bunning misconceptions


Well-Known Member
Went to my BFF shop yesterday to chat after work. While their for an hour I decided to get a doobie (I know I should have..but i did). I made her promise not to clip my ends or comb roughly. All went well until I sat in the chair with wet hair and the other patrons were like you need a perm, your hair is nappy. Im like...I just relaxed in the beginning of October and I leave it on for a few minutes like a texturizer. Then I requested my BFF to detangle as she rolled. After more conversation with the patrons I started somehow talking about me combing once a week yada yada yada. You already know they had their mouth curled up at me......Girl 1 hair to her ear, Girl 2 had a sewin. Then they asked how do do my hair if I dont comb it.....I explain. They were shaking their heads about me putting my hair up in a clip everyday. They were basically saying nd implying that I dont take care of my hair. Girl 1 started to really get attitude about my hair reggie. It made no sense to her because breaking and shedding is the same thing. Like she tooted her lips up and everything and turned her head, she was really MAD !?

All that to say...Don't it aggrevate you that when your bunning people assume your not taking care of your hair?
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Yeah it does. Some members of my family see my hair and offer to pay for me to go to the salon:rolleyes:. Then the next time they see me they are ouing (sp) and ahhing over how much its grown...but they still don't make the correlation :lachen: Girl keep on growing and ignoring the naysayers...they'll see.:yep:
You should have said

'' Well, if you take such good care of your hair, why do you hardly have any and try to cover it up with weave? Obviously I'm doin somethin right, you should be takin notes''

That would have shut them the hell up. Were they blind or just stupid? Your hair is gorgeous, so it's pretty apparant that you know something that they don't. If that was me, I'd be writing down every word that came out of your mouth.

It's so frustrating to come across people like that, bald headed, ignorant and hostile :lol:
Girl, ignore the haters. I'm sure your beautiful thick hair is a big part of why they were getting on your case. I don't discuss my regimen with people who catch an attitude with me b/c I'm not going to change and they're not going to listen, so what's the point?
Yeah, that's always a hoot...ladies with short jacked up hair or those with the weaves because they want long hair laughing at my hair care techniques:rolleyes:, the bunning, the no-combing. They never seem to stop and consider ":think:hmmm, maybe I am doing something wrong." I just smile and in my head I'm like, "whateva....that's why I have healthy hair and you don't:ohwell:".
Personally, I don't like to wear my hair up all the time, I DO comb my hair and I DO get touchups every 6-8 weeks.

I do have healthy hair, too.

Maybe It could reach my length goals sooner if i did not do those things, but I like to enjoy my hair's body and movement and I like touching my hair and running my finger through it.

I also like the way I look when my hair is down.

I will wear it up more in the winter, but I just don't feel that all those other things are necessary for healthy hair growth and retention.

I think keeping hair clean and moisturized, being gentle with it and watching the heat and major manipulation is key, but other things are just not the only way.

Just like we don't like folks to say black women can't grow hair long, I don't like others to think you can't have healthy hair that grows well if you wear your hair down and comb your hair.
You should have said

'' Well, if you take such good care of your hair, why do you hardly have any and try to cover it up with weave? Obviously I'm doin somethin right, you should be takin notes''

That would have shut them the hell up. Were they blind or just stupid? Your hair is gorgeous, so it's pretty apparant that you know something that they don't. If that was me, I'd be writing down every word that came out of your mouth.

It's so frustrating to come across people like that, bald headed, ignorant and hostile :lol:

My thoughts exactly....
I cant stand it when people like that are the ones trying to give hair advice. Its like, if you know so much then why does your hair look like that?

Your hair is so pretty, if we were having the conversation (even prior to lhcf), my ears would perk up because I would want to have hair like yours. Id be listening to whatever you had to say..:yep:
I have said, bunning isnt for everybody, it works for me though. Add the fact that 8 times out 10 when it was down, I was always too soon in Mcgyver (sp) mode searching for something to pin it up. I loove my hair, but day to day I like it up and out of my way....If Im dressed to kill I love it all in my face, weird I know.

But thing is, I wasn not imposing my reggie on them, they started asking me questions after over-hearing me telling the stylist what not to use in my hair and so-on.

Im in the chair like.. I cant wait till May (cue up Kanye.......wait til I get my ...........right)
Personally, I don't like to wear my hair up all the time, I DO comb my hair and I DO get touchups every 6-8 weeks.

I do have healthy hair, too.

Maybe It could reach my length goals sooner if i did not do those things, but I like to enjoy my hair's body and movement and I like touching my hair and running my finger through it.

I also like the way I look when my hair is down.

I will wear it up more in the winter, but I just don't feel that all those other things are necessary for healthy hair growth and retention.

