Buh-bye NTM: A farewell to my former staple line


Well-Known Member
Ladies, has NTM's formula changed? I don't get the same effect from it.

I have now replaced the whole NTM line that I used to SWEAR by...none of the products are any longer required as a staple for me. They are moisturizing, but not as much as some other things on the market that are just as easy/cheap to purchase.

The masque is replaced by AOHSR
The DDC is replaced by Trader Joe's Nourish Spa or Hello Hydration
The shampoo has been replaced by Nizoral and Porosity Control
The Silk Touch Leave in will be replaced by Garnier's Leave-In

Does anyone still swear by NTM?
I know I won't be purchasing the silk touch leave in or the deep recovery hair mask again. My hair really liked the DDC though.
Wow I didn't know the formula had changed. I haven't used the leave in for a while as I've run out, but I love the daily deep conditioner! What a shame!
The only thing I've tried is that silk touch leave in that everyone on here loves. I hated it.
Too scared to revisit it.
I do! The NTM Silk Touch leave in is still a staple in my regimen. Although, now that I'm 10 weeks post, I use Lacio Lacio (works wonders for detangling) after my wash/cowash and only use NTM on dry hair for a moisture boost.