Bye Bye Lacio, Hello Nioxin Silk Elixr!!!


New Member

You were right! Nioxin Silk Elixr was the bomb! I just roller set my hair tonight and it was so shiny and bouncy I could not believe my eyes! It totally put Lacio to shame. Now I just need to purchase the same drops you used with it because I think I could of had even more shine if I did. Well thanks for the tip!! I have updated my album, sorry I have a cheap digital camera so you can't really see the shine but who cares I am almost at brastrap after a hair cut in August 04!!!! Ladies trust me you have to purchase this if you roller set your own hair, you will not be let down...
Your hair looks so healthy kking. FABULOUS!!!
KKing your hair looks amazingly healthy. I love the results of the rollerset. I'm out of Lacio Lacio and Sickbay is outta stock :scratchch
kking - your hair is gorgeous!!!! :)

I wish I could get my roots that straight with MY flat iron.... :ohwell:
I have several samples of this, so I'll give it a try. But my hands automatically reach for Lacio after every wash :ohwell: .

Your hair is beautiful :up: :up: :up: .
We got Nioxin samples at our last meeting. I still have a few left, Lindy. If you'd like, I can send some to you.
evanne said:
Lindy, are you coming to the NY meeting tomorrow, if you can spare it can i have a sample? I will trade you for something that I have.

Sorry evanne, I won't be at the meeting :ohwell: ... plus I don't have the samples yet!! ;)
Thank you ladies! I find it an honor getting hair compliments from all of you with your gorgeous hair! Yes Silk Elixr is worth the 12 bucks so give a try....good luck!
Hey ladies, Ulta is having a sale on Nioxin products. And I received their sale brochure with a coupon for 3.50 off of any purchase of 10.oo or more. I think I might try this one :D
Don't laugh at me, but is it true that if you stop using Nioxin products, your hair will begin to shed and fall out?
Thanks for posting this. I just recently went back to rollersetting and I hate that dry look you get the next day. This seems like it would work perfect. Kking your hair is so pretty.
KKing, your hair is full and gorgeous! Looks like you'll be at brastrap very soon! :yep: Thank you for the post and the pix. I always get encouraged from another members' success!:D
Yayyyy!! Your hair is just gorgeous dahling! Just gorgeous!!! Your rollerset looks really good. You did a great job. I am so happy that the Nioxin silk elixir works well for you. Keep using it AND rollersetting and you wont be able to keep up with all the thickness and growth! Youll love it though as your hair gets thicker and longer!!! I shampoo clarify about 1x/month to insure that this product keeps working. Im glad you love it!