Bubble Hair/Incomplete Split Hair/Mid-shaft Splits/Trichorrhexis nodosa

MY HAIR IS IMPOSSIBLE: It never grows past 5 - 7 inches. No matter what.
note: to follow my journey, subscribe to this thread. Updates within!

Hi all! Long time lurker, first time poster. :look:

I am on a mission. I am determined to figure out how to grow my hair long. I have the toughest, roughest, most fragile hair in the world. I give others hair advice and their hair grows to lengths mine cannot even begin to imagine. My hair is ear/chin length and has been so MY ENTIRE LIFE (whether relaxed or natural). I am constantly fighting set backs or staying stagnant. I really need your help. (If this is too long to read, scroll to the end of this post)

Here's my regimen:
Once or twice a month, I wash with bentonite clay, condition with coconut creme + yogurt, use diluted Trader Joe's conditioner + oil as a leave in. Stretch while wet into flat twists and use a low-tension wig with some leave out in the front. Leave hair alone (with occasional oil + moisture application and scalp massage) and wear wig daily. Repeat next month.​

I've determined that at this point, what is holding me back is my horrible split ends. They're not just any kind of split end. I have every sign of damage described in the below graphic:


At first, I started with the basics:
  • maintained good moisture/protein balance (took me FOREVER, but finally figured out how to get my hair to not feel like a brillo-pad as I worked with "pinkecube" and "miss dee kay" to create the max hydration method)
    No more use of combs (finger detangle only)
    Trim ends regularly
    Co-wash (no shampoo) and use only natural products that do not leave build up
    Protect hair at night and use of protective styles 99% of the time
    Absolutely no heat
    Use ph-balanced hair products (except for bentonite clay. I notice using too much baking soda causes more split ends, so I just stopped using it all together)

To my dismay, it didn't work. My hair is still had the issues in that picture!! I then found out about the terms I mentioned above. I have bubble hair. Incomplete splits. Mid-shaft splitting. Trichorrhexis nodosa. Whatever you want to call it. I even made a video about it out of desperation (click here)!

Here is the advice I am reading about this condition that I am working on, but I need help because this is a bit confusing.

  • "Avoid or reduce frequency of stretching. This one can be hard to avoid or give up, especially if you have extremely kinky hair and/or long hair, since those particular groups (myself included) tend to utilize stretching to diminish tangling. Stretching kinky hair puts strain on the kinks, the weakest part of afro hair where the strands themselves twist within the curl, and leaves the cuticles, which are accustomed to lying as flat as possible against curls and kinks, partially raised in those areas. The kinkier the hair, the more prone to damage at those weak points, hence mid-shaft splits." - what.the.HELL?? How are we supposed to prevent tangles and breakage WITHOUT stretching? We're damned if we do, damned if we don't??

    4) Diet low in zinc, iron, and/or Vitamin B-12:
    A deficiency in any of these nutrients can result in weaker strands (and thus breakage) or even hair loss. Taking a good multivitamin on a daily basis can ensure that you are receiving a sufficient amount of these nutrients. If you are severely deficient in zinc or iron (e.g., anemia), I highly recommend that you see a doctor. - I've been working on this and already I *believe* there is a reduction in hairs I find on the floor when I co-wash. But not sure yet

Those two are the only two things I have yet to address. So I'm addressing them. Except for the whole do not stretch your hair thing. I don't understand wtf to do about that at this point.

Would love love love love opinions or shared experiences. Thankyou

*for those googling*
Bubble Hair/Incomplete Split Hair/Mid-shaft Splits/Trichorrhexis nodosa
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First off :welcome3: I love your name :lol:

Have you tried a reconstructor to reinforce the fragile points? With curly hair weak spots are inevitable. Even if we do everything right, the bends and kinks are fragile in certain spots. Some people's hair just grows that way.

Maybe a Komaza analysis can help you address this issue. I want one too, but I have been too lazy to order it :blush:
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Thanks Prettymetty!

