BT: Absorbtion Rate


Well-Known Member
First of all, I wanna say I am loving Boundless Tresses; I just love the way it makes my hair feel.:)

My question for you all is:
How quickly does Boundless Tresses absorb into the scalp?
How much time is needed between application and wetting the scalp?

I ask this because I need to know if I am giving the product adequate time to do its thing in order to get more growth.

See, I usually apply it at night right before bed, around 10pm.

Then, when I get in the shower in the morning, I like to rinse my twists to refresh them for the day which, of course, means wetting my scalp.
That's like 7am.

So, is simply letting it sit "overnight" enough time for BT to work?
Am I turning around and rinsing it right back out, not giving it time to be effective?

What would be the best method:

Should I apply it in the evening before dinner like around 6pm as opposed to doing it right before bed?

Or would it be better to apply it in the mornings after my shower, thus letting it absorb throughout the day?
(Damp scalp or let it dry first?).

Also, does daily spritizing factor into the equation at all?

Let's say if I don't rinse in the shower, but opt instead to use a spray bottle with water or a moisturizing spritz.
Would that be a better alternative?

Or does it really not make much of a difference when it's applied or how long it sits?

Hate to be trivial, but I just wanna be a wise user of the product.
Don't wanna be using it wrong and then turn around later complaining it didn't give me the results I expected, when in fact my methods were off!

I had asked Naturallady if it was okay if I applied it at night with the Baggy method and rinse in the AM and she said it was fine and you could still get growth, But I apply mine way before 10pm because I have to get up early. But she said it would work.
I agree with you that BT feels great on the hair and scalp. I've never had an oil that made my hair feel the same way. I don't know the absorption rate of BT but the other night I put some on my scalp and was massaging it in and noticed something....

First of all, I think I had put too much on my scalp (like everyone says, a little goes a long way), but I noticed it took about 30-45 minutes to rub it all in and stop having my fingers look shiny after rubbing my scalp. I think that if you put the right amount in and rub it in good then it will absorp faster and then rinsing your scalp in the morning will be fine.
Personally, I would use it after I wash my hair out in the morning that way it would be in my hair all day and all night, until the next morning when I wash it again. Plus your hair would be nice and shiny. :)
lizjoseph said:
Personally, I would use it after I wash my hair out in the morning that way it would be in my hair all day and all night, until the next morning when I wash it again. Plus your hair would be nice and shiny. :)

I use mine right after I wash too. After my rollerset dries, I rub a little on each part as I take out my rollers. I apply again every other day until I wash again. I just started using mine again because I was having problems with my hair being too flat. I realized that I was just using too much.
lizjoseph said:
Personally, I would use it after I wash my hair out in the morning that way it would be in my hair all day and all night, until the next morning when I wash it again. Plus your hair would be nice and shiny. :)

Yep, that's what I would do also:)
lizjoseph said:
Personally, I would use it after I wash my hair out in the morning that way it would be in my hair all day and all night, until the next morning when I wash it again. Plus your hair would be nice and shiny. :)

ITA. If you are going to wash everyday I think you should allow yourself as much time as posssible to absorb the BT.:)
lizjoseph said:
Personally, I would use it after I wash my hair out in the morning that way it would be in my hair all day and all night, until the next morning when I wash it again. Plus your hair would be nice and shiny. :)

I do the same thing. After I deep condition on saturdays and condition wash on wednesdays. I want it to soak in hehe.