Callin Breakage Experts!! Supergirl and others


New Member
Lately I have been seeing more breakage than I normally do and I think I have lost a little length because of that. My hair doesn't do well with aphogee but I wanted to do something more heavy duty. Now should I use something like CPR 2X a week or should I do a heavy duty treatment followed with a mositurizing conditioner everyweek until it stops and contiue with mild protien treatments every week?? I am so lost??? I get me hair relaxed this week (I gotta be cute first day of school at A&T) so I have already washed my hair for the week. I washed with Kenra moisturizing shampoo followed with Motions CPR for about 25-30 minutes. Then I washed it out and followed with Kenra again and ORS Mayo for another 15 mintues. I wraped and dryed it under a dryer and it came out great. I want to start a more protein packed regime after my relaxer so what should I do the first week after my relaxer, 3 weeks after, 6 weeks after, adn 8 weeks after(right before next touchup)???? Thanks for any help ladies !!!!!!!!!!!!!
I would use a mild protein (CPR doesn't actually have any protein in it if I understand correctly, but it does stop breakage on some people) For other mild proteins try Aubrey GPB, Elasta QP Intense, or Nexxus Keraphix. There are others as well. A week after your realxer I'd use one of these. Then I'd use something stronger about 2 weeks after - Maybe Elasta QP Breakage Control or Nexxus Emergencee. Both of these are about t heh same strength of Aphpghee, but are easier to use because they don't arden on the hair. Follow with you best detangling, moisturizing conditioner. Then up until the week before your next touch up - weeks 3 - 6 - rotate mild proteins with moisturizing conditioners on a week to week basis. always follow any protein treatment with a mositurizing conditioner. The week before your touch up, week 7, use the Emergencee or Elasta one more time.
what she said!!!
Thanks Tracy!! I live in NC too and your relaxer review had me interested in checking the Hair Cuttery out. Thanks gain.
Thanks Tracy!! I live in NC too and your relaxer review had me interested in checking the Hair Cuttery out. Thanks again.