I have used reconstructor in the past and it did nothing for my hair. My hair felt exactly the same. I now use natural protein (eggs or yogurt or both) which has given me better results, but the problem is still there. I really refuse to believe my hair was just meant to never grow and always break off. Especially since no one else in my entire family line has had this problem o_o

I never heard of Komaza analysis *googles it*
Interesting. I /might/ try it. I'm afraid they are going to tell me things I already know and give me advice I am already doing (like I said, the two items I mentioned above are the only pieces of advice I could find online that I have not already tried). Do you know of others who have gotten an analysis?

I went ahead and ordered it (using a 5% discount code)! With the consultation. I googled reviews of it and everyone who did it said it was worth every penny. Decided it was worth a shot.

I know how it feels to be in that situation. I had transitioned on many occasions, and felt I was doing everything right. Except though I was stubborn about the protein treatments.

This particular transition has been a different one from my previous transitions. I realized that my hair was very sensitive to hair extension braids especially with synthetic hair. And my hair which is already porous became more porous with extension braids no matter what I did. Also hair coloring also changed my texture as well making it very porous and dry looking.

This transition, I began with extension braids after a botched relaxer job. I had BC'ed but still my hair looked and felt strange. I had remembered that in my last transition before this one, I had began extension braiding every now and then and then stopped using any extension braids human or synthetic and my hair texture became manageable and my hair texture was not rough or dry looking and my curl pattern held up very well. And my hair grew like crazy because I was't impeding the new growth that was held back by the synthetic (fake) hair.

So back to this transition, I recognized immediately that my hair had new hair growth which the cuticles were compromised from hair braiding and sadly, it wasn't like I braided back to back like other transitions. I knew that the only way to start fresh again was to shave my entire hair and begin a transition with no extensions or weaves.

I am not suggesting that you be brave and shave your hair like me because to be honest after you get out of the shaved stage to the awkward stage of styling it can be very challenging. But I am saying that if you have used extension braids as a protective style, this can compromise your hair texture. You may have to do some trims until you have new growth that hasn't been braided. Also, synthetic hairs can disturb some women's scalps causing their scalps to be off in terms of ph balance.

Many women do not realize this. Also, if you wear wigs that nylon cap is also robbing your hair of much needed moisture. Our hair can be so sensitive and can take awhile to repair itself. Now, I was able to always grow my hair past APL but that is it with braid extensions but my hair texture always looked very dry and rough and it was impossible for moisture either through products or using water and I always had mid level shafts and split ends.

Also be aware that you have to make sure that your products are working with your sebum and not against it or at least ph balanced so that your hair will retain its moisture and your scalp will be able to work it's own magic naturally. Some products that you may think are natural, you still have to know if the ph works best for your hair. Even some natural products draw away moisture and compete with your sebum and dry your hair out causing those splits along with synthetic hair braiding.

So, now I do not advocate the use of hair extensions (braids) especially on fine or porous hair unless it is for a special occasion and kept in for only 3 weeks max and only to be done maybe once a year two at the most. But for me, never again.

My advice is that if you braid your hair a lot as a protective style, give that a break. Also give a break to the nylon caps on top of the wigs. Start steaming or water rinsing to give your hair much needed moisture and do your DC treatments bi weekly to get your hair back into shape. And you may have to do some slight trims until you get rid of those compromised cuticles. Look into komaza products they may help but remember if your hair has been compromised products will not work on your hair over night.

Almond Eyes
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almond eyes

Thank you for sharing your story.

I actually use silk to cover my hair under wigs. And all my products are pH balanced. Even though my hair is now "soft" and moisturized all the time (I also do water rinsing), it still does not retain length.

I also don't braid my hair often. I braid it once every 2 or 3 months. With hair that is light weight and springy.

