BT does anyone's head feel a litte sore ??


Active Member
after using this product.

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE THE PRODUCT. I think it's a very good product and makes my hair feel and smell so good. It's great w/ NG. My husband loves to smell my hair when I have used scented BT but I noticed a little soreness on my scalp. Not enough to really bother me but I was wondering if anyone else had the same experience.
diamondlady said:
after using this product.

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE THE PRODUCT. I think it's a very good product and makes my hair feel and smell so good. It's great w/ NG. My husband loves to smell my hair when I have used scented BT but I noticed a little soreness on my scalp. Not enough to really bother me but I was wondering if anyone else had the same experience.

You could be getting ready for a growth spurt. Alot of ladies said they experienced soreness or the creepy crawlies on their scalp and then they have a growth spurt. BT aint no joke so your ng is prolly coming in with a vengence:lol: Let me know your results when you relax.:D
tsmith said:
You could be getting ready for a growth spurt. Alot of ladies said they experienced soreness or the creepy crawlies on their scalp and then they have a growth spurt. BT aint no joke so your ng is prolly coming in with a vengence:lol: Let me know your results when you relax.:D

Thanks for the insight. I have noticed a lot of NG. I've been trying to stretch. I can usually go 14 to 26 weeks but aint happening this time.
diamondlady said:
Thanks for the insight. I have noticed a lot of NG. I've been trying to stretch. I can usually go 14 to 26 weeks but aint happening this time.

That's what it is then your ng is pushing up faster, which is causing the soreness;) How many weeks are you post relaxed?
This happened to me. My head was very sore and crawly. I got scared and thought it was a negative reaction to the sulfur. I couldn't take it anymore so I stopped using it. I don't understand how your hair growing could make your head sore.:confused:
tsmith said:
That's what it is then your ng is pushing up faster, which is causing the soreness;) How many weeks are you post relaxed?

My last relaxer was April 10th, but I don't think I'm gonna make much longer.
I'm using BT as well as other sulphur mix and yes - i do get the sore head feel when i touch but not always ....well my hair's growing so i can deal with it as long as i don't break out or anything