Calling All Naturals (3's) Who Rollerset........


Hello all of you beautiful natural ladies! I wanted to know how many of you rollerset, and what type of rollers do you use and with what product and technique? I only apply heat to my hair once a month and that is in the form of a professional press. My hair absolutely looooovvvvveees the once a month heat thing I got going on. I've had healthier strands, not to mention little to no breakage.
However, I am expecting a beautiful baby girl :)babyb:)the end of this May and I am putting myself on a challenge to go without heat until after my little princess is born so I can obtain even more growth and thickness, not to mention some great hair to blow in the wind this summer.:lachen: So anyhow, I would love to try something different, like a roller set. Do you any of you ladies have any suggestions?

Thanks Ladies!
I'm a 3 and I rollerset- but I'm a novice, so I don't have any words of wisdom to share or magic potions or techniques- so I'm just bumping this post up.
Am also interested. I'm a 'natural 3' who has tried rollersetting but it basically is a mess every time :lol:
I try different products every time to try and make it better... haven't come up witha winning combination yet.
I'm not sure about a rollerset but I just did my second flexirod set (I forgot to take pics) and I washed and conditioned as usual, used my leave in and instead of using the phomollient foam, I used curly pudding (just a little) and it worked wonders!!
Ive used magnetics in the past. But I prefer flexirods because I can get my roots very taut using those and it matches my natural curl pattern so I dont have to comb them out (read: less manipulation). The only product I use is Lacio Lacio.
I guess I'm the exception so far. My rollerset comes out as straight as a press but with A LOT MORE BODY. I color my hair which has a straightening affect itself, but my daughter(27) hair comes out great also and she doesn't have any chemicals --not even coloring in her hair.
I use just regular shampoo and conditioner on my daughter and then use keracare foam for setting.

I should use really large rollers for my daughter because of hair length, but since I buy everything she use the regular red/orange rollers that I use in my hair. Afterwards, I rub a dime size of shine serum across the hair.

If our hair is pressed, it comes out just the rollerset is the best for us. This rollerset last, and last...for two weeks are more and the only maintenance required is to pull into a high ponytail at night!
I guess I'm the exception so far. My rollerset comes out as straight as a press but with A LOT MORE BODY. I color my hair which has a straightening affect itself, but my daughter(27) hair comes out great also and she doesn't have any chemicals --not even coloring in her hair.
I use just regular shampoo and conditioner on my daughter and then use keracare foam for setting.

I should use really large rollers for my daughter because of hair length, but since I buy everything she use the regular red/orange rollers that I use in my hair. Afterwards, I rub a dime size of shine serum across the hair.

If our hair is pressed, it comes out just the rollerset is the best for us. This rollerset last, and last...for two weeks are more and the only maintenance required is to pull into a high ponytail at night!

Ebony, do you use heat - and also are the red/orange rollers the magnetic rollers? My domincan stylist suggested those rollers so my roots come out with less wave/cur.?
I typically use large magnetic rollers with the clips (in addition to securing with bobby pins depending on how I do my set. I actually have a rollerset tutorial in my album and some pics:
Subscribing to this thread....How do you all know which size rollers to use? Now I wanna start roller setting:yep:
I guess I'm the exception so far. My rollerset comes out as straight as a press but with A LOT MORE BODY. I color my hair which has a straightening affect itself, but my daughter(27) hair comes out great also and she doesn't have any chemicals --not even coloring in her hair.
I use just regular shampoo and conditioner on my daughter and then use keracare foam for setting.

I should use really large rollers for my daughter because of hair length, but since I buy everything she use the regular red/orange rollers that I use in my hair. Afterwards, I rub a dime size of shine serum across the hair.

If our hair is pressed, it comes out just the rollerset is the best for us. This rollerset last, and last...for two weeks are more and the only maintenance required is to pull into a high ponytail at night!

Its almost the exact for me as well. Presses don't last nearly as well-and if I really want it straight I just saran wrap and voila!

It typically lasts until I decide to wash it out :yep:

Your hair length and thickness are the best determiners of what size rollers to use. The longer & thicker the hair the large the roller diameter
I am 10 months post, 3C- for those that say a rollerset lasts over a week, and hair is straigggght, I am going to assume you live somewhere with almost no humidity???
Ebony, do you use heat - and also are the red/orange rollers the magnetic rollers? My domincan stylist suggested those rollers so my roots come out with less wave/cur.?

Yes, the red/orange are the magnetic type with the plastic clip on to hold the rollers. Hairdresser does recommend using the metal clips in the very top but I don't know why. I do dry the hair under the hairdryer(heat). The only I've had to "press" the roots is when I used the grey size which were very loose and therefore the roots were "krinkly." The back of a curly iron flatten those out in a few seconds.

I wish more natural ladies would try rollersetting...I think they will be surprised at the results.
Yes, the red/orange are the magnetic type with the plastic clip on to hold the rollers. Hairdresser does recommend using the metal clips in the very top but I don't know why. I do dry the hair under the hairdryer(heat). The only I've had to "press" the roots is when I used the grey size which were very loose and therefore the roots were "krinkly." The back of a curly iron flatten those out in a few seconds.