I feel like I do everything "right". No mistakes. The only thing I can admit to faulting is protein treatments. Which I started doing to no avail (with egg, yogurt and coconut milk). Not sure if its due to the hair being already damaged or if that's not my problem. :(

P.S. I am EAGERLY awaiting KomazaCare's call! Sent in my samples earlier this week. *prays* Then I got a gut bacteria infection! I wanted to start taking minerals, but they actually make it harder to kill off the bacteria so have to wait on my vitamins.
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So how are you getting your hair trimmed regularly? Are doing it yourself with search and destroys? Or are you straightening it and getting it professionally trimmed?
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Have you tried other products? Maybe this bentonite clay, coconut creme & yogurt and diluted traders joes conditioner just aren't working for you.

How long did you consistently use reconstructors? And did you follow the reconstructor with a proper deep conditioner?

Have you tried moisturizing and sealing more often, like everyday or every other day with a heavy rich leave in?

Why are having to dilute the traders joes conditioner? I'm not familiar with this product.

How does your hair feel after washing with the bentonite clay? Does it feel moisturized or dry?
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I have had this bubble hair/split hair issue in one particular spot in the middle of my head since I began my journey in 2007. The hair actually grows out of my scalp already split.
What has helped is all the things you have mentioned plus time!

When I am on top of my hair game with vitamins, (I pop a B-Complex daily if nothing else!) frequent DCing (with heat!) low to no styling (ie protective styling) the issue is greatly minimized however it doesn't take much to bring the problem to the forefront. One missed DC can totally wreak havoc.

Continue with your current product usage you are on the right track. At one point I just left the damaged part alone...taking great care to keep it moist, hydrated and cool (NOT WET!) and that is when I saw the most progress.

The theory about not stretching the hair makes sense to me. If hair is left alone and allowed to "do what it do" it will thrive. My fragile, kinky, curly , nappy hair is happiest (these days) in a wash n wear style. However we are Black women and we crave style and variety more than others. Sisters for the most part wanna braid, twist, bantu, roller set, flat iron and on and on. Nobody wants to just leave it alone! The struggle is real.
I soooo want to get one of these Komaza analyses packages. sigh. My hair was longer and stronger when I used Aphogee reconstructor. Since I abandones certain products for less chemicals my hair is not as durable it seems.
almond eyes

Thank you for sharing your story.

I actually use silk to cover my hair under wigs. And all my products are pH balanced. Even though my hair is now "soft" and moisturized all the time (I also do water rinsing), it still does not retain length.

I also don't braid my hair often. I braid it once every 2 or 3 months. With hair that is light weight and springy.

I feel like I do everything "right". No mistakes. The only thing I can admit to faulting is protein treatments. Which I started doing to no avail (with egg, yogurt and coconut milk). Not sure if its due to the hair being already damaged or if that's not my problem. :(

P.S. I am EAGERLY awaiting KomazaCare's call! Sent in my samples earlier this week. *prays* Then I got a gut bacteria infection! I wanted to start taking minerals, but they actually make it harder to kill off the bacteria so have to wait on my vitamins.

I hope you will get the answers you are looking for. Very often all it takes it braiding your hair a few times to get mid shaft splits along with products that can be very drying. I even know of women all it takes is one bad braid job and your hair can be damaged and split. And the results are permanent even if you use ph balanced products. There is no gentle synthetic hair. I also think that food products used as protein may not be strong enough for your hair.

Water rinsing helps to bring in moisture but if your hair already has a split problem then you have to get rid of those splits in order for moisture to penetrate your hair. And you have to also be aware that if your hair is already in shaky condition too much water can swell your strands.

I think you may be told that you will have to do some cutting, use a protein strengthener and stay away from extensions and wigs (even with a swig to over it).

Good luck and let us know.

Almond Eyes
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Glad you did the Komaza analysis. I did it a few years ago and she saved my hair. Can't wait to hear what she recommends.
ManeStreet - both search and destory and just putting my hair in twists and cutting the ends. About every other month.

Also, I don't know what other products to use. I use the products I use because it is the ONLY thing that gets my hair to feel soft and moisturized. I am an ex-product junkie. Found a method and product that worked. Stuck with it. Don't really know what else to do.

