
New Member
Have anyone transitioned with buns or braidouts? I am 12 weeks post relaxer and I have been wearing buns and braidouts because I wanted to take a break from heat styling but now, since my bun is so simple, I am not wanting to relax again. I figured if I wanted to wear my hair straight I could just blowdry and flatiron but I will mainly be in buns and braid outs because I will be working out alot. Also will I be able to do a donut bun with all natural hair.
I'm transitioning, and buns are a staple for me. I am almost 6 months post relaxer, so at this point I either rollerset my hair and bun it, or I bun my hair in the shower (easier to smooth the new growth). My other styles are a simple rollerset, ponytails, braid-outs or braids.
Buns are one of my staple styles too.
Most likely you'll be able to put your hair in a bun when your hair is 100% natural, with the right products its possible. :)
All I've done are buns. Some have been cute, some not, but they have gotten me through this far.