Buttered Peas? (stuff for slicking the nape)


formerly known as "keyawarren"
I am 8 weeks post relaxer and cant wear a ponytail because my nape is a tad bit short and the edges of it are basically in its natural state (NG). What are you guys using to tame that area? I heard about Almond Glaze by hairveda but I don't have access to that right now? Any otc suggestions?

I spritz with water, smooth on some Castor oil, brush and the down with a scarf. It is the best "gel" i've used and has thickened my edges too.
Thanks! I'll probably try the castor oil since I already have some here. I guess qp glaze is next if that doesnt work out.
bumpity bump
I'm :lachen: at this title!

I don't have any suggestions. If I put castor oil or moisturize mine then brush or comb them, they'll un-pea for a bit but in a couple of hours they are back as they were. *shrug*
lmao when i read the title i was like 'okay these lhcf chicks have gone too far with these hair gimmicks'. but anyway, i don't fight with my 'buttered peas'. i'm like mwedzi, when i brush them to do my ponytail, the next time i touch them, they'll be peasy again. it doesn't matter to me so i just let them be and try to keep them moisturized.
I don't do anything to mine. Most of the time I don't even realize they're there.
I use either Scurl Lite Gel or if i run out of that i use Organic Root Stimulator (ORS) Temple Balm
Would wearing a bang in the back of my head to hide them look cheesy?
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