How long did you consistently use reconstructors? And did you follow the reconstructor with a proper deep conditioner? I used it every other week. Aphogee. Didn't notice anything and just tried other things like the 2 minute reconstructor, etc. Didn't notice any benefits so I stopped spending the money.

Have you tried moisturizing and sealing more often, like everyday or every other day with a heavy rich leave in? I used to moisturize and seal more often back when my hair was always brittle. Now, it doesn't feel like I have to. Now, I can get away with doing it every other day (or even every 3 days). However, my hair still won't grow so this week, started doing it daily. Regardless of whether or not my hair feels soft or not. Might prevent more split ends?

Why are having to dilute the traders joes conditioner? I'm not familiar with this product. Diluted per Max Hydration Method. It prevents build up. Works great for me and saves money :)

How does your hair feel after washing with the bentonite clay? Does it feel moisturized or dry? My hair feels like it has a curl pattern, soft, silky, and clean after bentonite clay. Feels moisturized and bouncy, actually. Something I never used to say about my hair EVER lol! But I wonder if the pH is hurting my cuticles? But at the same time, it makes my hair feel amazing... I'm getting addicted to it.

discodumpling -- Good to hear I am not alone!! I know what you mean. It is so frustrating when you realize ONE LITTLE MISTAKE. One off day, one day you're too tired can wreak total havoc. I'm going to take your advice and not get my hair WET as often as I do. I do notice my hair seems to be in a better state when I do "wash n go" but if I am not diligent, it gets tangled. omg... is my hair really just this hard to manage? baby I should just shave it off, color it and rock an Amber Rose... or get locs... I'm getting exhausted. Its like having a baby!

almond eyes -- I am taking what you're saying to heart about "no gentle synthetic hair". I had a bad braiding incident. I didn't realize how harsh synthetic hair can be... Will definitely remember this and take more care when my hair is in braids.

I am so ready to hear from KomazaCare!

So far it sounds like I need to:
* Start using a protein treatment product (because natural stuff is not working)
* Moisturize and seal (dampen hair, not wet it) daily --- maybe
* Trim off the ends... maybe more frequently
* ... work my way up to being able to manage my hair without it being stretched

countin' down to my hair anaylsis!
ManeStreet - both search and destory and just putting my hair in twists and cutting the ends. About every other month.

Also, I don't know what other products to use. I use the products I use because it is the ONLY thing that gets my hair to feel soft and moisturized. I am an ex-product junkie. Found a method and product that worked. Stuck with it. Don't really know what else to do.

How long did you consistently use reconstructors? And did you follow the reconstructor with a proper deep conditioner? I used it every other week. Aphogee. Didn't notice anything and just tried other things like the 2 minute reconstructor, etc. Didn't notice any benefits so I stopped spending the money.

Have you tried moisturizing and sealing more often, like everyday or every other day with a heavy rich leave in? I used to moisturize and seal more often back when my hair was always brittle. Now, it doesn't feel like I have to. Now, I can get away with doing it every other day (or even every 3 days). However, my hair still won't grow so this week, started doing it daily. Regardless of whether or not my hair feels soft or not. Might prevent more split ends?

Why are having to dilute the traders joes conditioner? I'm not familiar with this product. Diluted per Max Hydration Method. It prevents build up. Works great for me and saves money :)

How does your hair feel after washing with the bentonite clay? Does it feel moisturized or dry? My hair feels like it has a curl pattern, soft, silky, and clean after bentonite clay. Feels moisturized and bouncy, actually. Something I never used to say about my hair EVER lol! But I wonder if the pH is hurting my cuticles? But at the same time, it makes my hair feel amazing... I'm getting addicted to it.

discodumpling -- Good to hear I am not alone!! I know what you mean. It is so frustrating when you realize ONE LITTLE MISTAKE. One off day, one day you're too tired can wreak total havoc. I'm going to take your advice and not get my hair WET as often as I do. I do notice my hair seems to be in a better state when I do "wash n go" but if I am not diligent, it gets tangled. omg... is my hair really just this hard to manage? baby I should just shave it off, color it and rock an Amber Rose... or get locs... I'm getting exhausted. Its like having a baby!

almond eyes -- I am taking what you're saying to heart about "no gentle synthetic hair". I had a bad braiding incident. I didn't realize how harsh synthetic hair can be... Will definitely remember this and take more care when my hair is in braids.

