
New Member
Since I have been a member this forum I have read numerous testimonials of the wonders of bunning! Maybe I'm not doing it right but... it seems llike when I bun, I get an incredible amount of breakage... in fact, since I played sports during highschool I had a whole outer layer of hair that broke of right at the stress point ans my sides look like they never grew!! Maybe I'm just doing it wrong... will someone please help me? :grin: How do YOU bun? TIA
Since I have been a member this forum I have read numerous testimonials of the wonders of bunning! Maybe I'm not doing it right but... it seems llike when I bun, I get an incredible amount of breakage... in fact, since I played sports during highschool I had a whole outer layer of hair that broke of right at the stress point ans my sides look like they never grew!! Maybe I'm just doing it wrong... will someone please help me? :grin: How do YOU bun? TIA

Are you bunning too tight?? Thats what it sounds like.
Hat kind of bun are you doing? Is it too tight? You should be able to comfortably move your head in all directions without any strain or tension anywhere on your head. How often do you change the position of the bun?

When I bun, I don't use a ponytail holder at the base. There's a wet bun tutorial in my album, you can see how I do my buns. The wet part is optional (but highly recommended) :D :lol:
Keep in mind that bunning isnt for everyone. Its really just an easy way not to manipulate your hair and lessen the amount of heat. If you do decide to bun then make sure you have snag free pony-tail holders. I know constant brushing of the sides when you bun can contribute to breakage as well.

Change the position of your buns too :yep:
When I bun, I use the top of a knee hi stocking. For me, it's the best thing I've ever used. It's extremely pliable and you can use one forever! When it gets stretched out too much throw it away and use the other one. For me, it also helps to keep my hair moisturized and sealed. I take my bun down a few times a week to moisturize it and also make sure it's not too tight.

I dry bun with a phony bun so I can baggy the ends of my pony underneath. I can't wet bun, that causes me breakage.
Yea, bunning isn't for everyone. I got breakage when I was texlaxed from bunning. As a natural I've had no issues.
What do you guys think about cloth scrungies. Do they cause breakage? I'm still using them out of habit.
What do you guys think about cloth scrungies. Do they cause breakage? I'm still using them out of habit.

I would say yes. Especially if the scrunchy is cotton. It's the same principle as sleeping on a cotton pillowcase...hairs can get caught in the fibers causing breakage. I also think that cotton depletes the hair of moisture. :yep:
I use long hair pins for tension free bunning (not bobbi pins or ponytail holders)!

It sounds that you are using too much tension to make your buns.
Loose bunning is what helps retain length. If your bun is too tight, your hair will break. I don't uses scrunchies to bun anymore. When I did early on in my journey I did have some breakage because I was wrapping the scrunchies and whatever else I used around too tightly. Now, I just wrap my hair around until it forms a bun and secure with pins so it's quite loose and there is no pressure on my hair. When I take the bun down to re-wet it or moisturise, no hair ever comes out.
Try bunning with clip or chopsticks. I wear chopsticks when I wear my hair up and I don't have any breakage. If I wear a ponytail holder, I saturate it in oil first so that I can take it out easier at the end of the day or I cut it out.

Also, make sure you don't wear your bun in the same place everyday. I wore a puff almost every single day for months. I didn't even have tension on my hair, it was looped around once. My hair broke off in the center of that puff, not where the ponytail holder was, nope, right in the middle of my head. Once I started moving the puff to different parts of my head, the breakage stopped.
Your buns sounds way too tight. Do a high or low loose moisturized bun. There is no need to pull so tight.
Also change the position of where you put the hair up daily. If you keep bunnning your hair in the same exact spot, (wrapping the ponytail holder in the same spot all the time) that area becomes weak and breaks off. Also, make sure you hair is always properly moisterized! :)
What do you guys think about cloth scrungies. Do they cause breakage? I'm still using them out of habit.


I mostly use the top of knee hi thingy; however, when I use the cotton scrunchies, soak them in oil. If you insist on using them, my hair sis, put them in a plastic container in your fav hair oil. Let 'em sit overnight before using them. Just a thought.


Make sure its not to tight, also add a little more conditioner to where you put the ponytail holder, and make sure its not to tight. You probally doing it to tight. Wet bunning is best. It help me retain most of my hair.
can someone show some pics with buns that have been changed to a different position? The only options I could think of for me are low and high. Is there something else I'm missing here when you talk about moving the bun around?
Thank you everyone for your suggestions! I probably do it too tight but that's because I'm have a lot of little peices that will easily slip out of the bun if I don't do it tight enough, so what do I do with those???? :sad:
Thank you everyone for your suggestions! I probably do it too tight but that's because I'm have a lot of little peices that will easily slip out of the bun if I don't do it tight enough, so what do I do with those???? :sad:
When i first started bunning i used to have that same problem, especially with the nape area. I would just take a clip (or a bobby pin) and clip those hairs down. I hope everything works out for you.

I had to leave the elastic bands alone all together. Because i came to realize that i have a personal obsession with tight ponytails. I couldn't deal with wrapping the holder around only twice or three times. I liked it tight.:perplexed So now i just twist my hair around itself (w/o a holder) and then i add a scrunchy.