Calling all Flaxseed gel makers


Well-Known Member
For those of you who use and make this gel..what ingredients are you using that work particularly well for you?

Also question: have any of you used both honey and agave nectar? Is there a difference between the two? I know they are used for hold. I just ran out of honey and I'm wondering if I should try agave nectar.

Any and all input is greatly appreciated.
I'm not an expert but I love flaxseed gel. I just follow Naptural85's youtube video. I change up the oils a bit but otherwise - right on point.
For those of you who use and make this gel..what ingredients are you using that work particularly well for you? Also question: have any of you used both honey and agave nectar? Is there a difference between the two? I know they are used for hold. I just ran out of honey and I'm wondering if I should try agave nectar. Any and all input is greatly appreciated.

Agave is nothing like honey. I wouldn't use it as a substitute. I use herbs and oil when it make my gel. Flax seed has a weird smell to it when brewed without herbs.
I use aloe to brew my seeds in whenever I make it.

Usually Georges Aloe. I dont add anything for extra hold since FSG works alone for me. Sometimes, I add an oil , sometimes, I do not.
The one I've been using for the past 4 months with excellent results is the following:
1/4 flaxseed
2 cups of water
Pinch of Epsom salt
1 tbs of honey
2 tbs of aloe Vera gel
1 tbs of castor oil
Fragrance oil

This hasn't failed me yet
I use aloe to brew my seeds in whenever I make it. Usually Georges Aloe. I dont add anything for extra hold since FSG works alone for me. Sometimes, I add an oil , sometimes, I do not.

So instead of water you use AVJ? I love George's also, I may try this!
The one I've been using for the past 4 months with excellent results is the following:
1/4 flaxseed
2 cups of water
Pinch of Epsom salt
1 tbs of honey
2 tbs of aloe Vera gel
1 tbs of castor oil
Fragrance oil

This hasn't failed me yet

How do you extract the gel from the seeds? Is there a simple way?
I found that when I boil the seeds, it helps to not let the water get thick. I test to see when the water begins to get slimy. At that point I strain the seeds. Separating the seeds is much easier this way. As the gel cools, it begins to thicken. When it cools to the consistency I like, I add a little aloe Vera juice, a bit of castor oil and a little organic preservative to inhibit mold production. It makes the best detangler and good styling gel.

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I follow Naptural85's method also, but only for the measurements. I use different oils. I add peppermint oil and JBCO oil. Next month I plan on using lavender oil and olive oil.

I still have to use my eco styler gel for my edges b/c the flaxseed gel doesnt have enough hold for my edges.
I've have difficulty trying to figure out when to strain it. When it's too "cook", it's almost impossible for me to get it through the strainer; however, I prefer that consistency.
I use Naptural's method as well. For some reason the pantyhose and the regular strainer doesn't work for me either. I use that net that onions come in lol. Everyone is correct, don't allow it to get too think or it will be awful. I never thought to use aloe... I'm going to try that next.
Question for the flaxseed gel makers!

How long do you keep reusing your seeds for? I realized today that I've been making my gel with the same batch of seeds for a good 5-6 months now (the seeds kept in the fridge of course) and I'm wondering if they go bad ever? How often should one be changing them?
That's the "cold" method. You can boil them for like 5 min and get the same results.

Right. I've always boiled. I'd heard of pre-soaking to release more mucilage, just never got around to trying it.

If I knew I could throw them in water overnight and wake up to gel though?? *wide eyes* I'd probably do it that way from now on (laziness). I'm going to experiment tonight since I need another batch anyway. :)
I follow Naptural85's recipe and include a few drops of Shescentit's Carrot Seed and Pumpkin Defrizzer Oil as a natural preservative and to add scent.