Call ME dumb!


New Member
Last Tuesday night..
a friend of mines gave me a
needed touch-up.
I was then at 11 weeks, and although I deep condition often- my hair was unpart-able..

So, she started putting the relaxer in.. ONLY ON MY ROOTS!
I was like what the heck is this chick doing? :perplexed

Come to find out... your ONLY suppose to relax your new-growth..

WHY have I let people put a relaxer in my hair as IF it was a virgin relaxer time & time again? WHY didnt I know this?

wow! The relaxer turned out GREAT!.. but I still feel dumb.

:look: Yeah, it does say even on the home kit instructions to only apply the relaxer to the new growth, but hey live and learn right? :yep: Welcome and I'm sure with all the great information you'll get here that you'll become a hair guru in no time! LOL
I had to keep reading the first few sentences over and over again like whas the prollem!! lol
you should not feel dumb! if you have been receiving touch ups by someone else especially a professional you had no way of knowing. all that matters is that you know now.
For a long time I used to think the same thing, but when I started getting relaxers done at the salon in 7th grade, I was like: Ohhhh.... *light clicks on*
Exactly-thing is if you were never told it was wrong-how would you know? Years ago I thought the same thing because that what was always done to my hair when I was younger-not that old but the knowledge that is out now wasn't easily found then. Believe or not some salons still do this mess-relax root to tip, "cuz the ends is frizzy" (thats their reasoning)
Don't feel dumb. A good many of us were the same way before this board. People can say read the directions all they want to, but you already know a lot of us grew up getting relaxers and probably just imitated what was done to us in the past. ALL mistakes are a learning experience. :) At least now you know for future reference. ^-^
when my mum used to do my sisters and I relaxer she would only apply to the new growth but now for some reason my sister thinks that she needs to apply all over her hair.

Always read the instuctions. :yep:
Well, I'll call you enlightened 'cuz now you know better. I'm glad your friend was "in-the-know" and retouched your hair properly. HHG, Girl!
:look: Yeah, it does say even on the home kit instructions to only apply the relaxer to the new growth, but hey live and learn right? :yep: Welcome and I'm sure with all the great information you'll get here that you'll become a hair guru in no time! LOL

It definitley does lmao. I dont pay attention. Ive bee non LHCF for some time now. Cant as much as I want because of classes & work but I take it all in!

Do you know how many stylists pull relaxers through to the end? Every single one I have had my entire life except for 2 - and I have had too many to count. AND I have only had 1 (of the 2) use a fricken timer. I actually laughed when she pulled it out. I had never seen a stylist use a timer. But my hair grew like crazy when I used her. I have even had a stylist who used her assistant to apply the relaxer and she told her assistant to "apply to roots first and then comb through".

Don't feel bad, there are bad habits everywhere.
Just that you know what you know, your hair will be getting stronger and healthy from not being overprocessed. I see great lucious hair in your future. Cant wait to see some updates in a few months.
I'm not going to lie. I giggled at your story. But hey, the great thing is now you know! Im sure your hair will be strong and healthy in no time.
Don't feel dumb! Feel empowered now that you know the right way to relax...and optimistic because I bet your hair will get stronger and healthier now that you are not overprocessing :grin:
I use to do it when I relaxed. Not every time, but like once a year, AND I KNEW that it was for new growth only. Live and learn. :yep:
I didn't know either until I came to LHCF. I felt bad at first too but how would I have known, I went to professions and I ASSUMED they were applying it correctly. Lesson learned on that one.