Bun-Free Hair Growth Challenge!!!

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
I have been wearing my hair in a bun since at least college, so we're talking 10 years here. As I mentioned here, bunning for me was not about hair growth. It was about my own laziness and lack of skill in styling my hair. The results were not growth, but breakage, dryness, and overall unfabulousness.

I recognize that many of you have had success using buns to grow your hair. But given that there are so many other tools we have to take care of our hair (low/no heat, co-washing, moisturizing, etc., etc.), I'm want to try and grow my hair without the bun. (This is not to say that I won't wear my hair up or pulled back. At shoulder length I know that it's important for me to protect my ends to get me past this hurdle . . . and having hair brush against my wool coat or get caught in the strap of my shoulder bag isn't going to help me reach my goals at all.) But, I want to challenge myself to grow my hair long with style.

Is anyone interested in trying this with me???

Also, any tips from long-haired ladies who didn't bun?



P.S. - Just by way of disclaimer, I'm not trying to put down the bun. I know it has worked wonders for a lot of ladies here. I'm just looking to try something new on my haircare journey. No disrespect. It's all love. :kiss:
I'm interested but what if you pull your hair back and clip it up? does that count?

That's exactly the kind of bun-alternative that I'm talking about! You can make it all cute with a nice clip and little curls sticking out at the top!

I might do this - I have been very lazy and it has been so much easier to just bun it. I have decided to do a little challenge and rollerset once a week till the end of this year and see If I can get into it. My avator shows my first attempt this week, and I am proud to say my hair is still down.


Here is how it looked

by mid week I will probably have it up but with the curls showing. I am texlaxed as you can tell from my texture, and this way might be more beneficial in the long run.

Also I have been afraid of my hair for a while- I think once it is down it will just break and I will lose all the pogress I have made, I need to get delivered from that, it is just hair and If I take care of it, It will get to bra strap by this time next year.

So - Count me in. When do we start.
Ill join you, and can I say I just love the word unfabulous :lachen:....thats exactly how I feel when I wear my bun. Im about to rollerset my hair in a bit and Ill be doing loose pinups, half up half down, using my hairzing,etc. Now if I can just figure out how to make my rollerset last a week or at least more than 2 days grrrr....

I have half a mind to do a corrective over my texlaxed hair so it would hold straight styles better...but Im afraid it would cause me a setback so I wont. Maybe by spring/summer when the humidity gets really bad again Ill have a better technique at getting/keeping straight hair.
I am willing to try it. I just posted a thread a couple of days ago, asking if there were any people who wore their hair down for a certain percentage of the time and still managed to see hair growth and there were several people that said they did. I feel unfabulous as well when I wear my hair in a bun consistently, although I must say that I have come along way in my feeling on this.
Ill join you, and can I say I just love the word unfabulous :lachen:....thats exactly how I feel when I wear my bun. Im about to rollerset my hair in a bit and Ill be doing loose pinups, half up half down, using my hairzing,etc. Now if I can just figure out how to make my rollerset last a week or at least more than 2 days grrrr....

I have half a mind to do a corrective over my texlaxed hair so it would hold straight styles better...but Im afraid it would cause me a setback so I wont. Maybe by spring/summer when the humidity gets really bad again Ill have a better technique at getting/keeping straight hair.

I was just thinking to myself, "This would be an awesome excuse to buy one (or 10 :look:) of those HairZing thingies...:grin:"

*keeping an eye on this thread*
I'm definitely in! I love looking and feeling cute and the bun just doesn't cut it, but it's autumn now and I don't want to risk damaging my hair. A while back i got over a really bad hair cut by wearing curls. I may go back to this for the winter. The only thing is I hate trying to sleep "cute" to keep my style.
I was just thinking to myself, "This would be an awesome excuse to buy one (or 10 :look:) of those HairZing thingies...:grin:"

*keeping an eye on this thread*

LOL...I wish they were a little cheaper...I think they should cost more like 10 bucks each. Its nearly 20 bucks by the time u pay shipping. Im mad bc the one I got isnt quite the color I thought so it doesnt match everything so now I need to get one in silver, gold, or black so I can wear it with anything.
Ill join you, and can I say I just love the word unfabulous :lachen:....thats exactly how I feel when I wear my bun. Im about to rollerset my hair in a bit and Ill be doing loose pinups, half up half down, using my hairzing,etc. Now if I can just figure out how to make my rollerset last a week or at least more than 2 days grrrr....

I have half a mind to do a corrective over my texlaxed hair so it would hold straight styles better...but Im afraid it would cause me a setback so I wont. Maybe by spring/summer when the humidity gets really bad again Ill have a better technique at getting/keeping straight hair.

Have you tried loosely pin curling the roller set? This works for me very well, my hair usually looks good for about a week. You can see a picture in my FOTKI.
I'm down for this challenge! I think I lost alot of hair around my hairline due to bunning and wearing my hair back. There are some days I feel cute in my bun but not for everyday use.
I'm down for this challenge! I think I lost alot of hair around my hairline due to bunning and wearing my hair back. There are some days I feel cute in my bun but not for everyday use.
I'm in! For a long time I'd been wearing my hair in a ponytail (and couldn't wait til my hair was long enough to bun). But recently I discovered a way to wear my hair down everyday, and have it be cute, quick, and easy to do. My hair has also been more moisturized, with less shedding, and minimal manipulation.

I'm natural but this would probably work for relaxed ladies too:
* I prepoo, put my hair into four ponytails, and wash and condition them one at a time
* I then apply my hair products to my dripping wet hair (while still standing in the shower)
* Then I braid my hair into four ponytails (sometimes sealing the ends with oil after they're braided)
* I put my scarf on for the night (I wash at night so my hair can airdry while I sleep)
* In the morning I just take the braids down and separate them; my hair is wavy, curly after this
* At night I just spray my hair with water til it's semi-damp, reapply my hair products and put the braids back in

For me this works better than wearing a ponytail b/c this way I moisturize each section of hair more thoroughly. The middle of my hair get dry, and when I wore it in a ponytail I couldn't moisturize it properly b/c to much manipulation while it was in the ponytail would equal frizz. But re-braiding it helps minimize the frizz.
I'm so ready to ditch this bun.....I look so horrible with it. Its small and ugly. I have tried airdrying + carusos and that turns out ok for a couple days. Then its back to the bun. I may try this no-bun thing:yep:.