I am so ready to hear from KomazaCare!

So far it sounds like I need to:
* Start using a protein treatment product (because natural stuff is not working)
* Moisturize and seal (dampen hair, not wet it) daily --- maybe
* Trim off the ends... maybe more frequently
* ... work my way up to being able to manage my hair without it being stretched

countin' down to my hair anaylsis!

I have an African mother who only wore extension braids twice in her life and yet, I lived in extension braids. I can see the difference in our hair today and Mum has an intact hair line to boast at her age. I am lucky that I still have a lot of hair today despite having used a lot of braid extensions to style my hair.

I was the queen of hair extension braiding. I loved my braids they were my signature look and any style. But even when they were done right and I took care of them, my hair always had mid shaft splits. Perhaps, if I had been more diligent about protein treatments and taking breaks between braid jobs my hair would have been in a better condition. Five years ago, I went to a braiding place in Harlem and I had not braided my natural hair in years and the braider asked me if she could use a 1 dollar pack of chinese synthetic hair to braid my hair. When I took those braids out six weeks later my hair was destroyed. The synthetic hair, plus the pulling and tugging that goes a along with extension braiding can be very damaging. I was still hard headed and felt that I could get away with it one more time in early 2013 but then I saw that my hair again had mid shaft splits on top of the 'scab' hair I was trying to grow out from a series of bad relaxer jobs. So, that was it for me, no more extension braids or twists. Though every now and then I will throw a wig on to change it up.

Afro hair especially fine and medium finer hair textures are so sensitive to these things and again all it takes is one bad braid job like a bad heat job and your progress is down the tubes. Synthetic hair and even a lot of human hair is cured with all these chemicals and then that touches your scalp and dries out of the shaft of your hair making it more porous. And when your hair is trying to grow, because there are tight extension braids on top of it, the new hair has no choice but to break. Also the synthetic hair can suck out so much moisture from your hair that even your hair texture is no longer smooth but dry and rough.

I think you are on the right track. And I am sure Komaza will really help you.

And if you can invest in a heat therapy cap to do your Deep conditioner and protein treatments. Twice a week DC's and bi monthly protein plus trimming will get you back on track. Also have your spray bottle with distilled water near by it helps me a lot. Pay attention to your diet and drink plenty of water.

As my hair gets more volume, I cannot detangle my hair daily except weekly in the shower. But on a daily basis because my curls wrap around one another, I use my leave in use a seamless comb to only fluff out my roots and then I put some leave in on my hands and then gently finger comb through the rest. And when I come across a knot, I use some light friction with other hairs to open up that knot.

Almond Eyes
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A long time ago, I saw a map that showed you if you have hard water in your area and the map said I didn't. Haven't checked in several years, though. Do you understand how the hard water affects hair and what you're supposed to do about it?

almond eyes
Do you think there is a type of hair that is best? I have been using EON hair and have noticed a huge difference (compared to xpression hair). Is there something even more optimal?

Also, now that you are braid free (and also tension free, leaving your hair in fros) are you noticing changes in your hair health? I'm just so used to NOT leaving my hair to be a fro that its hard for me to buy in that doing that would actually be better than doing flat twists at night that I usually do.

As hairs shed, I look at them carefully because I'm still waiting on my hair analysis (they got my sample 2 days ago. Ugh more waiting...) and I see that I need to cut off AT LEAST an inch of hair. Cannot wait to know what is causing this problem.

