BSS marked "Professional Only"


FSU Alumni/Grad Student
(I'm so embarrassed to ask, but...) Are products marked with this statement "For Professional Use Only" warded off to the general public? For example no mix relaxers?!?! I'm interested in purchasing a tub relaxer from Sallys but I've always been scared to buy one b/c I always feel as if the cashier is gonna ask me if I have a cosmetology license...and I don't. Anyone know the answer to this?!?!? :confused:
Yeah pretty much they will ask for a license in Sally's. NOW, I have been in a few local bss' and they don't ask, but it depends on where you go.

OK, let me clarify. Some products state this and you can still purchase them. I can't think of a good example. BUT for a relaxer, 9 times out of 10 they will ask for your license. I mean some semi-permanent colors say for professional use only, but you can purchase them.
Thanks Kaddy!! I knew I never was bold enough to purchase a tub relaxer from Sally's for that very reason! But other products I have purchase with that label on there w/o being asked for a license (ex. Creme of Nature shampoo). Guess I'll have to turn to Ebay if I wanna buy a tub relaxer then.
Sallys never asks me for a license, I dont know if it's because I have a cosmetology student card, but they dont. I dont think it really matters, because most BSS dont sell professional relaxers (affirm, mizani, design essentials, nu expressions, etc) only the ones that require you to have a license to shop period (ex: Beauty Alliance) do stuff like that.
I think it truly depends on the area because one of my local BSS sells professional products and they DO ask for a license. The other will let you purchase anything. The Sally's that I have been to, they also asked for a license, but I think it depends who's working that day. Some of the workers don't ask.

It won't hurt to try though.
KAddy said:
I think it truly depends on the area because one of my local BSS sells professional products and they DO ask for a license. The other will let you purchase anything. The Sally's that I have been to, they also asked for a license, but I think it depends who's working that day. Some of the workers don't ask.

It won't hurt to try though.
That's ture, it depends on the area.
It does depend on the area. I can go to my local bss and buy anything I want. Try a small independently owned bss they are more likely to let you get away with stuff especiallyif you go there a lot.
I'm gonna attempt to buy some @ Sallys. Shoot, the worst they can tell me is "no!" If that happens, watch out I come!!! :)
Sally's has never asked me for a license. The cashier only asks for my Sally's card, now available for non-professionals, to give me a discount.