Burt's Bees Baby Bee Buttermilk lotion


Well-Known Member
Burt\'s Bees Baby Bee Buttermilk lotion

Hey everybody. I just wanted to recommend my new favorite hair moisturizer. I've been using Burt's Bees Baby Bee Buttermilk lotion as a hair moisturizer the last few days and it has given me very soft hair.

I've been using the product as a body moisturizer for a while so I decided to use it on my hair. I apply a squirt or two to my hair when it's damp or wet. It keeps my hair moisturized and it smells amazing.

My coworkers have been chasing me around all day asking me what I use in my hair that smells so good.

It is very light and does not leave my hair greasy at all.

You guys should try this stuff out as a hair moisturizer.
You won't waste your money because if you hate it in your hair you can always use it on your body.

Just wanted to share.
Re: Burt\'s Bees Baby Bee Buttermilk lotion

I love Burt's Bees! I currently use the Wild Lettuce Soap, Wild Lettuce Toner,Apricot Oil,Carrot Oil Mist, Chamomille Mist,Beeswax Day Cream, Farmer's Hand Salve, Carrot Night Cream, Orange Face Cleansing Cream, Coconut Foot Cream, Beeswax Lip Balm,and Orange Scrub, Buttermilk Lotion, and the Baby Bee Solid Perfume ( I use that one in my hair as well)!!! Can ya tell I love my Burts???!!!
Re: Burt\'s Bees Baby Bee Buttermilk lotion

You can buy them at most health food stores like Wild Oats or Whole foods market. You can also buy them at burtsbees.com.
Re: Burt\'s Bees Baby Bee Buttermilk lotion

I may have to try this. I have a brand new bottle and I've only used it once... I just can't tolerate the smell of Burt's Bee's products... I wore the Lotion to work and my coworker came into my cubicle sniffing and told me it smelled like car wax in there.. the same same carwax he had used to wax his car that weekend end..LOL.. I said gee thanks but it's a new lotion I was wearing... He tried to make me feel better and said it was really expensive car wax though and made his car shine like it was nobody's business...LOL

Actually I"m a try the lotion in my hair tonight because I wash tomorrow and if I'll know if I can tolerate the smell.

Burt's bee's has good products.. too bad they smell so strong though... I have a barely used night creme, that I really love but it smells horrible.. I had to wake up in the middle of the night and wash my face because the smell was just unbearable.