
Well-Known Member
Hey ladies,
I'm kinda new to the board and I want to jump on the protective style bandwagon, but I don't know where to begin. I have shoulder length 4a hair and I want to grow it to brastrap. I believe protective styling will get me there in no time. Where do I find supplies for making a bun? Plus do you have any tips for wearing a bun? TIA
Plus do you have any tips for wearing a bun?

[/ QUOTE ] Yes. Don't pull your buns too tight and change your part around regularly. Your hairline will thank me. /images/graemlins/look.gif
I started doing Adrienne's method. Yes...that's what I'll call it now...Adrienne's method.
1. Apply World of curls moisturizer to my hair
2. Using a satin scrunchie I put my hair into a ponytail
3. Then I braid it up loosely and spray the ends with scurl and apply vaseline to the ends
4. Then I twist it into a bun and put a baggie over it
5. Then I put the foot part of a cut stocking over the baggie
I added a 6th step myself..where I wrap a scarf around the stocking...one that matches my outfit.
My hair is not tight and it looks good. My tip is to get a silk or satin scrunchie and not to make the ponytail too tight. I don't part my hair so I don't worry about that. HTH /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Check out my album and what I use as a bun filler. My hair is a little below shoulders (collarbone) but I still use this method so I don't have such a small bun.
Whirl-a-Style is one of the easiest tools out there for making neat buns. They're about $3.00 in Claire's (a store found in most malls.) They come in three different sizes: small, medium, and large.

1. Don't pull your hair too tight.
2. Detangle and comb/brush your hair all the way through before putting your hair in a bun. This creates a smoother canopy.
3. Moisturize your hair. Otherwise, protective styles are less effective.
4. Experiment witht he Baggie Method to see if it's right for you.
5. Phonyponies and phonytails can be used to cover up the baggie.
6. Hair accessories really dress up protective styles and take them from blah to fabulous.
Hey Purlygurl /images/graemlins/wave.gif,

I just updated my site with a Protective Styles album with a few pictures of one of the protective styles that I wear everyday. I have a few variations and hopefully the pix will give you some ideas.

Take care,

ITA, SG, u are working that beautifully full and thick bun! wow If I ever had a bun that huge It wouldnt be so bad to wear it all the time...lol. but I currently look like I dont have any hair from the front....thats why sometimes I wear one high up....LOL.
Hey Leslie /images/graemlins/wave.gif

Thank you for the compliment /images/graemlins/kiss.gif! I just looked at your picture and your bun is very cute! Did you put it in while it was damp? Mine is much smaller when it's wet when I do it. When it's dry, for some reason I get the "steroid bun" thing going on!!


Your hair is off da chain gorgeous /images/graemlins/grin.gif!!! Have you noticed better growth wearing protective styles? TIA

Your hair is off da chain gorgeous /images/graemlins/grin.gif!!! Have you noticed better growth wearing protective styles? TIA

[/ QUOTE ]

You are so sweet /images/graemlins/kiss.gif

I actually grew my hair out past mid-back years ago from a chin-length bob in about 3 years. I'm now trying to get back to that point again, with a much healthier head of hair this time around. The only thing I did back then was wear my hair in a bun, and I used Mane n Tail shampoo! I couldn't afford vitamins, Surge, and all the stuff I'm using now and it still grew.

I think it's growing faster now, but I'm not really sure. Protective styles definitely help, because there is less manipulation.

Thanks again for the compliments! PM me if you need more info /images/graemlins/smile.gif
