Bunners who grew past MBL


Well-Known Member
For the members who are bunners, how often do you redo your bun? Do you take your hair down every day, detangle and rebun, or do you keep a bun for a week or a few days at a time, and only fix your edges? Is matting a problem for you?

Any other bunning secrets?
When I bunned everyday it was bun in the AM, take down, twist or briad in the PM in ther morning take down and re bun. I had to for knot prevention. Ished a lot and I have to moisterize every night.
I've been bunning everyday for about 3 months I take out my buns in the morning to moisturize and at night to apply oil and massage my scalp but I'm also in minis
Redo? Daily

In the morning, I moisturize / seal / bun
Take hair down as soon as I get home
Moisturize / Seal/ lightly run comb through hair / tie hair up for the night
Repeat the next day
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I leave my bun in for at least 3 days but most times a week. I just brush my edges in the morning, tie down with a scarf for a few mins, and go. I have no issues with matting. My hair does get dry if I don't take it down during the week at least once but I don't have time to care.
A little shorter than MBL here.

-Bun in the morning.
-Take hair down at night - Oil/treat my scalp with whatever I'm using at the time.
-Moisturize and seal, twist (about 6) and sleep with a scarf.
-Repeat the next day.
I bun in the morning, take it down when I get home from work - cowash or moisturize if necessary and put my hair in a bun on the top of my head for bed.

I only detangle once a week.