UPDATE: Hi everyone, I recently did an update but decided to do another one to say that I'm BSB!I haven't relaxed yet so no update pictures until then. I should be happier, but right now I'm so impatient when it comes to waiting that I just want to be WL already. BSB does NOT feel long AT ALL — I actually still feel like I'm SL to be honest.
Oh well, I'm satisfied since I was starting to get discouraged after seeing other people's fast progress.
Anyway, that's it for now; I hope you're all doing well and that you're seeing tons of progress on your hair journeys, HHG!
ETA: Okay so I know this is the BSL challenge thread and I'm supposed to show my results when I get to BSL but my camera transfers pictures through its memory card and since I don't have a USB cable for it and my new computer that is able to accept the card has been taken in to be repaired, I can't share pictures.I'm REALLY sorry but I promise to update everyone soon when I relax with at least 3 pictures. So until then, I hope you all don't mind too much when it comes to waiting!
I know the feeling, I am impatient when it comes to meeting my hair goal as well.