Calling all my Short-haired ladies...


New Member
Well, here's my problem: my hair is quite short because I've been cutting it for quite some time and now that I've decided to really achieve long hair but when I see ladies on here who have been members for 2 to 3 years and are BSL, but started out at below SL, I begin to think, "it is going to take me 5 or 6 years to get to BSL? Is is even worth all of this?" and I become frustrated and disheartened. Does anybody else feel like this? I know the is Long Hair Care Forum, but do any short haired sisters find themselves feeling this way?
I've been growing for two years, and my hair is barely shoulder length....and I don't mind. I have to remind myself that it might have taken those sisters all of their LIFE to get to SL, and they learned enough here to get them to BSL in 3 years.
And I figure, one way or another, the gods willing, I'll still be on this earth in six years.
Personally, I'd rather have stuck to it, and have BSL/MBL/WL hair by then, then to look back and think of how long my hair MIGHT be because I quit doing what I knew was right..... ya know?
I've been growing for two years, and my hair is barely shoulder length....and I don't mind. I have to remind myself that it might have taken those sisters all of their LIFE to get to SL, and they learned enough here to get them to BSL in 3 years.
And I figure, one way or another, the gods willing, I'll still be on this earth in six years.
Personally, I'd rather have stuck to it, and have BSL/MBL/WL hair by then, then to look back and think of how long my hair MIGHT be because I quit doing what I knew was right..... ya know?

Yea, I guess you're right, I just really impatient with seeing my hair literally inch's like, Come on!!!! Just get me to SL please! But you're right, I guess I was just being a brat.
I think a lot of people can relate to where you are coming from. I'm very frustrated b/c I know if I hadn't had so much shedding the first year that I was here with LHCF, and then so much breakage the 2nd year, I would be APL by now. Instead I had to keep cutting and/or trimming my hair back to this same length just so it would be healthy looking - NECK LENGTH. It grows fast but I am just now finally seeing less shed and broken hairs. Two years of really fighting and struggling with my hair...ugh!

It good though. I'm hoping when I get my next relaxer I will see a big difference in the health and length of my hair.
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I know just how you feel. So many of the girls seem to have started off with the hair I am struggling to get. So, its going to take me extra long to get to where they are. I just try to stay focused on my own hair goals, and be patient. Thats the most important part. I am sure everyone struggled with their hair in the begining, its just part of the journey. Try not to get to discouraged, it will come.:grin:
Yea, I guess you're right, I just really impatient with seeing my hair literally inch's like, Come on!!!! Just get me to SL please! But you're right, I guess I was just being a brat.

*grin* you not being a brat, just impatient!! Shoot, I wouldn't be messing with horse products if I wasn't just a TINY bit impatient myself!!! :lachen:

But, it's those inches upon inches that our hair inches along to get that leads to the hair.

I REALLY wish there was a shortcut (besides buying somebody else's hair :lol: ) but *sigh* it is as it is........
Just remember...Patience my love.

It's hard when you see so many with flowing long and gorgeous heads of hair but it will come. Trust me.
i feel like that right now...
the center of my hair broke off(stress related says dr and stylist) and its only about an inch long while the rest of my hair is ear length or longer.....

i get so down some days, cause i just cant wear my OWN hair out...

however i cut all of my hair off a year ago and it is already grazing my shoulders.... will grow
Girl, I know where you're coming hair is short. When I say short I mean short. Not NL or SL but short. :yep: I'm not stressing it though because I've grown my hair out from a short cut to just above APL about 3 times in 10 years so I know my hair will grow. My problem was dryness and that's what I'm working to conquer.
I try not to think about it that much. I know my hair will grow long because I've had long hair before. I think patience is the key. Stay strong!
JustKiya, How is the horse product working for you? Is this the MTG? Im thinking about using a growth aid but not sure which one, any suggestions?

*grin* you not being a brat, just impatient!! Shoot, I wouldn't be messing with horse products if I wasn't just a TINY bit impatient myself!!! :lachen:

But, it's those inches upon inches that our hair inches along to get that leads to the hair.

I REALLY wish there was a shortcut (besides buying somebody else's hair :lol: ) but *sigh* it is as it is........
JustKiya, How is the horse product working for you? Is this the MTG? Im thinking about using a growth aid but not sure which one, any suggestions?

:lol: :nono: Nah, girl, I couldn't stand craving BBQ and/or bacon all the danggone time.... I'm using Mega-Tek right now - it's a new(ish) product on the boards, I think. So far, a couple of ladies have had great results (Sareca and Dontspeakdefeat) with it boosting their growth and increasing their thickness....and there is a challenge for it, too.
I've only been using it for about - a week and a half, now, or so? So I don't have any personal testimonials - besides it feels good and smells great. :lol:
:lachen:I hear ya! The Mega Tek sounds interesting and alot cheaoper then the Ovation. I think I may give it a try. Keep me posted on your results.

:lol: :nono: Nah, girl, I couldn't stand craving BBQ and/or bacon all the danggone time.... I'm using Mega-Tek right now - it's a new(ish) product on the boards, I think. So far, a couple of ladies have had great results (Sareca and Dontspeakdefeat) with it boosting their growth and increasing their thickness....and there is a challenge for it, too.
I've only been using it for about - a week and a half, now, or so? So I don't have any personal testimonials - besides it feels good and smells great. :lol: