CAG gone wrong?????


Well-Known Member
I just finished taking out my braids. The hair feels really nice and moisturized but I have sooo much breakage. Not just shedding, but many small hairs and hairs without the white bulb on it. I don't get it!!!!! I also would spray a tiny bit of Surge on the braids when I washed it and a few other times just so I got some protien in there. I see growth but the breakage is too much.
Maybe you got breakage from the friction of taking the braids out. On, net your hair is probably better off now (think of all the breakage you would have had if you did not have the braids in and had to handle your hair all the time).
I really saturate my braids with braid spray and infusium every night and sleep with a plastic cap. I have not had any breakage from taking them down. Do you think you were keeping them mousiturized enough?
What type of braids did you get? Size does matter. Micros are known to cause alot of breakage.

Also, Surge is really drying. It should be sprayed on the scalp, not the braids. It's used as a growth aid, but not as a moisture enhancer. If you didn't use a strengthener (like Infusium) and a moisturizer (braid spray) then lack of moisture is probably the culprit (especially if you applied some protein and didn't follow it up with moisture.)

Off topic, Braided Beauty, you baby is ADORABLE!!!!!!
I used the plastic cap for the last month of the two months I had them in before that I just used a silk tie. I saturated them with S-curl (I went through three bottles)
I did NOT have micro braids, I know what they can do to hair. My hair is fine so I used small bairds (not too small) like Robin suggest.
I sprayed surge on the hair so maybe that could be it. On the bottle it says if you spray it on the hair it can prevent breakage. so now I am confused.
im still happy with my hair though, I haven't washed it yet (just put tons of conditioner on it overnight) so I will have to see how much comes out then.
thanks ladies!!!
I dont have much to add as far as products you shoudl use or stuff liek that but I will say that I do lose hair when I take mt braids out BUT its substantially LESS hair than I would have lost if I had my hair out. You will lose hair simply becuase its been up so long and those hair that would have broken off durng those 2 months will break off anyways you just wont see them all until you take the braids down.

Is this your first time doing CAG? When was the last time you had a relaxer? Was the breakage at the demarcation line? Did you have alot of buildup?
Did you soak the braids? Also, with Surge, you are supposed to wash daily when using it. I'm not sure what happened but it could also be just that some of the ends were already so weak that they were going to break off regardless. I don't add hair to my c&G methods but I'm sure you will figure out what the culprit was.

Oh yeah ... some people have actually had problems with the Infusium (years ago) reporting that it caused breakage so that could be the problem as well.

I've tried s-curl and care-free curl and didn't really like it ... it seemed to make my hair kinda-like melt and break off (if that makes any since) so I left it alone. Plus it was too sticky when I sprayed it on.

I've been using the Jamaican Mango and Lime no-itch spray and it moisturizes my braided hair very well. I have gone through like 15 bottles of this stuff since discovering it last year. It's not cheap but it works very very well for me.

Whatever the problem is ... I'm sure you will figure it out and you won't experience too much breakage the next time. My hair went from a little past shoulder-length to now almost to my waist from doing my version of the c&g method.

Also, just-in-case (I don't want you to have any setbacks when you wash your hair) ... put your hair in big braids before you wash it. I'm sure you didn't get all of the shedded hair out and I don't want you to experience any tangling issues. :)
I took mine out last month and it was mushy mess. I deep conditioned w/ moisture too many times and neglected the Aphogee Green Tea Reconstuctor that I normally add to my braid spray. I had a lot of breakage the too. I did a protein treatment and it was back to right as rain. While braided, you need to add a liquid protein to your hair everyday.
Everyday? That may be a little too much protien... especially if she isnt washign it every day. How often did you wash your braids?
Ok, now I'm confused. I can't seem to figure out what is too much moisture, too much protein, how much of each braids need. I need some serious help

LiLi how long did it take for you to grow your hair to that length?
cutiebe2 said:
I just finished taking out my braids. The hair feels really nice and moisturized but I have sooo much breakage. Not just shedding, but many small hairs and hairs without the white bulb on it. I don't get it!!!!! I also would spray a tiny bit of Surge on the braids when I washed it and a few other times just so I got some protien in there. I see growth but the breakage is too much.

