Calling all BSL or longer - what's wrong here?


Well-Known Member
I'm about an inch above bra strap (STILL). My hair is 22-inches long at its longest, front layers are 17-in (left side) & 15-in (right side). My ends start to poop out and get a little thin around 20-inches long. And my hair growth rate seems to have petered out. (minus a scissor happy stylist encounter.)

My goal length is 4-inche past bra strap (meaning goal length is btwn 27-29-inches.) I'll list my "regimen" and if you long haired ladies could PLEASE tell me what I'm doing wrong, I'd be forever grateful.

I try to conditioner only wash once a week but my schedule has been unrelenting lately, so I'm sure there have been times where its gone 17 days without. But, I rinse and pile on Elucence MBC conditioner and wear my hair damp in a bun through out the day. (that's what I do even when I've missed a wash.)

Every night I rub Jojoba Oil onto my ends. I try to deep condition weekly when I wash. But, as I mentioned my hair has conditioner or oil on it daily.

I've drastically cut down on flat-ironing & pressing. Used to do it regularly, that stopped in May. Since May I've only had my hair heat styled 5 times.

I usually wrap my hair at night. If I don't wrap, I pull it back and tie on a silk scarf.

I take a multi-vitamin daily. (but its low in Biotin on ly 75mcg.)

Evaulations...what am I doing wrong. I'd think my hair should be growing like a wildfire by now! With ends just as full as the rest of my hair.

Thanks in advance for your help.
wyldcurlz said:
I'm about an inch above bra strap (STILL). My hair is 22-inches long at its longest, front layers are 17-in (left side) & 15-in (right side). My ends start to poop out and get a little thin around 20-inches long. And my hair growth rate seems to have petered out. (minus a scissor happy stylist encounter.)

My goal length is 4-inche past bra strap (meaning goal length is btwn 27-29-inches.) I'll list my "regimen" and if you long haired ladies could PLEASE tell me what I'm doing wrong, I'd be forever grateful.

I try to conditioner only wash once a week but my schedule has been unrelenting lately, so I'm sure there have been times where its gone 17 days without. But, I rinse and pile on Elucence MBC conditioner and wear my hair damp in a bun through out the day. (that's what I do even when I've missed a wash.)

Every night I rub Jojoba Oil onto my ends. I try to deep condition weekly when I wash. But, as I mentioned my hair has conditioner or oil on it daily.

I've drastically cut down on flat-ironing & pressing. Used to do it regularly, that stopped in May. Since May I've only had my hair heat styled 5 times.

I usually wrap my hair at night. If I don't wrap, I pull it back and tie on a silk scarf.

I take a multi-vitamin daily. (but its low in Biotin on ly 75mcg.)

Evaulations...what am I doing wrong. I'd think my hair should be growing like a wildfire by now! With ends just as full as the rest of my hair.

Thanks in advance for your help.

BUMP..BUMP... I've been trying to find the thread where all of the ladies who have successfully grown hair out to brastrap and longer posted their regimes, but I can't find the right search function:mad:.
What's your protein intake like? Be sure you're getting enough. Also are you relaxing your hair bone straight? It seems most of the ladies here with hair BSL or longer don't relax their bone straight, stretch their relaxers, use very little to no heat and do protective styles. This isn't an absolute, just an observation. The exception I've seen is ladies with extra thick hair. Their hair seems to be able to withstand a little more.
just go to the page where it the hair care threads are listed and the right corner, u'll see "search this forum" ... that's where the search link is.

ok wyldcurls, i do not know... maybe you should keep your hair in protective styles, or take more vitamins, or exercise etc and keep these ends moisturized and hidden so that they do not thin out :confused:
Im nowhere near BSL but I agree wiht the winter slow down thoery. My hair growth has slowed to a crawl since November. Dont fret, youll be going nuts this spring/summer when it kicks back into gear.
I'm passed BSL, it may just be a pause in growth, your hair may be resting before going on to more length. Just be patient and don't measure/watch it so much, just work your haircare regime.
ITA, maybe you need more protein in your diet, are you taking vitamins at all? If you can't CW more often you may try to mist, sometimes it's a good way to get moisture w/o having to go through rinsing. I mist w Scurl no drip, some people use distilled water or rose water with a light oil. click on my siggy card or journal for regime and links. HTH
I know exactly how you feel. My hair hovered over bra strap for months. From what I can tell it looks like you are doing everything you should. I had to put myself on a bun challenge so I would quit worrying over it. While I was on the bun challenge I washed more frequently, moisturized daily and cut out all heat except to deep con. At my next touch up I was bra strap when straight.

Now I'm onto mid back. I have found that more frequent washing, deep con weekly, daily moisturizing and no direct heat is getting me there faster. Oh and my mixture of Surge and castor oil on my scalp is helping too. You'll get there. Keep at it. :)
Those are all great ideas. I will look into misting. Simplycee and others recommended more frequent often are you washing? For the most part, my hair is in a bun daily. I was damp bunning, which was causing some knots in my ends that were damaging. I've gone onto damp braids. Because of my schedule, I've been rinsing every few days and then loading my hair with conditioner and leaving that in all day til the next morning rinse or whenever the next rinse is. Maybe I am in a resting phase and a stall. I've heard about the BSL stall - I can't wait to move past it. I've been stalled here for a while. But I've only been caring for my hair in this way (protective styles, less heat, damp buns and condish) since May. Before that it was weekly or twice a month presses, etc. So, I can't wait to see the progress.

I don't get enough protein, so I need to up my intake and I think I'll add more vitamins. Biotin? MSM? Flax seed? I don't know??

Anything else I need to change or improve to get PAST BSL!?!?!?

Thanks for your input...most importantly, I will stop watching & measuring it! I have to for my own sanity.
simplycee said:
I know exactly how you feel. My hair hovered over bra strap for months. From what I can tell it looks like you are doing everything you should. I had to put myself on a bun challenge so I would quit worrying over it. While I was on the bun challenge I washed more frequently, moisturized daily and cut out all heat except to deep con. At my next touch up I was bra strap when straight.

Now I'm onto mid back. I have found that more frequent washing, deep con weekly, daily moisturizing and no direct heat is getting me there faster. Oh and my mixture of Surge and castor oil on my scalp is helping too. You'll get there. Keep at it. :)
Mine too, what's worse is that I had gotten to LBSL then got cut I asked for a trim she took off 3" and I had to start from just above BSL and stalled for months, until I just worked my regime and stopped measuring, looking, checking it.