I'm about to do some twists because I am traveling in 2 weeks. waiting waiting! lol
kwicherbichen I'm anxious to hear the results of your hair analysis too. You've put a lot of time, effort and research into your hair so I can imagine this has been frustrating for you.

Do you actually see any breakage or broken hair in the sink or shower? I'm really puzzled why you would be stuck at that length.
A long time ago, I saw a map that showed you if you have hard water in your area and the map said I didn't. Haven't checked in several years, though. Do you understand how the hard water affects hair and what you're supposed to do about it?

almond eyes
Do you think there is a type of hair that is best? I have been using EON hair and have noticed a huge difference (compared to xpression hair). Is there something even more optimal?

Also, now that you are braid free (and also tension free, leaving your hair in fros) are you noticing changes in your hair health? I'm just so used to NOT leaving my hair to be a fro that its hard for me to buy in that doing that would actually be better than doing flat twists at night that I usually do.

As hairs shed, I look at them carefully because I'm still waiting on my hair analysis (they got my sample 2 days ago. Ugh more waiting...) and I see that I need to cut off AT LEAST an inch of hair. Cannot wait to know what is causing this problem.

I'm about to do some twists because I am traveling in 2 weeks. waiting waiting! lol

I have used every synthetic hair and even at times soaked the hair and I also used to use human hair as well. The money and time I have spent on hair and braiding, I would like to take it back. Especially my personal time in braiding, unbraiding and detangling. The point is my hair which is medium fine was too sensitive for any type of synthetic or human hair at all. And when I also did a wig thing a few years ago while I was also natural my scalp wasn't breathing and the nylon cap made my hair very dry. In fact, always keeping my hair tightly covered like that with a wig even if I had used a silk object wasn't good for my edges or keeping in moisture.

Since I am braid free, I am better able to know my hair. I am also better to gauge better shedding, vs. breakage better. And, yes our hair is prone to dryness and that is just the nature of our hair but I can better hold moisture in my hair and I can see that my coils and curls hold up better now that I am not extension braiding.

Once my hair got past three inches now going past four I had to do big flat twists to keep my hair stretched in order to prevent matting and tangles. When I have tried to do the lazy thing and not stretch my hair, my hair is very unhappy the next day. So, the point is that I can wear my stretched afro with some bobby pins in the day and then in the evening do my warm water spritz with some light oils on the shaft and ends only and flat twist again. But be careful with being rough with how you do your flat twists as you don't want the mechanical damage. You can also do some roller sets a la chary jay. Check out Geraldine, Geri the Great. I love her youtube. She grew her hair pretty quickly and even though she did braid her hair during her hair journey I don't think she did it very often. She looks though to have thick hair which I think is more forgiving to braid extensions. Once my hair gets to be about six inches, I will be doing six to eight big braids as my medium fine hair isn't into twists so much.

But if you can do some neat flat twists that can be worn on a daily basis then you should do that but keep up with making sure you have moisture in your hair. And do not forget your protein treatments, I got lazy about that a month ago and I saw that my hair also didn't like that.

Every now and then which is not very often, I may use some gel to get somewhat of a curly look but my hair despises anything that is too gummy and sticky. But that can be good from time to time but I will not sleep in gel.

I would be patient and wait for your analysis before you start cutting your hair.

Hope this helps. Be patient.

Almond Eyes
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ManeStreet Thankyou for understanding! I experience breakage when I manipulate my hair in any manner. So if I am putting in a leave in, I'll find bits of breakage. Scalp massage, bits of breakage. Wash? Bits of breakage. I didn't use to think anything of this because it is a huge improvement over CLUMPS of broken hairs I used to have (my hair used to be incredibly thin and my crown was near BALD -- now my hair is the same length, but will not grow past 5 - 7"). But I now realize that these "bits of breakage" is what is keeping my hair from growing. There is no other explanation. My hair grows at a normal rate (1/4" - 1/2" -- on the slow side, but it grows and I know plenty of ways to temporarily speed up my growth to nearly 1" a month). I need to eliminate breakage, period. How can you eliminate breakage when it's more than just split ends, but you've got bubble hair MID SHAFT? I have one more week until I get my results. :drunk: Judging by others' reviews of the analysis, she is going to recommend protein treatments for me. Want to know when and how often. And why do people complain about being "Protein sensitive"?