I think keeping hair clean and moisturized, being gentle with it and watching the heat and major manipulation is key, but other things are just not the only way.

Just like we don't like folks to say black women can't grow hair long, I don't like others to think you can't have healthy hair that grows well if you wear your hair down and comb your hair.

This is very true. There are ladies here that don't do any protective styling and comb everyday and have long, healthy hair. The point is that there are ladies out there with damaged hair that scoff at protective styling and the not combing when that is potentially one method they could use to improve their hair...
This is very true. There are ladies here that don't do any protective styling and comb everyday and have long, healthy hair. The point is that there are ladies out there with damaged hair that scoff at protective styling and the not combing when that is potentially one method they could use to improve their hair...

Unfortunately, many of them are the actual stylists. :perplexed
The point is that there are ladies out there with damaged hair that scoff at protective styling and the not combing when that is potentially one method they could use to improve their hair...

Exactly! Those types are always the main ones trying to tell you something! For what though, I have no idea.:ohwell:
You should have said

'' Well, if you take such good care of your hair, why do you hardly have any and try to cover it up with weave? Obviously I'm doin somethin right, you should be takin notes''

That would have shut them the hell up. Were they blind or just stupid? Your hair is gorgeous, so it's pretty apparant that you know something that they don't. If that was me, I'd be writing down every word that came out of your mouth.

It's so frustrating to come across people like that, bald headed, ignorant and hostile :lol:

Oh my goodness! That is sooo funny. Wow!
I feel exactly what you are saying, those type of people be the main ones talking about how someone else should do their hair when they are the ones need a healthy hair consultation and tips on how to care for hair..
I sometimes get that as well b/c I wear my hair in a bun majority of the time they assume that I don't take care of my hair but when I wear my hair down they be like umh...

Shake them haters off sweetie and keep it moving :drunk:
I hate that too! My boss is always making comments about my hair being in a bun or loose ponytail (even recruits a co-worker who does hair to "help" me :rolleyes:) Funny thing is, my boss's hair gets thinner and shorter every time she gets her hair "done". :perplexed
Luckily my job requires me to wear my hair in a bun. My hair can't touch the bottom of my collar--since I'm the military.
Unfortunately, many of them are the actual stylists. :perplexed
That is definietely true I can not say that I have ever learned anything useful from stylists. Except the usual "ooh your hair is damaged" and snip, snip goes my hair.
I havebeen telling people for years that I don't comb my hair every day. They think that I am joking, but I know that it actually works for me.:yep:
It's funny how people complain about how they're hair won't grow, and yet aren't willing to do what it takes to make it happen.

It's also funny how the people with the most hair problems are the first ones shelling out advice...

Sounds to me like those chicks were just trying to find fault with your beautiful hair, so that they could feel better about theirs. Don't sweat it chica. You know what you're doing.;)
I remember when I first started my hair journey, I got the proverbial "Why don't you get your hair "done" anymore?" I think it's funny that people think that you can't afford or war unwilling to get your hair done when you wear your hair up. I also get the whole "Are you a tomboy?" thing when people actually see my hair down. The funniest is when one of the old mothers of the church saw me with my hair down recently and announced that she thought I was bald headed because I wore that fist in the back of my head all the time:lachen:.

As we southerners say...Bless her heart!
That's funny that the ladies in the salon (with the jacked up hair) were trying to imply that you had no clue what you were doing with yours. Did they not see the difference b/t your hair and theirs? Girl keep doing what you're doing!!

I agree that bunning can be helpful in protecting the ends, but my reason for bunning is really two fold. (1) If my hair gets dry throughout the day and I don't have moisturizer in my purse, up it goes into a bun (if I don't do it, it will get more and more tangled as the day goes), and (2) when it has lost its "swang" and time for another rollerset, up it goes in a bun.
yeah ... ppl make me mad. then they are the one's with no hair @ all! I want to make up biz cards with this website on them and hand them out to everyone who thinks they everything about hair and has none.... ignorance gets you no where. Those girls should have quietly listened to what you had to say instead of judging and bashing from the beginning! AHHHHHHHHH i'm soooo mad! I HATE THAT!
Unfortunately, many of them are the actual stylists. :perplexed

Thank God I have a stylist who actually listens to me. She loves long hair. In fact she's got thick TBL locks. When I first started my journey, I told her I want to see how long my hair could grow so I wouldn't be trimming as much. She has never once said anything negative, whatever I ask her to do or not do, she does it w/o question, any advice I ask she gives, if I say dust, she dusts. Whenever I go she comments on the thickness and how much it has grown. She's actually started asking questions. When she was doing my hair last time, she asked, "how do you usually wear your hair?". I really feel as though she has my interest and my hair at heart.