I'm sorry this happened to you.
I don't have any advice to give you because I don't do ANYTHING to my MICRO braids but my hair is doing well so I'm happy. Maybe next time you won't have any problems
sareca said:
I took mine out last month and it was mushy mess. I deep conditioned w/ moisture too many times and neglected the Aphogee Green Tea Reconstuctor that I normally add to my braid spray. I had a lot of breakage the too. I did a protein treatment and it was back to right as rain. While braided, you need to add a liquid protein to your hair everyday.

How much did you moisturize, and what did you use? I feel like I have wet braids almost constantly -I don't think I am over moisturizing though, but I'm not 100% sure KWIM?
Also what would you recomend as a good liquid protein to use?

poetist said:
Off topic, Braided Beauty, you baby is ADORABLE!!!!!!
Awww, thanks! She is my :love: !
thats for so many responses!!!
I guess it wasa host of really litle things that messed me up. My hair isn't relaxed so I am always confused as to how much protien I need, DO I even need protien????? I washed and deep conditioned once a week. I didn't wash out hte Surge which was bad.
Next time I am going to try something else beside S-curl maybe the Jmaican Mango one.
Thnaks again everyone!!! I combed my hair out in the shower...soooo much hair.
Oh well, I will get it right next time.
Wildchild453 said:
Ok, now I'm confused. I can't seem to figure out what is too much moisture, too much protein, how much of each braids need. I need some serious help

LiLi how long did it take for you to grow your hair to that length?

It took almost two years; my hair grows super slow. I still don't really know how my hair looks straight (well the braided section) because it's been about a year since I flat ironed a section. But when I comb out some of the sections and stretch them, they are almost waistlength. I will try my best to flat iron a small section next weekend and take a pic of the length.

Also, you will get it. It took me some time to finally get a feel for when my hair needs protein and when it needs moisture. IMHO, your hair needs super protein when it's damaged; otherwise, all you really need (again IMHO) is a conditioner that has some type of protein in it but not neccessarily a hard core protein. I hope this helps. I had a lot of setbacks because I didn't know how to tell what my hair needed. Trust me ... you will get it eventually. :)
Braided~Beauty said:
How much did you moisturize, and what did you use? I feel like I have wet braids almost constantly -I don't think I am over moisturizing though, but I'm not 100% sure KWIM?
Also what would you recomend as a good liquid protein to use?

Awww, thanks! She is my :love: !

It wasn't the water or being wet that made my hair over-moisturized. It was Aveda. My braids are always wet too. They love that! I love C&G. Anyway, using Aveda so often w/o using much protein was my problem. I'm gonna get braided next weekend, but I'm going to be more careful this time.
I've had great success w/ Aphogee Green Tea Reconstructor mixed into my African Pride braid spray. I sponge that on everyday. My hair didn't like Infusuim at all. :nono:
sareca said:
I've had great success w/ Aphogee Green Tea Reconstructor mixed into my African Pride braid spray. I sponge that on everyday. My hair didn't like Infusuim at all. :nono:

Thanks, I may have to try this when I run out of my infusium :)
cutiebe2 said:
thats for so many responses!!!
I guess it wasa host of really litle things that messed me up. My hair isn't relaxed so I am always confused as to how much protien I need, DO I even need protien????? I washed and deep conditioned once a week. I didn't wash out hte Surge which was bad.
Next time I am going to try something else beside S-curl maybe the Jmaican Mango one.
Thnaks again everyone!!! I combed my hair out in the shower...soooo much hair.
Oh well, I will get it right next time.

When I was natural no protein worked for me. My hair was a crunchy mess from using Infusium and hair protein (which I don't think is necessary for naturals at all).

As long as your natural I would focus on moisture and maybe use a soft protein (like Aubrey gpb) every blue moon, or when your hair seems to break or is weaken.

It took me a few months to realize that there are different types of proteins and most are benificial to the hair when the hair weakened by chemicals.