almond eyes Thanks! Your routine sounds similar to what I used to do when my hair was through length. But I got exhausted. I couldn't maintain it so I put my hair in flat twists and left it like that as a style. It got my hair to this length, but not past (5 to 7 inches), but I was not doing consistent protein treatments (I did not think they were necessary more than once a month but I'm probably wrong). Can't wait to see how your hair is in a month or two.
ManeStreet Thankyou for understanding! I experience breakage when I manipulate my hair in any manner. So if I am putting in a leave in, I'll find bits of breakage. Scalp massage, bits of breakage. Wash? Bits of breakage. I didn't use to think anything of this because it is a huge improvement over CLUMPS of broken hairs I used to have (my hair used to be incredibly thin and my crown was near BALD -- now my hair is the same length, but will not grow past 5 - 7"). But I now realize that these "bits of breakage" is what is keeping my hair from growing. There is no other explanation. My hair grows at a normal rate (1/4" - 1/2" -- on the slow side, but it grows and I know plenty of ways to temporarily speed up my growth to nearly 1" a month). I need to eliminate breakage, period. How can you eliminate breakage when it's more than just split ends, but you've got bubble hair MID SHAFT? I have one more week until I get my results. :drunk: Judging by others' reviews of the analysis, she is going to recommend protein treatments for me. Want to know when and how often. And why do people complain about being "Protein sensitive"?

almond eyes Thanks! Your routine sounds similar to what I used to do when my hair was through length. But I got exhausted. I couldn't maintain it so I put my hair in flat twists and left it like that as a style. It got my hair to this length, but not past (5 to 7 inches), but I was not doing consistent protein treatments (I did not think they were necessary more than once a month but I'm probably wrong). Can't wait to see how your hair is in a month or two.

Yep for me any type of over manipulation is not great. I flat twist but then must be very gentle and I stopped doing them when my hair was sopping wet. I now will only do my flat twists fresh on a weekly basis.

I think you should go back to the basics and leave out the hair extensions and wigs and make sure you do your bi monthly protein and weekly DC treatments. You can do your protein on a weekly basis to help out your weakened hair and when it gets into better shape do it bi monthly.

Thanks a lot. I am also looking forward to where my hair will be by end of June.

Almond Eyes
kwicherbichen I wash every two weeks and I do a protein treatment each time. I use Nexxus emergencee it's well liked on this board and I've had excellent results with it. The breakage you're having is definitely the problem. You should rarely if at all see breakage. The nexxus protein treatment will stop breakage but you must use a real deal deep conditioner. I'm not knocking all-natural products but when you start using serious protein then you need to get a deep conditioner that is specifically formulated to work as a deep treatment.

Once the breakage is less and less then you'll know when to start reducing the protein treatments to be less frequent.

The people I've seen saying they are protein sensitive say that it made their hair hard, brittle, mat up or even break off. I've never had this experience and since you've used protein before without those side effects I suppose you aren't protein sensitive.

I'm hoping that the analysis will give some results that don't require you having to cut too much length off.

So I got my photos and my phone consultation is tomorrow evening!! (I couldn't wait anymore and requested that she do my analysis before next week so I can do my hair!!)

Okay... Wow. Soooo I knew things with my hair were bad but I did not know they were this bad...

Diminished roots ---> thinning, shedding, and so its no wonder my hair is NOT healthy because neither are my roots!!! OMG. I would never have known this at all wow...

