BSL or longer ladies who trim infrequently...


New Member
Hello Ladies,

I have a dilemma with my hair. I had the urge to cut my hair short last week, but quickly came to my senses. My issue is this. I really enjoy full, fat ends, and as my hair grows out inevitably, the ends thin out. Okay we all know this. And with patience they fatten up again at least to a point where one can trim at a longer length for longer full ends (hope I'm making sense). Okay, so what do you do with the ends while they are thin? I flatironed last night to trim as I had decided I had enough of the thin ends....however, my hair had grown so much, I decided I wanted to stick it out. I mean, I CAN DO THIS! But, when I CON wash and braid my routine single bread, the ends braid down to this peak, and I feel like it's so fragile without the wet braid being full at the end...know what I mean? So what do you do to care for the thinner ends as the hair continues to grow. IT is HEALTHY with NO splits, just growing and thinner at the ends. What to do?
Hello Ladies,

I have a dilemma with my hair. I had the urge to cut my hair short last week, but quickly came to my senses. My issue is this. I really enjoy full, fat ends, and as my hair grows out inevitably, the ends thin out. Okay we all know this. And with patience they fatten up again at least to a point where one can trim at a longer length for longer full ends (hope I'm making sense). Okay, so what do you do with the ends while they are thin? I flatironed last night to trim as I had decided I had enough of the thin ends....however, my hair had grown so much, I decided I wanted to stick it out. I mean, I CAN DO THIS! But, when I CON wash and braid my routine single bread, the ends braid down to this peak, and I feel like it's so fragile without the wet braid being full at the end...know what I mean? So what do you do to care for the thinner ends as the hair continues to grow. IT is HEALTHY with NO splits, just growing and thinner at the ends. What to do?

All you can do is protect them and not make the situation worse. Strictly no heat what so ever if you really really want to hold on to them til they grow out some and the lowest manipulation. This is what I have been doing for the most part and keeping them moisturized at all times. Sometimes I feel like I want to cut but like you said, there are no splits so why cut them off unless you wear you hair down and straight alot in which I dont at all. I barely wear my hair down period. I just figure when I am ready to let the ends go, I will.
I rollerset and keep it semi-curly if I wear it down. You can't really tell how the ends look if it's curly. But I mostly keep it in a bun.
Thanks for responding. I hear you. This is what I've been doing for the most part. Patience.... I just hate being relegated to a bun or twist, or braided up do full time. So, I am wondering is it possible to not cut and allow the hair to grow still without trimming....Am I being greedy??
You could wear it down and 'flexirod' the ends, to give yourself spiral curls right at the ends of your hair - that could conceal the thinness. Any sort of curl, really....
Thanks for responding. I hear you. This is what I've been doing for the most part. Patience.... I just hate being relegated to a bun or twist, or braided up do full time. So, I am wondering is it possible to not cut and allow the hair to grow still without trimming....Am I being greedy??

I went for almost 2 years without trimming my hair and the last time I did trim was 7 months ago and I dont plan on cutting it again until December and I feel my ends havent gotten any worse. If you plan on wearing your hair flat ironed though, you may need to trim. I dont mind wearing buns or a rollerset so not having straight hair doesnt bother me.
Thanks Ladies......the rollerset truly would be the answer....I'm lazy though. By the time I finish with my girls, going to whtever game my son has, trying to make a new baby with DH:blush:, I don't feel like roller setting anything. I'm talking all this mess about not being tied to the bun.....but who am I kidding?? The bun is convenient. But when I do where it down, a roller set is what I should do. In fact, I like the one rollerset I did ths year....alot!
I went for almost 2 years without trimming my hair and the last time I did trim was 7 months ago and I dont plan on cutting it again until December and I feel my ends havent gotten any worse. If you plan on wearing your hair flat ironed though, you may need to trim. I dont mind wearing buns or a rollerset so not having straight hair doesnt bother me.

Really? Did you retain all that length over that time? Did you have ANY splits, or did you deal with the few you may have had? Do tell?:grin:
Rollersetting will protect your ends. It won't make them thicker, but at least it'll protect it from splitting and you can retain length.

I cut my hair back in 1990 and didn't cut again till Jan 1993. My hair was fine and very long. I let somebody put a relaxer in my hair plus I colored my own hair and I ended up frying all my hair. I never did the "no trimming" thing again until now. Its been almost a year since my last hair cut.
Rollersetting will protect your ends. It won't make them thicker, but at least it'll protect it from splitting and you can retain length.

I cut my hair back in 1990 and didn't cut again till Jan 1993. My hair was fine and very long. I let somebody put a relaxer in my hair plus I colored my own hair and I ended up frying all my hair. I never did the "no trimming" thing again until now. Its been almost a year since my last hair cut.

Thanks! The thickness will come to the very ends with time as all the strands catch up...I will trim though at some point....but the way my hair grows, the bottom rows of hair get longer faster, so I want to allow the top rows to catch the bottom before trimming. I am good for continuing to trim it back blunt because I prefer it. However, I am slowing my progress this way and need to just stick it out. Mind you they aren't ultra thin or anything, I just prefer uniform thickness. I'll do the rollersets when I want out of the bun.
Really? Did you retain all that length over that time? Did you have ANY splits, or did you deal with the few you may have had? Do tell?:grin:

No splits at all. I retained all my length. I firmly believe in protective styling and no heat. I dont think I would have retain my length using heat or wearing my hair down all the time.
I rollerset and keep it semi-curly if I wear it down. You can't really tell how the ends look if it's curly. But I mostly keep it in a bun.
That's my approach too. I also wear twist-outs. It helps that I'm not a fan of dead straight hair on myself.