first ingredient for any moisturizer
ETA: since your hair is dry have you considered no pooing? Its really help me manage my hair. Shampoo makes my hair make a fist!!

wow this is great information also.

I have not used poo in a long time and I just bought the "green" cream of nature shampoo. I have only used it once.

Two weeks ago I mixed one (very old, it seperated in the can before I had opened it) coconut milk, ACV, extra virgin olive oil, honey, molassos and the afro detangler from C&G and left it on over night.

This past friday I mix molasses, honey all of my almond oil/macadamin oil/grapseedoil, organic root stim mayo, so flat iron leave in by C & G (i do not flat iron i bought it for someone else but she never calmed her stuf so insted of throwing it away i use it on my boys as a leavein), about 1/4 jug of C & G afro detangler and one can of coconut milk, together and leave that in the fridge in a gallon glass jar.

I scoop out 1/4 cup of that mix it with 1/2 cup of cholesteral and put it on my hair overnight but I still need a daily moisterizer for my whole head. Mainly my ends.

My hair has sheen, is strong, I only had 15hairs shead this weekend (huge difference) I just need a good moisturizer.

I should have said this yesterday, but I was writing out of emotion and did not even think to give a background. Sorry.
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I just BC ed about a week and a half ago on a whim thanks to LHCF:hugxplode:. But I went natural a few years ago for about a year, and the best moisturizer I used was from Allways. It was in a pink bottle. I haven't had the chance to go out and get it yet, but it was wonderful. I just started using Africa's Best Organics Olive Oil Growth Lotion/Mosturizer, and it is wonderful too. It gets my comb through my 4a/b hair like a champ and it helps really define my texture. Plus it isn't greasy.

The smily is funny.

I have tried both, but they make it hard for me to comb my hair while wet.

it works on my boys. All four have silky waves/curls. I have cottony kinks coils. I wish I could get a good close up to post on my profile...
I seal my wet hair with castor oil. I use Qhemet Biologics Heavy Cream for moisture on dry hair.:drunk:

Thank you for this. I look it up and it looks as if I will have to buy this/these. I saw a product for thin hair and my second son has super fine hair. most of his hair did not have a cortex until he was two/two and a half.
I use a moisture mix that consists of water, condish (VO5) and castor oil…works great! :up:
Coconut Milk+Any Moisturizing Condish, Lustrasilk Shea Butter Mango Cholesterol, and Proclaim Cholesterol also works well when you need that extra something something! ;)
how do you use this?
Hi Belinda- Ill try to answer some of your questions

The Cantu product that is referred to here is Shea butter leave in, So a search will yield you the threads and posts and pros and cons.

An oil rinse occurs immediately after you wash your hair you saturate your hair with avocado, or olive or sunflower or coconut oil or jojoba- you get the idea and let it stay in your hair for 5 minutes and rinse out with warm water- this guarantees virtually no tangles.

Curls Asian Hair Tea can be purchased from this website

You already know about Qhemets - the heavy cream and olive honey balm are great for retaining moisture. A good bargain can be found at your local beauty store Its call Elasta QP DPR-11

I dont know about Coconut milk and Evoo but maybe you can personal message the ladies that maybe havent even seen your requests for information cause they have been on other threads.

Hopes this helps and that molasses recipe sounds great. If this ayurvedic thing im doing now doesn't work Ill be right there with you. HTH:rolleyes:
I love Hawaiian Silky 14 in 1. I seal w/castor oil. Also stay away from drying shampoo.

Has anyone else used this? How do you like it Ms. Lala? I saw a lady in the store today and she had the softest looking natural puff and I asked her what did she use on her hair and she mentioned this. She too was learning about new products as she too was newly natural. Her hair looked so pretty soft! It was just beautiful. She told me she got it from Sally's. So on my way to the grocery store I went to Sally's next door and they had it. It was like 4 dollars and some change. The things in it looked like my Sta Soft Fro Sheen but when I sprayed it out it was thicker and creamy. I kinda liked the consistency but I wanted to check here before I bought it to see what was the consensus on it.
Hi Belinda- Ill try to answer some of your questions

The Cantu product that is referred to here is Shea butter leave in, So a search will yield you the threads and posts and pros and cons.

An oil rinse occurs immediately after you wash your hair you saturate your hair with avocado, or olive or sunflower or coconut oil or jojoba- you get the idea and let it stay in your hair for 5 minutes and rinse out with warm water- this guarantees virtually no tangles.

Curls Asian Hair Tea can be purchased from this website

You already know about Qhemets - the heavy cream and olive honey balm are great for retaining moisture. A good bargain can be found at your local beauty store Its call Elasta QP DPR-11

I dont know about Coconut milk and Evoo but maybe you can personal message the ladies that maybe havent even seen your requests for information cause they have been on other threads.

Hopes this helps and that molasses recipe sounds great. If this ayurvedic thing im doing now doesn't work Ill be right there with you. HTH:rolleyes:

Thank you for your help. I will try pm-ing the others.
I have good news, my concoctions is having a cummulative effect on my boys hair. I need figure out how to post pictures.
Glycerin. I love this stuff. I have found through my trial and error of so many commerical products that when wearing my hair in it's natural state ( not blowdried and flat-ironed) after a fresh wash, glycercin sealed with some castor oil, leaves my hair pretty darn nice.

Yes, I use a combination of vegetable glycerin, water, and a little bit of alcohol-free gel for texture. My hair never felt so soft and stayed soft. My hair stays moisturized until my next wash (for about a week)
Dudley's PCA Moisture Retainer

Hello ladies.

I need help. What is the best moisturizer that you have used?

No Protine, I have too much protine. My hair is so protine fortified that it is starting to snap.:wallbash:

I habe been trying to find a moisturizer and I have been all over this site trying to find something and I have not.:nono:

Kitchen made or store bought, please tell me what you use for moisture that does not have protine.

Thank you in advanced for your help.:perplexed
I am currently transitioning and use CAREFREE CURL MOISTURIZER. It has done miracles for me. I spray some on,(the yellow bottle) and seal with coconut oil. HTH.
i mixed up a concoction of s-curl spray and kenra moisturizing conditioner
that i have been using/testing out for 3 days now.

i love it so far
it's doing a great job at keeping my hair moisturized
and re-activates easily with plain water on my hair
so, i'll moisturize w/ it at night (if i want/need to)
and then the next day i'll just spritz with some water
and it's all good.

i'm going to give it a week before i say for sure
but i think i may have found my hair's best moisturizer
Okay the babies always look great and they dont care about moisture too much, :ohwell: but did you find anything for your hair??

Well aren't you sweet:yep:.
I still need to find something for my super dry sponge like ends:sad:.
I am still looking for a solution to my ends, but I love the help that I am fibnding on this site:yep:.