Over-moisturized ---> How do I prevent this without getting brillo pad hair? So I have to accept that my hair is SUPPOSED to feel like something i use in my kitchen? Because in this over-moisturized state, my hair feels so soft and I love it... :(

Damaged cuticles and lifted cuticles --> I don't know what to do! I use pH balanced products. Even ACV just to ensure my cuticles are closed. Doesn't work...?

OMG... so many questions to ask her tomorrow... PLEASE GIVE YOUR INPUT

Wait until the phone consultation before doing anything else. One thing that is clear is if you want different results you have to be open to doing things differently. Change your mind set and mentality. What you thought was moisturized hair is actually unhealthy. Understand the "why" so that you won't fall back to what is familiar vs what you need to do. Don't spend your consultation defending what you're currently doing. Be open to setting up a new routine and getting better results.

Whatever else is said also look into making internal changes. Whether it's adding multi vitamins (not just hair growth aids) or vegetables. Making changes externally wont matter if your body is weak.

Good luck!
So had my consultation today.

I need to keep the scalp clean, washing with shampoo every week or every other week. This is for the health of my damaged follicles. (pre-poo if I want) So, obviously the bentonite clay was not cleansing enough. :/

I need to trim my hair at least 1/2 now (last night, I trimmed my hair and found a split endthat was 1 inch long) and 1/4 every 10 weeks for the next 6 months.

I need to do mild protein treatment with KERATIN, not food items, every other week. I have high porosity hair and open cuticles, so apparently, this is very important.

Among other suggestions. Will figure out a regimen based on this and post it. I follow up with her in 6 months.
So had my consultation today.

I need to keep the scalp clean, washing with shampoo every week or every other week. This is for the health of my damaged follicles. (pre-poo if I want) So, obviously the bentonite clay was not cleansing enough. :/

I need to trim my hair at least 1/2 now (last night, I trimmed my hair and found a split endthat was 1 inch long) and 1/4 every 10 weeks for the next 6 months.

I need to do mild protein treatment with KERATIN, not food items, every other week. I have high porosity hair and open cuticles, so apparently, this is very important.

Among other suggestions. Will figure out a regimen based on this and post it. I follow up with her in 6 months.


I would like to offer some help if I can. For your scalp issues, I definitely recommend a tea tree based sulfate free shampoo such as Trader Joes Tea Tree or Giovanni Tea Tree. They are both great and reasonably priced. For an extra boast, I would get some tea tree oil and add it to your shampoo. Tea Tree is an anti bacterial so it will keep your scalp fresh and clean. When you wash focus on your scalp, massage it with the tip of your fingers.

Also, get some JBCO, castor oil is another anti bacterial that will help support your follicles by keeping them healthy. Just put it on your scalp about once a week, most likely a day or two before you shampoo.

It seems as though you have porosity issues which may be part of the reason for the splits. I suggest adding aloe vera juice, particularly whole leaf to your regimen. You should try the kimmaytube leave in recipe.

Also, a great protein treatment for you would be Colorful Neutral Protein Filler, hydrolyzed keratin is the second ingredient, you can get it at Sally's and its affordable. It is pretty much pure protein and helps to correct porosity issues. I suggest 2 parts Protein Filler to 1 part Aloe Vera Juice.

I understand your frustration, I've dealt with similar hair issues. I am actually a huge fan of braid extensions, they have helped my hair tremendously. I've worn them since I was 5. I've managed to create a routine for myself that has allowed for my real hair to thrive including my edges. I was dealing with many issues last year and my hair went to hell. I plan on going back to braids for the next year to get my hair where I want it to be because I retain so much length with braids.
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I had a question in your first remarks you mentioned that they told you that you over moisturised your hair? Kindly elaborate?

I think you have to do what works for you, I do not advise extension braids.

As I said, I shaved last May and now I am very surprised at how much length I have retained. By the end of summer, I will be out of the TWA phase. I have done my TWA's with extensions and without extensions in the past, and I can tell you my hair thrived the best with no extensions you can better gauge breakage and shedding issues much better.

Almond Eyes