Bunning wet hair


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies - what do you do about moldy bunned hair if you bun while hair is still wet? I find that if I bun with wet hair the hair underneath never dries and I am afraid it will start smelling mouldy. EEEWWW!

I guess it depends how long you keep the bun in. I wet bun my hair everyday and the bun remains damp, but never moldy. If that were the guess, I don't think the wet baggie technique would be a hit.
I wet-bun my hair most of the time but I always take it out during the evenings. Never had a problem with odors.... I wouldn't leave it in for extended periods of time if your hairs uber thick and hard to dry though.
Ive never had a problem with my hair drying while in a bun.... it may take a full day or two, but it usually ends up dry and is not moldy. Then again, my hair is very fine/thin, with fewer strands.... so that could be why this works for me. I usually put some kind of moisturizer in it as well, so when it does dry it smells like that ORS Olive Oil or whatever.
I wet bun and I had a problem with odor at first. I have VERY thick hair and it would still be damp after 2 or 3 days. Now, I take it down and kinda let it dry out some. I also add my home made spray concoction and it always smell very good. I never had problems with mold or anything.
I occasionally dry my hair in a bun, and I don't have a problem with it growing mold or smelling moldy. There have been times where I've braided my wet ponytail, made a bun, and left it up for a week. When I took it down for my next wash, my hair was just fine. As a matter of fact, I was able to retain thickness and length by doing this for a month.
I co-wash daily so I don't have any issues with moldy smelling hair....I bun my hair wet everyday.
My hair is very thick, so if I don't take it down to comb it through, it takes 2-3 days to dry. It is never smelly. The problem I do end up having is that the very middle of my head ends up a little knotted at the roots.
Now my hair is ULTRA thick. I mean so thick that I constantly break those little plastic claw clips and I buy the ones for thick hair. If I don't break it in half then I at least break off a tooth or two.

So for me, I think I probably just need to take the hair down at night b/c I will put my silk scarf on at night w/ it up in the bun, take it down the next morning and realize my hair is STILL wet all up in the bun. ICK!
CurleeDST said:
Now my hair is ULTRA thick. I mean so thick that I constantly break those little plastic claw clips and I buy the ones for thick hair. If I don't break it in half then I at least break off a tooth or two.

So for me, I think I probably just need to take the hair down at night b/c I will put my silk scarf on at night w/ it up in the bun, take it down the next morning and realize my hair is STILL wet all up in the bun. ICK!

At night, try putting it into two braided ponytails. That always helps me to fully dry.
I always bun wet and it usually takes 2 to 2.5 days for my hair to completely dry. I have never had any problems with mold or moldy smell on my hair or accessories. Never even thought about it, now that you mention it.:look:
I usually partially dry my hair before bunning just because I don't like to manipulate wet hair too much.
I just co-washed my hair this week and I used Barry Fletcher Moisture Therapy Cool Revitalizing Conditioner. I put my hair in a ponytail and braided it. I took the scrunchie out at nite but left the braid in. After two days I took the braid loose and the hair was still damp, but the hair smelled so yummy like it was just washed (and I had put some MTG on my scalp the night before).

I think I am going to use this conditioner when I air dry in a bun or braid because it smells so fresh for days.