Hey ladies, I would like to join this challenge if it's still open to new additions!
My starting date is Jan. 11, 2011--the day I BC'd. My starting pic is in my Fotki, dated 01/24/2011. Hair is APL stretched.
What's your regimen?
*CW/DCW every other week. PS in 2 french braids/lg. cornrows beneath wigs and half-wigs 100% of the time (from Jan. to late April, then taking a break from wigs due to the heat/humidity here, but will still PS over summer with my own hair, just not under a wig or weave; will resume PS with wigs in late Aug./early Sept. 2011). I will PS
100% of the time (I leave my hair braided at all times except for during a wash/CW).
I choose to PS mostly b/c I want to grow my hair out quickly in time for my destination wedding sometime in 2012. It
shole would be nice to have some near WL natural hair flowing down my back while on honeymoon!
What Products are you using?
*Lustrasilk Shea Butter/Mango Liquid Cholesterol
*ORS Replenishing Pak
*VO5 Moisture Milks Strawberries & Cream Cond.
*Suave Almond & Shea Butter Cond.
*Africa's Best Shea Butter Lotion (for little girls)
*My own MTG mix
*Dabur Vatika Oil
*Smooth Care Shea Butter Cream
*Smooth Care Olive Oil Cream
*Various EOs, Ayurvedic oils, and pomades. (fave: Black Thang Castor Oil/Shea Butter grease).
*African Royale Hot 6 Oil
*Roux Porosity Control Cond./Corrector
*Any other cheapie cond. I can find in my stash for CW's and general apps before detangling (I use reg. cond. as a leave-in).
What are you specifically doing to achieve BSL in 2011?
*Protective styling, low-manipulation, using vitamins and growth aids, sealing the ends, moisturizing every other day,
increasing protein in my diet.
In what month are you hoping to achieve BSL?
*Dec. 2011 at the latest, but by Oct. would be great.
Please include a Starting pic:*Please see my Fotki album entitled, "Newly Natural" (2011) for a starting pic dated 01/24/11 at:
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