I wish more natural ladies would try rollersetting...I think they will be surprised at the results.
I can't rollerset to save my life...but I will be trying tomorrow night after I wash my hair?

So are you all airdrying and still getting it straight? When I airdry my flexis the roots never get straight
I am 10 months post, 3C- for those that say a rollerset lasts over a week, and hair is straigggght, I am going to assume you live somewhere with almost no humidity???

I live in the Washington, D.C. area but I exercise every morning! I have to be fair in reporting...I've never, ever, ever, sweated in the hair. Oh, I take that back....there are pictures of me in childbirth sweating from everywhere. But usually in everyday!
I am 10 months post, 3C- for those that say a rollerset lasts over a week, and hair is straigggght, I am going to assume you live somewhere with almost no humidity???

No, Im usually home in MS/LA region. I'm in Rochester, NY during school (which sits right one of Great Lakes)
So are you all airdrying and still getting it straight? When I airdry my flexis the roots never get straight

No, I'm using heat. I use a Bevedere hair dryer(salon type) but it doesn't get overly hot. I've had the best results with foam setting lotion...not liquid setting lotion and I don't know why.
kweenameena I looked in your fotki and your curls turned out to be adorable! I think I will definitely give flexirods a go as one of my rollerset experiments. Thanks a lot for your input!!
kweenameena I looked in your fotki and your curls turned out to be adorable! I think I will definitely give flexirods a go as one of my rollerset experiments. Thanks a lot for your input!!
Thanks...I'm flattered!! They looked so much better once they got older and "fell" a little bit.:yep: People thought my hair was naturally curly like that:blush:
You ladies also got me wanting to use the magnetic rollers too! My very good friend PinkGator suggested the magnetic rollers as well, so I'm a give those a whirl to add to my experimentation too!

Ahhh man, I just co-washed last night and have some stuff to do around the house, but you all gone make me postpone and go buy some magnetic rollers an/or go home and flexirod my hair!:perplexed

If I buy yet another product, everybody that responded to this getting a whippin!:whip::lachen:
Thanks...I'm flattered!! They looked so much better once they got older and "fell" a little bit.:yep: People thought my hair was naturally curly like that:blush:

That's what I love about, it has that natural curly look. That's the look I'm trying to achieve. That Tracy Ellis Ross look. Looks like you got it girl! Very cute! :yay::yay:
I guess I'm the exception so far. My rollerset comes out as straight as a press but with A LOT MORE BODY. I color my hair which has a straightening affect itself, but my daughter(27) hair comes out great also and she doesn't have any chemicals --not even coloring in her hair.
I use just regular shampoo and conditioner on my daughter and then use keracare foam for setting.

I should use really large rollers for my daughter because of hair length, but since I buy everything she use the regular red/orange rollers that I use in my hair. Afterwards, I rub a dime size of shine serum across the hair.

If our hair is pressed, it comes out just the rollerset is the best for us. This rollerset last, and last...for two weeks are more and the only maintenance required is to pull into a high ponytail at night!

ITA.After I got it down my set comes out like a press as long as I let it dry all the way.I am still working on the wrapping part though:rolleyes:
I do rollersets all the time. I'm actually just finishing up one now:grin:. I usually do ponytail sets and use the gray magnetic rollers. I have lots of pics of various sets in my fotki including my "cheat" set that some ladies seemed to like. I do a silk wrap after the roller set to get the dents from the ponytails out.

The set I'm doing right now I tried something a little different. I put my hair in 4 ponytails and rolled each one with two black (bigger than the gray) rollers. So far it's looking pretty good, almost like flat ironed hair. I will try to take pics later. My camera is acting up so we'll see.

Oh, and I use Lacio Lacio and diluted Lottabody to set with.
I roller set my natural hair all the time. I prefer using mesh rollers b/c it helps my hair dry faster. An hour and 45 minutes with my soft bonnet but I just got a Pibbs so I am hoping to decrease that some.

I use the green mesh rollers from Sally's where you take the brush out. I also have some Annie ones that are 1 3/4 inch that are pretty nice, too.

I use very diluted setting lotion and I wrap my hair with saran wrap afterwards to get it straighter. Sometimes I don't even have to flat iron the roots.

This page on my website shows how I roller set step by step with pics!
I do rollersets all the time. I'm actually just finishing up one now:grin:. I usually do ponytail sets and use the gray magnetic rollers. I have lots of pics of various sets in my fotki including my "cheat" set that some ladies seemed to like. I do a silk wrap after the roller set to get the dents from the ponytails out.

The set I'm doing right now I tried something a little different. I put my hair in 4 ponytails and rolled each one with two black (bigger than the gray) rollers. So far it's looking pretty good, almost like flat ironed hair. I will try to take pics later. My camera is acting up so we'll see.

Oh, and I use Lacio Lacio and diluted Lottabody to set with.

Thanks Pokahontas! Wow, your hair is beautiful! :gorgeous: So thick and healthy!