Calling A Fasting & Prayer Day Nov. 4th "....For Such A Time As This" Esther 4:14


Well-Known Member
God told me to call a fast. Please join us as we Fast & Pray on Election Day.

Our fasting and prayer team is scheduling a day of fasting and praying on Tuesday, November 4th you decide the type of fast, and how long. Please see the sticky section for instructions on how to fast and pray. For we all are part of the kingdom ".....For Such A Time As This" Esther 4:14

Focus of Fast: Election(Destroy lies and racisms, victory in battlegrounds for the right canidates), Candidates(will be ethnical and fair), Country(togetherness, loss of jobs, peace, love towards all people, destroy hate messages by some candidates), Youth & Young Adults, and add whatever else you are lead to such as allowing this election to make history and helping ALL people especailly the middle class.

Father we command everything that is not like you to be destroyed in the name of Jesus concering this election and on the election day. We commit this election to you and pray that we will choose the candidate according to your perfect and pleasing will. We bind, destroy and cancel every plot, plan, scheme of the enemy to destroy others with lies and fraud. Father we cancel that agenda and send it BACK to the pits of hell from which came in Jesus mighty name. And, while we have your attention my heavenly and wonderful Father, we pray for this country and the crisis that is unfolding before our very eyes. God speak to the land that repentence, togetherness and love be renewed towards you and YOU alone. We pray for our youth and young adults to be protected and not initmated by anyone but will go out on Election day to vote in millions. I cancel any plots that would try to hinder them while they are at the election poles. God dispatch Angels right now into four corners of the earth to do the work you called them to do concering this election, this country and every circumstance we are facing. Touch every women on the fasting & prayer team, all those who will participate in this fast and their respected families in JESUS MIGHTY NAME. AMEN!!!
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Prayer Warriors On Board For November 4th

Highly Favored8
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I was wondering about you. Glad you came in and started this. Bless you!

We did the fasting from January - April and told ladies to do next months on their own to reconnect with God as one-on-one. About two weeks ago He prompt me to do this but I have been extremely busy with some cases I am working on. Keep me in you prayers as I will with you.
Oh wow! I am off that day so I can really dedicate my time to this. I volunteered to work as an election judge, but I haven't heard back yet. Either way I am in!
Oh wow! I am off that day so I can really dedicate my time to this. I volunteered to work as an election judge, but I haven't heard back yet. Either way I am in!

Do want can you can? You can do it before the election day or maybe part of day on the 4th. Let God lead you but we know God will accept whatever you do from the goodness of your heart.
I'm in too...
keeping in mind the national and.... personal..which I also need...badly

Jeremiah 29:7 (NRSV) "But seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you...pray to the Lord on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare
Shortdub78 - God bless and thanks for passing this on I cannot wait to see God move.

Kayte - Thanks and please add other areas you see that needs attention especially in your personally life. I will be praying for every on our list earnestly.

Sashaa08 - Thanks Ms. Sashaa08, I know God is going to bless united we can bring the enemy down.
Praise God my sisters Highly Favored8 and Chicacanella we will all watch the move of God.
I have been fasting since last Tuesday and continuing. I'm glad I stopped in to see that I am in good company:yep:

Thank you for this post.
Thank you Star for sending out the call. I feel a lot of energy and excitement today. I will continue to pray the prayer you posted in our original posting throughout the day.
Thanks for fasting and praying ladies! I know I am thrilled with the outcome of the election although I understand there is much work to be done on everyone's part.
I want to say thank you to everyone as well. We have been praying for Obama for over a year and half. About a month ago God told me to Call a Fast when I saw the dogs came out with the campaign. We have proven that unity of fasting and praying along with so many other who were doing this also is powerful tool to destroy the works of the enemy.

Two weeks ago I have been putting together a team who will continue to fast and prayer and also just pray for the President Elect, his family and the country. I will have a national phone line so we can lift him up in prayer weekly and also fast and pray at divine times. I will contact many of you directly.
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